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My own (little) Medical Saga

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  • #46
    Any updates??


    • #47
      It's next day.

      I'm sneezing, blowing my nose, and my eyes are watery.

      Anyway, it took two pokes for them to start an iv/catheter/take blood to see if my kidneys are functioning to get rid of the contrast later.

      At least my left arm isn't sore anymore.

      I don't get results until a week later.

      Then I have to make an appointment with my doc.

      I do knw the pictures are clear, readable, and better than the ultrasound that I had had. Which is a good thing.

      I'm still out of breath when walking up the stairs.

      On Monday, I'm calling my doc's office to make an appointment to discuss results. Hope everything goes well.


      • #48
        Hoping everything comes back okay, Rum, and glad you got through the experience.

        Now, have a cup of tea and rest up as much as you can!
        "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
        "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


        • #49
          *gives Rummy a hug*

          Glad you made it through. Hopefully everything works out.
          1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
 (A blog about everything and nothing)


          • #50
            Yay! Glad you didn't die of shock there.

            Now, did all our tips help you with this?

            In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
            She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


            • #51
              Most of the tips did help.

              However, I was given the standard paper-like shirt and pants for the procedure so dressing comfy didn't really need to be done. They also gave me cute little grey comfy socks.

              Also, no one told me that I'd be incredibly dizzy once I got out of the darn thing. I need a minute or two of sitting before I could stand up. Also, all I wanted to do was stretch for like 10 minutes afterwards to get the kinks out of my body.

              I was in a half-machine, I suppose. My legs were not in the machine.

              Also, if I hadn't been told the machine had an opening where my head was, I'd be claustrophobic for sure! I didn't realize I was (very slightly) claustrophobic until that moment. Something I need to file away for future reference.

              Did you know that if you take medication for claustrophobia, you can't drive a car, use heavy machinery or make legal decisions for 24 hours? (See? Learn something new everyday!)


              • #52

                Saw my doctor this morning. The office called and asked me to come in earlier. I was worried, but Mr. Rum figured it was because he had some cancellations and was running ahead of schedule.

                There is no blockages in my heart. Which is great. The only thing of note is that I have very mild leakages in my valves. That is probably why he heard the murmur.

                My/Our course of action is as follows:

                1. Diet & exercise
                2. Compression thigh-highs @ 15-20mm
                3. Re-do my sleep study to make sure my CPAP Machine is @ the air pressure it needs to be.

                If any of these don't work (especially the compression stockings), then I go to:

                4. Go to another cardiovascular doctor who specials more in the veins of the legs, and get an more in-depth ultrasound of my legs. (Mr. Rum went to this doctor's practice and it was there that he found out he has venus stasis(sp?)).

                So that's my medical saga - so far!


                • #53
                  Yay for no blockages!!! Glad you got some good news.

                  *hugs to rummy*
                  Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

                  My blog Darkwynd's Musings


                  • #54
                    YAY for good news.

                    What about the walking shoes? Sis you remember to ask for something about those ?\


                    • #55

                      Set up a nutritionist appt. See what you can do to tweak your diet whilst staying in your flavor/taste zones and getting better nutrition. (this may mean more cooking so be prepared.)

                      get a swimsuit. And do water aerobics or other swim based activity. Swimming = good for heavy people because there is no foot/leg/knee pressure and it's still moving around burning calories. And who cares about the paisley fuchsia neon green swimsuit?
                      Go horseback riding. Tightens core muscles in your body, and your butt! (soreness will prevail) Uh, take munchkin to horsefarm? Maybe she can connect with the horses and practice speech ? (just a thought)
                      Go walking with munchkin. Just a half hour every day will be a good start, along with a tweaked food intake.

                      Be proud of small achievements - don't set your gold star on losing 50#. Set the gold star for 5# or 1" on waist. You probably already do this with Munchkin, but keep at it for yourself. And we are here to cheer you on.

                      Expect good changes and good feelings within 90 days but not tomorrow!!

                      Hey, it took me about a month to see any change in my health when I went on a low cholesterol kick. And a lot of those food habits stick now. My bf LOVES nachos/greasy man food = I will abstain or moderately consume greasy foods. And off set it with fruit or supergood foods later.

                      We are here to cheer and help you shop for new pants!

                      In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                      She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                      • #56
                        Find a gym with a current pool you can walk around. The resistance of the current is good exercise but it will not put stress on your joints at all.
                        "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                        • #57
                          Yay Rum!

                          Im glad the report came back relatively well.

                          Cutenoob has great suggestions.

                          You ever feel down, or just not up to it one day, come here and there will be plenty of virtual hugs. (and pants shopping is fun too!! lol)


                          • #58
                            I second cutenoob's idea of little goals. It has worked wonders for the geek *hubby* and I. We started going to Seattle Sounders (soccer) games this year and at the beginning of the season I could almost fight into a jersey. So that was my 6 month goal. Did it by the last regular season game.

                            So take little steps. They will add up to a lot of steps in a short amount of time
                            Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

                            My blog Darkwynd's Musings


                            • #59
                              I'm going to do some to start slow walking. I woke up this mroning and my knees are swollen. I have knee problems (epecially my right knee where I damaged it in a car accident in 1992 & then about 7 years ago, I bashed my knee against a steel desk drawer - my knee went number for 10-20 minutes - so yeah, I'm sure I did something there).

                              I have to find my bathing suit - - I put it away in anticipation of winter clothing. But it should be easy to find again. I think I have some swim shoes lying around somewhere.

                              Thank you everyone for your support and good wishes!

                              And yes, virtual hugs are awesome too.

