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Need to whine

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  • Need to whine

    Let's take a look at my life right now:

    *I'm working at a new school
    *I'm teaching a new grade
    *I didn't start until after school began
    *I refuse to argue with students during class, I make it very clear that I'll discuss certain things after class but it is worthless to start an arguement with me right then and there--but they try anyway. All. The damn. Time.
    *Most of my students seem to like me, but the few that don't have no idea how to just hate me quietly
    *Seriously, sit there and try to hurt me with mind bullets (that's telekinesis, Kyle), just freaking do it quietly so the rest of the class can learn
    *Every day is an emotional yo-yo and it's getting really stressful
    *I'm moving November 1st...which is a Sunday
    *Suddenly my landlord needs his place back that day even though I told him the apartment I found isn't available until November 1st
    *My cat is being an asshole when I need him to be a cuddle whore
    *I gained way too much weight this summer when I was in a "holy shit no one is going to hire me and my life is over" rut and now that I'm having trouble getting rid of it I'm in a "holy shit I feel gross and my boyfriend is going to stop loving me" (not that he would....but apparently my ex did. He claimed he was worried about my health when I gained some weight but instead of suggesting I join his workout routine or, you know, fucking talk to me about it he just didn't touch me for like two months.)

    I feel like my hands are full of eggs and I'm having trouble holding them--I haven't dropped and ruined anything yet, but it seems like once one thing is set and secure another thing starts to slip just enough for me to panic slightly.
    I know it's really not that much in the grand scheme of things but right now I feel like if I don't whine a little bit I'll explode....and that would just be icky.

  • #2
    You're allowed to feel sorry for yourself from time to time. What matters is how you get through the obstacles in your life. You'll be fine.


    • #3
      As a fellow New Teacher, I understand!!!! Today was a day that made me want to quit, if it hadn't been for the hugs from the sweet kiddos, and the fact that it's Friday! ;-)

      Every day I work with you is two days of therapy!!!!!


      • #4
        Ha, the funny thing is I'm not a comepletely new teacher--I've got three years under my belt! I know how to work a classroom, I know how to trick students into learning (this is where my goofy drama personality comes into play--when it's fun it doesn't seem like work), hell I had a freaking fan club at my last school! But these kids just....bad thoughts...can't set fire to teenagers!


        • #5
          It doesn't matter when the landlord needs the place, you paid rent so if he needs the apartment before the end of the month you paid for, your response should be: Not my problem.
          Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
          Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.

