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Best friend just got ripped off

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  • Best friend just got ripped off

    I have just had a shitty night. But it's nothing compared to what my best friend "A" went though.

    Short version: A got bilked by a possibly phony moving company, to the tune of $175. Move job wasn't done, she didn't get her money back, and she's got 2 days left to move out.

    This isn't a last-minute thing either, A tried to arrange this well in advance. But of the 2 other companies she contacted, one jerked her around, didn't return calls, and eventually cancelled. The other never bothered to show up.

    I was supposed to help them move, which means my time got wasted also. But again, nothing compared to what A's stuck with. Good thing I don't drink. Maybe I'll post the details, provided I can stomach it

    In the meantime, a request for good thoughts/vibes for my friend.
    Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.

  • #2
    Sending good vibes and homemade lemon pie to you and your friend!

    What happened? The moving companies I've dealt with (between moving myself and my brothers multiple times) don't require you to pay till after the job, if I recall, by getting your card# and a signature or a check or them sending you a bill after they do the job.

