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We all love neighbors, really!

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  • We all love neighbors, really!

    My last 2 downstairs neighbors, I've talked to regularly. I even got drunk with them a few times, and wound up smoking that sweet, sweet illegal mary jane with them.

    My current downstairs neighbors? They can piss up a rope.

    The first time I saw them moving in, I was walking from my car and saw them outside. I walked up and said "Hey, I'm <Bean>, I'm upstairs, how are you?". I got the death glare from her and she walked off. Okay, whatever.

    A few weeks later, I woke up to the sound of glass shattering. The source? The neighbors had gotten in a fight and they wound up slamming they front door. Repeatedly. After I woke up I heard it slam at least 6 times, then heard a lot of screaming in the parking lot for several minutes. The sound of glass shattering? A $200 clock my mom gave me for Christmas that was hanging over my fireplace, it fell off the wall when they started slamming doors. I then heard glass shatter outside.. turns out she took a hammer to his car in the parking lot (they're a couple).

    Occasionally when I come home from work, the male part of the household is outside sitting on the stairs, usually smoking a cigarette and talking on the phone. He's always been semi friendly to me - we say hello to each other, and he actually moves out of my way when I'm walking up the stairs.

    Yesterday, I walked up to the apartment mailbox while she was there. Her mailbox is directly above mine, so I had to wait. While she was looking at her mail, I made the mistake of saying "Oh hey, how are you?".. and got the stink eye. Followed by her slamming the mailbox shut and walking off, while looking over her shoulder the entire time at me.

    Since when is an openly gay guy who minds his own business so threatening?

    I finally had to file a noise complaint on them tonight. More doors slamming, more screaming that I could clearly hear in my bedroom. I would have called in a domestic disturbance call if it had gone beyond some yelling, believe me. There's CONCRETE between the floors, so it takes a lot to be heard.

    I'm on good terms with 5 neighbors in my buildling, and on bad terms with 2. One always decides to crank his subwoofer up at 6am, and I got in his face about it once. The other ALWAYS parks in my carport (I pay $25/month for it and it's labeled "RESERVED"), I finally gave up trying to talk to her and got her car towed one night. I warned her several times that if she kept parking in MY spot she'd get towed. The rest of my neighbors I've never talked to.


  • #2
    It sucks to go from cool neighbors to jerks.. I live in a semi detached, the other half of my house is my only neighbor on my street. My old neighbors were GREAT, a tad loud at times, but it was like having an extended family over there.

    My new neighbors.. not so much. When they first moved in they were painting, wearing gloves, which they took off and tossed over my fence right into my dogs' outside water bucket on my porch. They blast their music so loudly I can feel the bass, and it's typically the same freaking song every time. It's all hours too..

    I put up a higher fence on that section and we go about ignoring each other.

    The other day I get home and a few minutes later there's a knock on my door, the woman is bitching about my parking.. I've been parking in the same spot for over a year now, and she (who does not drive and has no car) comes over and gets smart with my roommate over how I'm parked..she's lucky I was indisposed and didn't answer the door.

    The next day her kids come home from school, she's nowhere around and the door is locked. I happened to be outside and let them use my phone to call her. Roomie goes outside a bit later and she says to one of the kids "Is that her??" like she was pissed I was looking out for her kids..

    It's on..
    Everything is great when you're a kid, then you grow up and suddenly you're afraid of the monkey bars...


    • #3
      Well, bean, I feel threatened just reading your post. Humph.

      I'll never understand people who go out of their way to be hostile to their neighbors. I'm not friends with my neighbors; I actually don't know any of them, but when I pass them on the sidewalk I smile and say hello, and they generally do the same. It's really not that hard to be civil, at least.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        I've spoken to the people who live across the way, and whenever I see the girl downstairs in the parking lot we say hi. I don't know anyone in the other four-plex. (But then, why would I?)
        "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

        Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
        Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


        • #5
          I hate almost all of my neighbors, simply because they demand not a peep after dark, but make no attempt to keep it down when I try to sleep during the day. And I don't ask for much....I just don't want to hear doors slamming, cupboards slamming, stomping around....

          Don't ever believe that all old people are fragile and defenseless and timid. My downstairs neighbor is a human bowling ball....all you hear during the day when she is home is her slamming and slamming and slamming and stomping.

          Crazy Outdoorsman is the same way. Threw a tantrum about my bed being so loud, but he comes home from work every evening and throws stuff around and to top it off, he screams at his TV during sports.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            First off, I should mention... there's CONCRETE between the floors here. So it takes nearly a bomb going off to hear ANYTHING in an apartment above or below yours.

            It started again tonight. I got home around 10:45. Around 11 my entire goddamn apartment shook and my cat started hissing his head off and ANOTHER painting fell off the wall and shattered. I opened my front door and could clearly hear screaming in spanish from outside.

            Also, if there's screaming going on in a neighboring apartment, you really can't hear it from inside your apartment. But open your door and you can hear it clearly. This place is very well built.

            I called both 911 and on-premise security for a domestic disturbance.

            Several hours later, around 3, more apartment shaking, slamming doors, and screaming outside. Followed by more calls to Dallas Police and on premise security.

            It's now almost 5am. No cops have responded (hey thanks DPD for showing up so quick to a domestic disturbance! THANKS GUYS!), neither has on site security. I did, however, spend about 2 or 3 minutes banging on my floor with a hammer, they banged back a bit.

            Dallas Police is fucking worthless when you're a quarter mile from the suburbs. It's now been 6 hours since I called them and they still haven't shown up, and there's still occasional yelling downstairs.

            Also I have to be at work in 6 minutes. I haven't slept, at all. I'm going to be worthless... good thing I live 5 minutes from work.

            I like to think I'm reasonable about noise. I do run my clothes washer late at night, but it's nowhere near bedrooms, and the apts both above and below mine have the same floorplan. I can occasionally hear my upstairs neighbor's washer running when it's on the spin cycle, but it lasts all of 4 or 5 minutes and I can BARELY hear it.
            Last edited by bean; 09-13-2009, 09:57 AM.


            • #7
              I would call the building's management during the day and report the failure of security to even show up...
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                and go to the media about the police not showing up. Make sure to go the police department and ask for the daily log before you go to the media. If there were no calls to your area that were responded to... and no critical calls.. go to the chief.

