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A task of Monumental Proportions

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  • A task of Monumental Proportions

    So, some of you may know I like Warhammer 40,000 and some may know that I collect and play 40K, now, I'll let you in on what I'm planning to do: Make an all infantry army of Imperial Guard, which are quite a cheap army when it comes to infantry.

    My most basic army is going to consist of at least 101 infantry models, possibly more. And considering these are all 28mm scale, it's gonna be tough going. To give you an idea, look at This Image

    See the guy on the far left, thats the scale of the units i'll be making and painting. Assembling is going to be a pain, as each soldier comes in 6 parts, so that's 606 really small parts that i have and each part needs to be held in place at least 30 seconds while the glue sets. That's 5 hours in total just for assembly. I'm currently planning on doing 2 models per day, assembling, painting etc etc, now that doesn't sound a lot, but it is, it means I'll be able to have 35 models done in a fortnight. So It's gonna be around 1 and a half months of painting every day to complete my army. Hell, if i bump it up to 4 a day i means just over 3 weeks or so to get all 101 done.

    and that's just the basic army.

    Oh and for you firefly fans, They are gonna be browncoats based (Infact I'm calling them the 57th Overlanders ) I'm gonna try and incorporate characters from firefly into my army though that will mean a fair bit of conversion work. Plus If I get any vehicles, they'll all be named after female firefly characters (I might even name the heavy weapons after them)
    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

  • #2
    An all infantry Imp Guard Army? You're crazier than I was when I played Imp Guard! :P

    Good luck!
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3
      That's definitely a large army, but not impossible. It's probably about double my Marine army (currently) and close in number to my collection of Battletech minis.

      Be sure to post pics when get some going!
      "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


      • #4
        I'd love to post pics but, my digital camera was nicked a while back so I can't.

        Command Squad

        2x Kasrkin Squads

        Platoon Command
        -Infantry Squad
        -Infantry Squad
        -Infantry Squad
        -Heavy Weapons Squad
        -Heavy Weapons Squad

        Platoon Command
        -Infantry Squad
        -Infantry Squad
        -Infantry Squad
        -Heavy Weapons Squad
        -Heavy Weapons Squad

        Is my basic army which comes to a whopping 720 or so points, giving me room for upgrades. If I upped it to 1500 points, i could probably fit another platoon in there I'm gonna crush my enemies with the weight of the bodies of my own men.
        I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


        • #5
          I paint miniatures as a hobby but don't play anything, I just buy ones I like and paint them. I could never tackle that many though.


          • #6
            I haven't even painted my first army entirely, then again i did try and do that all at once which kinda killed my painting enthusiasm, but 2 or 3 or 4 per day shouldn't be too bad. It also helps to break up the monotony only doing a couple per day.

            One guy I know has 22,000 points worth of orks, and orks are as, if not more numerous than Imperial Guard.

            To me it's a hobby, but one that requires sacrifice and the amount of times I've stuck myself with an exact knife...yeesh, talk about blood for the blood god

            Refining my list I've reduced the number down to 77, to give me points for upgrades etc etc.
            Last edited by RayvenQ; 11-25-2009, 09:07 PM.
            I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


            • #7
              Quoth RayvenQ View Post
              I haven't even painted my first army entirely, then again i did try and do that all at once which kinda killed my painting enthusiasm, but 2 or 3 or 4 per day shouldn't be too bad. It also helps to break up the monotony only doing a couple per day.

              One guy I know has 22,000 points worth of orks, and orks are as, if not more numerous than Imperial Guard.

              To me it's a hobby, but one that requires sacrifice and the amount of times I've stuck myself with an exact knife...yeesh, talk about blood for the blood god

              Refining my list I've reduced the number down to 77, to give me points for upgrades etc etc.
              22,000 points in orks? That's insane!
              And I hear you about the 'battle wounds' from the hobby knives, needle files, Dremel bits...
              "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


              • #8
                See the REALLY fun bit, is when you get to your movement phase......

                and I thought I was happy with my 4k points of Space Wolves, including a fell blade (So 3.5k in wolf models/vehicles.)

                I salute you Rayven. That and offer a straight jacket :P
                "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
                Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


                • #9
                  For those interested here's my list.


                  Command Squad (Vox, Standard, Lascannon, Master of Ordinance)


                  Stormtrooper Squad (2x Plasma Guns, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon)

                  Stormtrooper Squad (2x Melta Guns, Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon)


                  Platoon Command (Vox, Standard, Mortar)
                  -Infantry Squad (Vox, Flamer, Mortar, Commissar) --Combined--
                  -Infantry Squad (Flamer, Mortar)-- Combined--
                  -Heavy Weapons Squad (Lascannons)

                  Platoon Command (Vox, Standard,Mortar)
                  -Infantry Squad (Vox, Flamer, Mortar, Commissar)--Combined--
                  -Infantry Squad (Flamer, Mortar)--Combined
                  -Heavy Weapons Squad (Lascannons)

                  Shooting Phase is gonna be fun, 6 mortars per turn (48inch range ) Plus an Ordinance shot fired as a regular weapon (no scatter ) with unlimited Range Plus 6 Lascannon shots (mostly geared to take out one pesky arch nemesis who always has obltierators)

                  For ease and more badassery, The platoons aren't gonna have 2 10 man squads but one 20 man squad instead

                  Plus I'm always going to infiltrate my Stormtroopers

                  And when I bump up my points to 1500 I can add 6 more squads and have plenty left for upgrades, so thats 5 squads per platoon

                  So at 1500 points, I can have each platoon fire 50 times or 100 times if they're in rapid fire range
                  Last edited by RayvenQ; 12-01-2009, 10:01 AM.
                  I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.


                  • #10
                    Update: Got myself a new carrying case and now have some real inspiration to get it fully painted, how you ask? Simple, Trip to Warhammer World, players from 4 shops playing a 2 way traitors vs loyalists heresy era themed mega battle
                    I am the nocturnal echo-locating flying mammal man.

