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Gettin new glasses

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  • Gettin new glasses


    My eyes have gotten slightly worse....I'll need prisms to make them focus straight, but they are nice frames and have great clip on shades (that actually look like real sunglasses), polarized.....perfect for hiking.

    Gettin the most outta my insurance while I still have it

    Is it dorky of me that I'm looking forward to picking them up?
    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs

  • #2
    Nothing dorky about wanting to see the world more clearly. Besides, new frames are to glasses-wearers what new shoes are to the fashion-conscious; new pretty things to wear!

    Still, I'm glad you have insurance and can get glasses. Hubs and I both desperately need new glasses (both bifocals! ) and we can't afford them yet.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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    • #3
      Ikes....bifocals....those sadly don't come cheap

      Love the new glasses....but my eyes are still dilated, so I can't wear them whilst on the computer or reading, hahah
      "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
      "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs

