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AWESOME! (Or Some People Need To Watch Their Pets)

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  • AWESOME! (Or Some People Need To Watch Their Pets)

    This might make me seem like a horrible animal-abusing freak, but I'm anything but that. If this were anybody else's dog I'd feel terrible.

    So I stopped by to walk my parents' dog yesterday. It's a black lab with a temperament very unlike most labs. She's very aggressive around other dogs and we don't trust her with most strangers, even relatives. She was a stray for a while before she wound up at the animal shelter and we think she was abused. Also, if she's left loose she will run away. Knowing all of this, we do not let her loose in her yard and we put her in the basement if relatives are visiting.

    My parents' neighbors across the street are a bunch of alcoholic, neglectful drunks. They have a Golden retriever they let roam the neighborhood all hours of the day, to poop and pee in everybody's yards. They also have a couple kids who like to play in their cars, and they won't come out to get them until they get tired of listening to them beep the horn, or they manage to get the car started somehow.

    So anyhow, I have my dog on her leash, in her walking harness, when this yappy little toy dog (don't know which breed) comes running up behind my dog, barking and snarling in that high pitch toy dogs use.

    Result: the two dogs fight for a bit until my dog grabs the little dog and shakes it around a bit, until it runs away yapping in pain.

    The golden retriever is loose on the other side of the street, eyeing up my dog who is still snarling, but thought better of it. It wouldn't be the first time those two dogs got into it.

    It turns out the toy dog was being "watched" by the alcoholics while its owners were away or something. Like their golden retriever, it's been largely left to roam around free with nobody watching it. The neighbors were nowhere to be seen; probably in the house getting tanked. So I figured "Good. This is what happens when you don't watch your pets."

    The neighbors didn't seem to notice. They haven't called or come by to figure out what happened to that dog. Pity, I was really looking forward to telling them off ("You don't watch your own dog, let alone your own kids, so what makes you think you can watch somebody else's dog without having trouble?")
    Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 08-03-2009, 12:02 PM.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    1) I would call the police. That dog attacked your dog and you don't want a mixed up version hitting them first. Also - they leave their dog loose all the time which as far as I know is against the law (in most jurisdictions). It puts you and the rest of the community at risk.

    2) If they're legal - get a pinch collar for you dog. They look like torture devices but they simulate what mama wolf does with her pups for corrections. Just give a quick pop for corrections.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3
      3) after your order the pinch collar, please order another in a slightly larger size for my boyfriend, and you will be very handsomely reimbursed.
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

