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Kitty advice?

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  • Kitty advice?

    I'm baffled with my new girl.

    I got her last December, and she's been one of the most playful kitties I've ever seen, and a real attention whore. She's always loving up against me when I'm sitting at the computer, watching TV, etc. I'd been having problems with her chasing my older kitty, but she hasn't done this in a couple of months.

    Yesterday, she started avoiding me. If I went near her, she flitted away. This is not at all like her. She and Older Kitty were asleep on the couch, and I went to pet both of them, and she let me, but left the couch as I was petting Older Kitty.

    She hasn't been playing with anything, either, or making any of her kitty noises.

    I've looked at her carefully. Her eyes are clear. There is no discharge. She's walking normally. As far as I know, there are no litter problems.

    One thing I did notice was that this morning, when I looked at her, she looked terrified. Her eyes were dilated, and her whole expression was fearful. It made me wonder if my landlord had come in to do something while I was away, and had scared her. However, Older Kitty would have been there at the same time, and she's fine.

    New Girl is now hiding under a large piece of furniture. I got down on my stomach to talk to her soothingly and she allowed me to pet her without trying to move away from me, but she's still there; she's not coming out.

    Anyone dealt with something like this before?

  • #2
    Does your apartment face a road or parking lot? I've found that a huge disruption outside, involving cars or groups of loud, angry people, will flip out my affectionate kitty enough that she'll hide from me for a day or so. I've found that putting her in a single room (usually bedroom so she can hide easily) and blocking out the windows/light/noise for a few hours helps make her feel comfortable enough that she'll start miewing for playtime.


    • #3
      No, I live on a very quiet street, with little traffic. If anyone were to flip out, it would be my other kitty, who has a stress level like even the vet couldn't believe.

      However, I'm cooking dinner right now, and first New Girl used the litterbox (I wasn't sure if she'd been able to go), and then, a while later, she ate. I don't often see her eat, anyway; I think she eats most of her food at night.

      Then I heard a banging noise in the kitchen. When I went in to check on the food, I found her in the corner, and saw a fly zooming around. I think she was chasing it. She sat there licking one paw.

      So, she's using the box, she's eating, and she's grooming herself. She may have been chasing a fly, too. I'm going to see how she is tomorrow, because I do NOT want any vet visits.


      • #4
        My girl used to be the brave one, but the she started getting skittish. She runs from every little noise and sudden movement now. And when my parents dogsat for my cousin she hid in the bedroom the entire time they were there. I don't know what happened to make her such a scaredy-cat, though she can be very affectionate when she wants to be. Hopefully your girl will get over whatever scared her.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Well, this afternoon, she met me at the door, which she's in the habit of doing. Then she turned her back to me and stretched, showing me her naughty bits, which is also a habit (I've heard that this is a kitty's way of flipping you off).

          She let me pet her, and made little chirpy noises and some purrs.

          Can't figure it out. When I first got her, she tried (literally!) to climb the walls. Then she started settling down. Then she decided Older Kitty would make a marvelous play toy, which led to more than one fight.

          Now, instead of being Ultra Love, she's walking slowly around the place, as if she's suddenly aged. She's deliberate in her movements. I don't know what it is. She just came to me for pets, which is good, but she looks like she has a lot on her mind.


          • #6
            That sounds like she was spooked by something on the floor.

            My first guess would be something like a snake, or a lizard jumping out in front of her, though that may not be applicable for your area. Second thought would be something like Older Kitty knocking a dictionary or other large object off a table right in front of her.

            Or maybe, during a Kitty Crazy moment, she ran into something. Mine have been known to faceplant into doors and corners during their races. They're frequently a bit more cautious for a few days after such an incident.


            • #7
              It is possible, certainly, that she herself knocked something on the floor somehow, and it scared her. The weird thing is, she's done it before and hasn't freaked over it. Right now, she's asleep on the couch. I was petting her earlier, and she rolled over and let me pet her stomach, which isn't common in the female kitties I've known. She's still quiet and just very different. She does purr when I pet her, and she didn't show any signs of not wanting me to touch her abdomen, which I take to be a good sign. That's why I was petting her there, to see if she had any soreness.

              She's using the box, she's eating, and she's walking around. I just went over to pet her, and again, she rolled on over and let me pet the stomach. I hate going to the vet, and I want to avoid it if this is at all possible; I'm going to give it a little time and see what happens.


              • #8
                It definitely sounds like something in her head, rather than her tummy. Especially with the belly rubs being welcomed.

                Mine do that too, by the way. It's not unheard of, especially if you train them to like it when they're kittens. My fuzzbutt (Sarai) will demand belly rubs. She's quite forceful about it, too.


                • #9
                  Yeah, that's what I thought. She's jumping up in the windows, and I found her on the kitchen counter last night, where she knows she isn't allowed. If something threw a scare into her, I wish I knew what it was. Her personality has undergone a significant change - she still likes pets and she purrs when I pet her, but she hasn't been slutting up against me, the way she usually does. Right now, she's lying on the rug, leaning on her elbows, with her ears back in that pose of deep thought.


                  • #10
                    my first question would be is she fixed? because if not my first reaction would be she's in estrus(heat), cats normally only howl in heat if there is any kind of male around*, if she is fixed, no idea.

                    *my girls were in an all girl household so no howling, when they came to live with myself and Mr. Katt(joutai on the boards-doesn't post much) it was constant howling for 2 weeks straight, as in every minute 24/7-you can bet they got spayed real quick.
                    Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 07-16-2009, 12:16 AM.
                    Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                    • #11
                      She's fixed, but vets here don't do a very good job of fixing the females. Damn, I hope that's not the problem. I really don't want to take her in for surgery.


                      • #12
                        The fact that she's eating, drinking, using the litter box, and getting up on the counter are all good news. At first I was thinking "broken pelvis" of which she could have hidden the pain, but not been able to jump up on the counter (I've seen cats run with a broken pelvis).

                        You don't say how old she is or how long you've had her. Have there been any changes at all in her environment recently--new food, new toy, catnip, used OTC flea treatment, did she get into any people meds, have you moved furniture around, sprayed for bugs?

                        Are her gums nice and pretty pink? If she has black gums, pull her bottom eyelid out and check her color there. If white, yellow or gray, get her to a vet ASAP. Pulse ought to be about 150-200 beats per minute; below 100 would be on the slow side. Temperature, if you can get it, should be about 100-101F.

                        If she's still acting strangely, I'd recommend a visit to the vet just to be sure. I hope she's doing/feeling better!
                        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                        • #13
                          Cats are finicky little critters. Are you going through some personal problems or having a lot of stress lately? Maybe she's picking up on that?

                          I had a cat once (I had never had one and thought it would be fun) and I ended up hating the little guy. I felt bad but I knew we would never get along and turned him over to the Humane Society. He was normally such a hyperactive terror, but the day I planned to take him in, he was just suddenly so lovey and kept staring at me with what seemed like a pleading look. It seemed to me like he knew that he wasn't getting to keep his home after all. That could have been guilt on my part too, who knows.

                          Yes, I know I'm a bad person! I still feel terrible about that and no one needs to judge me for that. I have 2 doggies now that I love (I was raised with dogs) and wouldn't trade for all the gold in china, both came from shelters.
                          "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                          ...Beware the voice without a face...


                          • #14
                            Quoth NightWatch View Post

                            Yes, I know I'm a bad person! I still feel terrible about that and no one needs to judge me for that.
                            No one judges you ^_^ and I am sure you are not a bad person. Sometimes we just don't connect with some animals... just like we don't connect with some people. It is better that he found a home he fits in and is loved absolutely, than stay in a home where he doesn't have all the love he needs, out of guilt.
                            ^_^ Some people are kitty people, and some are not. Nothing wrong with that. *hearts*
                            "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                            • #15
                              No, there haven't been any changes in her environment. No new toys, no new people, no medication, nothing. I checked her gums, but they're black. My kitty who died last December had chronic gingivitis, so I know all about the smell and the careful way of eating. They do have bad breath, but given what they eat, it's not at all surprising.

                              I have noticed that Older Kitty is clearly Alpha Kitty now. This makes me wonder if New Girl and Older Kitty had a big ol' blowout of a fight, from which Older Kitty emerged victorious. It would explain why Older Kitty seems rather smug these days, and why New Girl has changed. Well, it might explain it.

                              I had a visitor here on Friday, a guy who has two cats, and New Girl came out to greet him. She rubbed against his legs, came over and head-butted me, and in general, showed friendly feelings towards both of us. Older Kitty meowed for attention and made herself comfy on his backpack.

                              So, I don't know. I tried to look at New Girl's eyelid, but didn't manage it. Her mouth looks okay. She spends much of her time on the couch now, and Older Kitty jumps up and curls up near her, usually giving herself a bath. Was it a fight? Did New Girl see, hear, or smell something that brought back a vivid and unpleasant memory?

