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May I Rant?

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  • May I Rant?

    Okay, I am not happy.

    So, I moved to Japan to study Japanese. It's HARD. It's a LOT of money, and I'm thousands of miles away from home. So I don't appreciate it when people whine that I'm rich or have an easy life. But that's not what I'm ranting about this time.

    I got a roommate in October, when I first came here. I think she might have lasted almost a whole entire month before she moved out to live with someone else.

    I got a second roommate sometime in February, just before my birthday. She lasted a whole shiny year! Just kidding. She moved out before May.

    So my ex-fiancee's ex-fiancee (we were both being cheated on with each other, among other people- long and complicated story which would take me days and days to bother explaining the short version...) says, "I want to go learn Japanese in Japan!"

    To which I say, "But of course, I have a roommate opening! Come frolic in the Rising-Sun Land with me!"

    And she pays for most of her tuition and books a flight and everything is shiny and green and All Is Well. Right?

    Yeah, sure.

    She got here the same night I did- Saturday night. July 4th my time. She was omg so excited and I was like, yay, roommate!

    I don't get along well without people around. I am more than a little unstable on most days and not being around people makes it worse. I was so fucking HAPPY (excuse my French) that I'd have someone who understands me, who is well-acquainted with the voices in my head and has a few of her own, who I get along with SO well...

    She is leaving on Sunday. Why?

    She misses her family. She's too far from home. She didn't realize she still owed the school almost three grand (!!). It's too hot out. She doesn't KNOW ANY JAPANESE. ...

    I put myself out there for her. I contacted the school for her, I researched answers to her questions, I made myself available almost 24/7 during FINALS in case she needed something, and we became really, really close during all of this, which is the saddest part of all.

    Yes, your family is far away. You knew this before you left. I've heard her crying on the phone almost twice a day though, so I believe her, but.... grow a SPINE. You are 21 years old and you complained that you have no freedom and no direction in life, and when you're given total freedom and three months to figure out what you want to do you decide it's too hard? I've been here for nine MONTHS and I am JUST as close to my family as she is to hers, if not even more so.

    I am not very organized. But I'm sure I'd know how much money I owe when it's anything over, say, $75. And she'll get a good bunch of it back in the form of her security deposit, not to mention she'd planned to stay for six months so she admitted she could afford three months.

    Yes, it's hot. She also went on and on about how much hotter it is where she lives. We went out and bought a fan, I paid for half and don't use it- I let her use it 24/7. It does NOT get turned off. I also let her turn the AC on almost all day and it gets so cols in here she uses her blanket sometimes. My dad offered to pay the entire month's electricity bill because she doesn't have much money- but neither do we. We're barely scraping things together for me to be here and I am damn well making sure I get as much education here as I can.

    Speaking of which, I know she doesn't know any Japanese. She told me this before she got here. I mentioned she'd need to learn at least the two basic alphabets before you got here. Which sounds like a lot, but she had months and months before the quarter started. In fact- it HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET. Yep, that's right- she's quitting because it's too hard and there hasn't even been ONE class yet! Yes, it's hard. It's a whole new LANGUAGE. If she thought it was too hard why did she bother coming here at all?

    Also, I think I may owe the school a few hundred dollars. Since my roommate was my friend from the States and I introduced her to the school I got a special rate for my apartment (it's more expensive if the school assigns a roommate).

    I'm just really disappointed and upset and I don't deal well with being alone... and ALL my friend have already graduated. I have no one.


  • #2
    *hugs and gives cookies*

    I'm sending you good vibes in hopes you find a new (and more reliable) roommate.

    I'm sorry your friend flaked out on you. When I moved out on my own, I missed my family so much. It was hard to take but I moved nearly 2 thousand miles away in hopes for a better life. I toughed it out and got over the homesickness (it took a few months. By the time I hit the 8 month mark, I didn't want to go back to my family. I was happy where I was). I'm sorry your friend couldn't handle it. Not many people can the first time out these days.

    Good luck Pairou.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      A~h thank you for the hug! *Munches cookies*
      I was counting on her for a lot of things- help with bills, for example... well, that's alright. I'll get by on my own. I have some clothes money saved up...


      • #4
        I have a friend who's married to a girl from Japan...and another friend who went for a year to study. I'll see if I can't get you some help from them. Otherwise, sorry I'd love to be able to do what you're doing. But language isn't my thing at all...
        My NaNo page

        My author blog


        • #5
          *big hug* There is some theory that the way a kid reacts to summer camp is how their personality can be defined for the rest of their life. The kids who go and cry and whine and get their parents to bring them home grow up to be needy and neurotic and tend to get stuck in abusive relationships.
          The kids who enjoy camp grow up to be "normal" healthy adults.
          There was a small study done using that theory and even kids who had never been to camp still had the same sort of patterns of behavior.

          The moral of the story, you're one tough cookie and things may be hard now, but you'll pull through. And will more then likely be a better person for it. Your friend on the other hand is a sissy and it's bull crap that she left you hanging like that.

          PS: you guys get the relation right?? Can't last at summer camp = can't tough it out in japan.
          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

          ...Beware the voice without a face...


          • #6
            Indeed. She complained about her home life and lack of breathing room and then she begs to go home... I can sympathize, of course, I'm not heartless. And she's been through a LOT.

