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WIC Jail

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  • WIC Jail

    Long time, no write. For a while my posts were being monitored by my son's father and I was tired of having my every comment open to scrutiny by him. That doesn't really matter anymore, but I'll tell that story later.

    I receive WIC benefits, I have since my son was born. I know how to use the checks, and I know sometimes they are confusing to cashier and recipient alike. I know the WIC program can be a picky thing to deal with on the store level, and some stores have strict rules regarding the checks and mete out some serious discipline if a check gets fucked up and the store does not get reimbursed by the feds. Be that as it may, I've found with large chain stores that a good rule of thumb us if the product goes through the computer-based register, that means it is an acceptable product.

    Well, tonight I was at Albertson's and had a WIC check that included juice. The WIC checks changed back in October and now offer different things, with some items having been cut, and others added. Some juices were cut, specifically Juicy Juice brand juice. No problem, I never got that anyway. I got an apple-cherry or apple-raspberry frozen juice under the "Old Orchard Apple Juice-green lid" category. When the new food list came out they weren't as specific as the old list which went so far as to include pictures of every single acceptable purchase. The new food list does not. They don't have a specific picture of the 2 juices I have been getting for 2.5 years. When the new checks started I got apple-raspberry juice no problem through the Albertson's checkout. Tonight I tried to do the same thing. The cashier would not even scan it to see if the computer would accept it. I asked him to scan it and see if the computer kicked it back, if it did, then mea culpa but I had gotten THAT juice at THAT store since the new checks came out. The checker was so snotty about it he kept shoving HIS food list under my nose and purposely using these little tiny words like I was retarded.

    I asked to see the manager because I thought he was being insulting and petty, and was informed that he IS a manager and trying to pass incorrect items thorough the WIC program was ATTEMPTED FRAUD AND HE WAS GOING TO REPORT ME. You heard that right folks- Attempted Fucking Fraud. He also told me he was going to report me to WIC for threatening him! I asked him since when was asking for a manager considered a threat. I did not say he would be fired, I did not say I was going to sue the store, I didn't pull a single SC trick except for glaring at this petty little man with everything in my being. I've got news for Skippy the Wonder Checker- he wasn't the store manager, that guy will be hearing from me tomorrow morning when I tell him what happened. Before that though, I am getting confirmation on acceptable juice purchases and reporting the store for hassling me and incorrect WIC practices.

    So I guess it's now a matter of who gets through the system first. Will Skippy get his fraud claim in before I report the store? Am I going down for attempted WIC fraud? Will I be spending Christmas in WIC jail sipping PLAIN apple juice (no more 100% juice blends for YOU, Missy) with my cellmate, or will I be able to get a decent enough WIC lawyer to get me off with a warning and WIC probation?
    "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me

  • #2
    I used to get WIC too over 10 years ago & one thing I always had a problem with was their CHEESE - the hell my ex-sis-in-law & I went through with at least two stores. They tried to force us to get their "processed" american cheese slices. We finally went through the health dept to get it fixed - the store was informed we were to get REAL american cheese - not processed. Never got an apology from either store.
    I know the approved things change, but if you got it there before & it went through their registers - he should have scanned it to check - PERIOD & when it went through he should have apologized. Can't wait to hear the follow up & I hope this guy gets an "education"
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann
    RIP Plaidman - you are loved & greatly missed.


    • #3
      I am not by any means siding with the cashier, as he definetly needed a good whack with a dry bushel of raddishes, but when I worked at the Mega store, our WIC training was so poor and so quick and vague, that it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of cashiers are as confused with WIC as customers can be.

      But hot damn...I really hope nothing happens from this.

      Worst case scenario, I will send you a care package with tons of cheese from our happy cows here in Wisconsin and all the Juicy Juice you can drink
      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


      • #4
        Thanks blas! this a bad time to mention I hate all cheese but mozzerella and I cannot stand apple nor grape juice?

        I emailed Albertson's corporate and told my tale, hopefully they'll look into it. I even admitted that he was right about the juice (confirmed with WIC) but it doesn't excuse his attitude. WIC also told me that reporting does go both ways and I think I will be reporting this store for discriminatory practices. Call me silly, but I have a major problem with being treated like I was stupid and accused of being a criminal over $2 worth of frozen juice and especially IN FRONT OF MY SON.

        Like I said, reporting goes both ways. If I can somehow keep from yelling, screaming, cursing, and/or otherwise causing bodily harm, I think Skippy can hold off on threats of WIC jail. You know what they say about WIC jail it's the place where you better kick someone's ass the first day or you become known as the WIC bitch and have all your tortillas taken away.
        "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


        • #5
          I can't do anything but laugh at the absurdity of this.

          You're going to go to jail! Because you tried to get the wrong kind of juice! What a menace to society you are! That's exactly how Dillinger got started!

          Oh wait, it was because he didn't get to go to the ballet.

          Yeah, Skippy the Wonder Cashier was off on a power trip there.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Wow apparently Albertson's corporate works pretty darn quick when it wants to. First I got a form letter, "we'll get back to you in 24 or so, ho hum" then not 2 hours later I got a personal one saying the email had been forwarded to the store manager and he would write back within 24 hours. According to Gmail the store manager (the real one) wrote me at 2:30 this afternoon. He described Skippy as a "manager". Hmmm. The guy said he wants to meet with me personally and convince me only the guy was a jerk the store itself is good peoples. I know the store is okay, that's why I shop there, and I don't need ass kissing nor do I want some kind of freebie out of this. The only thing I really wanted was an assurance that Skippy was not going to be reporting me as some sort of WIC terrorist, you know, like Milk Qaeda or somesuch. I may joke about all this but I really do appreciate these benefits for my son and I kind of depend on them to keep certain things here for him.

            Ah well, I'll write the guy back and tell him I don't expect anything, that I appreciate the assurance of looking into it and that I accept his apology.
            "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


            • #7
              That's good that they got back to you so quickly. Honestly, though, I doubt Skippy would bother following through on reporting you. That would mean actual extra work for him and considering how he didn't want to be bothered to even check in the first place, I doubt he'd want to make extra paperwork for himself.

              Milk Qaeda, hehe
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Albertsons sure got back faster to you then they did with me when I complained about the bugs in my box of spaghetti.

                I remember years ago when I had WIC there was something printed on your voucher holder about the treatment you receive from the cashiers. It said something about if you feel your were being treated poorly to call WIC and they will notify the store.

                On a side note WIC is a great program that I used until I felt I no longer needed their help and I had more juice than I knew what to do with.


                • #9
                  He should have never done that you! Just because you get WIC does not mean you are a bad person. I hope Skippy get a royal ass chewing for this.

                  I try not to judge who ever is using WIC or anything else if they are in front of me, for all I know that woman could be a widow or just affected by the economy. I admit I do slip up and prejudge, but I'm getting better at not doing so.

                  It makes Mr. Mis a sad panda when I prejudge, so I have been working hard on not being what I have always hated.

                  The store should at least offer you a can of juice.
                  Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                  If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                  Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                  • #10
                    Mis, I'm proud of you that you recognize something in yourself and are working on it. I don't think SCs do that. TTAZ, I'm sorry you had to deal with this ridiculousness. You did the right thing in trying to figure out what you were allowed to buy. It's like my momma always says: "No good deed goes unpunished." Skippy needs a whooping.
                    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                    • #11
                      Well this is what I wrote back to the store manager:

                      I appreciate the timely response and apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I know that your store does not normally treat anyone rudely in the slightest. I've been shopping at that location for years and this is the first time such a thing has happened. Honestly, the only thing I was hoping to do was bring the situation to your attention and hopefully nip any sort of erroneous "attempted WIC fraud" reports in the bud. Beyond that, I expect nothing but to continue to enjoy my shopping experiences at that Albertson's location, which I believe I will be able to do.

                      Thank you for addressing this matter so promptly.

                      I figure it's done now, I don't want any ass-kissing, I don't want any free stuff, I would like WIC to go back to their previous juice choices, but that's a whole other issue.

                      Oh, and JLG? Bugs in the spaghetti?!!?

                      Mis, don't take it too hard, I've been to those appointments and taken those classes, and I'll tell ya...just like everywhere else there are some DUMB people at that office!
                      "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


                      • #12
                        I just read your signature! I so agree with you on that! I would phrase it as "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my husband or children's lack of trying."
                        Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                        If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                        Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                        • #13
                          Oh, so THAT'S why you boil spaghetti!

                          Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                          • #14
                            We receive WIC for our son too. I'm not impressed with the new juice choices either. Our local Wal-Mart only had one brand of juice that WIC will allow.

                            They also changed our milk vouchers. Before we could choose what type of milk we wanted, now we're only allowed to get whole milk, apparently because our son is under 2. It would have been nice if they'd let us know that before they changed the vouchers.

                            Instead I went to Wal-Mart tried to get our usual type of milk, and they said it wasn't approved. I said fine can you send someone back to the coolers to get the correct type of milk, I don't want to run all the way back there, and have to leave our groceries. So the cashier calls a CSM over, and when I try and re-explain what I want she won't listen and just says the CSM is on her way.

                            We also had problems with the fruit and vegetable vouchers. It took 30-45 minutes to get our stuff and get out.

                            They did give us an updated card with pictures though, which is helpful.


                            • #15
                              Card? Pictures? We get none of that here, it's still paper checks and eyeballing signitures. The whole milk thing was the same for us until N turned 2 now it's 1% or skim only, which made no sense to me at the time since N is a walking toothpick and in no danger of childhood obesity. We just got fruit and veggie checks. Six whole dollars a month. Every little bit helps of course, but come took away half our juice options, half of the amount of juice, cut back the milk, eggs, and cheese amounts, and because we can now get brown bread (N won't eat), brown rice (N won't even eat chicken fried rice), or corn tortillas (every mom at WIC I've asked does the same thing with the tortillas- cuts them up, fries them, and adds salt). Can I trade the bread for more fresh veggies? Can I trade the new cereal choices for the apple-cherry juice? WIC is a good program and the actual federall guidlines for food options are plentiful and make sense...unfortunately the states then get to pick and choose, and since October AZ WIC has been kinda crappy.

                              BTW- never did hear back from the store manager once I said I wasn't looking for freebies. Next time Albertson's has something worth going there for (sales!) I'll have to see if Skippy is anywhere to be seen.
                              "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me

