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New cell phone help (AT&T) - quickish

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  • New cell phone help (AT&T) - quickish

    I am due for my phone upgrade next week and have it narrowed to two pretty, shiny oh so...ahem, sorry two different phones.

    My issue is that I would really like to get the phone and set it up before I go out of town Sunday.

    How much wiggle room do the store employees have on this issue? I have been with them for over 9 years with no problems, if that makes a difference.

    I really think after 9 years they should be able to let me slide on five days, but I don't want to come across as a SC.

  • #2
    I can't answer from an employee's stand point, but I can say that I have never had any issues as a customer getting an early upgrade. They store employee may have to call customer service, but it shouldn't be an issue.


    • #3
      If your old contract is already up, you can go to a store and pick up a new phone under a new contract with the old number, and it shouldn't take long to do if you're sticking with the same provider.


      • #4
        Just an update - went and let the salesman know up front what I wanted and what the deterrent was. He checked my account and was able to have the store manager override it right there.

        All told, it took a whopping twenty minutes to arrange and was absolutely smooth.


        • #5
          AT&T? Oh how sorry I feel for you.

          I myself cannot wait for this contract to expire and be able to be done with those money hungry, rude, disgusting examples of customer service will be a glorious day when I never have to deal with that horrible excuse for a cell phone company again.

          Sorry, I'm a bit bitter. When Cell One first became AT&T, we went to get new phones, and the girl working at the store basically told my mother that we were not AT&T customers and we did not have AT&T phones and pretty much insinuated wtf are you doing in my store you Cell One vagrants......stupid bitch. Not to mention nearly every month they screw up the charges and one of our accounts get charged something extra that we didn't even order or download.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

