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Tell me your ghost/shadow man stories!

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  • Tell me your ghost/shadow man stories!

    Okay folks, I know you have stories of ghosts and/or shadow men, so let's read them!

    My little guy tells me about when we lived in our last place, he looked up and saw a shadow man looking around the corner at him. The shadow man didn't say a word or come any closer to my little guy, he just booked when he saw he was spotted.

    My little guy wasn't scared in the least. He saw a couple more, but they never looked at him, they just walked by him like he wasn't there.

    Now, my daughter and I have never seen a shadow person and that is just fine with us, since they give ups both the willies. You all know how Mr. Mis feels about anything paranormal, so no mention of seeing one from him.

    My big guy saw one once, but it also booked when spotted.

    I'm just glad that no one has seen the effing Hat Man! EEK!

    I'll tell more of mine, after I read of some of your stories.
    Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

    If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

    Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.

  • #2
    When my daughter was about I guess a young three, she looks over at our stairwell (okay, thanks. The gooseflesh just happened.) and goes "Who is that?" and her gaze tracks up the stairs. And then she just stands there a minute and says "I want to sit on your lap."

    So she toddles over and sits in my lap. And I'm thinking, yeah, you can sit on my lap. NEXT DOOR.

    EDIT: Okay, listen, this thread reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister about sleep paralysis and she mentioned shadow people. And so I googled shadow people +sleep paralysis and the other people describing their experience with SP about knocked me down. (I've had SP).

    The question I want to know is why do they never freaking have faces??????
    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 01-05-2010, 05:16 AM.


    • #3
      This was the wrong thread to read before I go to sleep. Alone. Without even my daughter to cuddle.

      I see Shadow People and sometimes Shadow Animals all the time. Shadow animals outside, but I see Shadow People inside.

      And I hate that they never have faces. That scares me the most.


      • #4
        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        When my daughter was about I guess a young three, she looks over at our stairwell (okay, thanks. The gooseflesh just happened.) and goes "Who is that?" and her gaze tracks up the stairs. And then she just stands there a minute and says "I want to sit on your lap."

        So she toddles over and sits in my lap. And I'm thinking, yeah, you can sit on my lap. NEXT DOOR.

        EDIT: Okay, listen, this thread reminded me of a conversation I had with my sister about sleep paralysis and she mentioned shadow people. And so I googled shadow people +sleep paralysis and the other people describing their experience with SP about knocked me down. (I've had SP).

        The question I want to know is why do they never freaking have faces??????
        My daughter and I both suffer from sleep paralysis, but we have never seen shadow men when it happens. We both hate when the sleep paralysis kicks in. I wonder if I should ask the doctor about it.

        I don't know why shadow people don't have faces. I really don't know much about them.

        Today, after I got out of the shower I wrapped my hair in a towel. When I took the towel off a piece of my hair fell in my face. Ethan (our resident spirit) brushed it back behind my ear. It seems we have a pervert spirit. I will have to talk to him about how the bathroom is private.

        I could have sworn that on Saturday, when I was sitting here at my desk, that someone I couldn't see (could have been Ethan) was playing with my feet. I hate my feet being touched unless I'm getting a pedicure, so I yelled "STOP IT!". It went on for a couple of seconds more and then stopped.
        Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

        If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

        Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


        • #5
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          The question I want to know is why do they never freaking have faces??????
          Most of the time it's because they don't have the energy to show themselves as more than silhouettes. Other times they're just taking the barest human form so you know they're there.

          I've seen ghosts before, both human and animal. I was in a bathroom once, having taken my glasses off to clean them, and I happened to glance up to see a woman standing behind me in the mirror, just as clear as if I'd been wearing my glasses. But when I turned to look, no one was there, and there wasn't room for anyone to be behind me.

          I've also seen the spirit of one of my cats who's died. She shows up every now and then, just a brief glimpse of her jumping off my bed or running ahead of me. I've also felt her and another past cat jumping onto my bed at night. She also likes to drop her jack she used to play with while alive on my pillow, even though I keep it in the drawer.

          But I think my most unusual encounter was when I saw a doppelganger of my father once. I was very young, but I still remember it. I was playing in the living room, when I saw my father walk past the door. I jumped up to follow him, wanting a hug, but when I reached the door he was gone, and there was no way he could have left. When I asked my mom where he'd gone, she reminded me he was still at work. I never knew just what I'd seen until years later when I was reading about different paranormal items, and I came across the description of doppelgangers.


          • #6
            My big guy saw his father's doppelganger once when the big guy was about 5. He told me he saw his dad on the couch and in the bedroom, both were sleeping. Poor kid didn't know which one to try to wake up to play a game with him. So, he waited in his room so he could ask his real dad to play a game with him when his dad came in to give him a hug.

            I was taking a nap one day and saw my husband come in the bedroom and lay down next to me. I wondered why my husband had come home early, when it struck me that the thing on the bed with me was not my husband. I went to punch it and it bit me. Yes, I got bit by a ghost. I had the teeth marks to prove it and it was obvious I didn't do it to myself, since I have slightly crooked bottom teeth and on the mark they were all straight. When I told my husband he was a bit freaked out to say the least.
            Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

            If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

            Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


            • #7
              When I was laying in bed, I saw a something black in the shape of a human being in the doorway of my bathroom. I immediately looked away. I looked again and it was gone. Let me tell you I was too scared to move.

              This happened a few nights ago. I was driving home late at night. Every once in a while I have to slow down or stop for a deer or dog and cat. No big deal. Well something strange happened. I was driving and suddenly this black thing flashes across the front of my van. I didn't have time to even slow down. I tried to look to see what it was, but it was gone.

              There is a cemetery just a few minutes from where I live. It makes me wonder.
              Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

              Proud Air Force Mom


              • #8
                I've had some strange encounters...mostly on my grandmother's farm. Keep in mind that the place was built during the 1860s, and that there are two cemeteries not far away. Also interesting, is that most of the area contained Native American villages at one time...

                Right after my grandfather died in '89, I heard something on the kitchen porch. When I looked out, I saw something. Not quite sure what it was, but it was roughly human-shaped, and was blue. Literally scared the shit out of me Only saw that once. What usually happened though, is when I'd be up late at night watching TV, I'd get the feeling that I was being watched, usually from someone (or something) in the adjoining office. Until he died, Grandpa spent most of his time in that office, either paying bills or doing the paperwork for the Lions' Club. As if that wasn't enough, many nights, I'd get the feeling that someone had put their hand on my shoulder, again, while watching TV at night...and relaxing in Grandpa's beat-up green recliner. Spooky, but comforting at the same time, like he was trying to tell me that he's still looking after his family.

                After the farm was sold, I haven't had any of those things happen. If it is Grandpa, I hope he's not in limbo somewhere, and that the new owners of the place are treating him well...

                I do know that I might have a ghost at my house. A kitty ghost in fact. Some of you know that my white kitty (Snow) died in the kitchen a few years back. For several days after she died, I'd see something white running around the house. Never directly, but usually out of the corner of my eye. I'd also hear a scratching noise coming from her favorite corner (between the bookcase and desk) in my home office. Snow liked to curl up in that corner and take a nap.

                Even now, I don't think she's gone totally. I'm sure she's the one that Baxter and Sally are chasing around all the time. Because of her hearing loss, Snow really didn't get the chance to 'play' with other kitties--they'd usually startle her when she was asleep, meaning she soon found her way into the shelter. At least now, she can play all she wants
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  I see shadow people constantly. I used to think it was my eyes playing tricks on me, one of those corner of your eyes type of thing, but it's real alright.

                  I started believing when once I saw one right in front of me.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    My grandparents' house in RI used to have a resident spirit (two, actually).

                    The one we/I encountered most often was only known as "the lady in black". She wore a Victorian-style black dress and was slightly elegant-looking. The first time I saw her I was about 10; I was up in the attic looking for something. I don't know why I looked up, but I did; my reaction was to wave and say hi (for some reason it didn't seem odd that there was someone up there and I never heard them enter). From then on I would be the most likely to see her, so mom thinks she knew that I knew she didn't want to scare anyone.

                    I later find out that my mom and grandmother had seen her as well; none of us told the others until fairly recently and all our descriptions matched. Unfortunately I wasn't able to complete a lot of research on the property; all we know is that the entire development used to be a farm and where the house is now used to be servants' quarters and a pond.

                    The second entity: All we know or want to know about him is that it's a male and LIB was probably scared of him as both of them were never around at the same time. LIB was rarely seen outside of the attic proper, while the male would not enter the attic. Mom first encountered him shortly after they moved into the house; she was the only one at home that night and she heard heavy boots walking around upstairs.

                    I had a small EVP/EMF setup in the attic for the few weeks before the house was sold, but someone (human) messed with it so I didn't get anything useful.

                    I've seen something out of the corner of my eye in the living room, but never see it well enough...maybe the lady in black followed us home after all?
                    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                    • #11
                      I haven't thought about spirits for years, even if I have had encounters with them.
                      I'm pretty sure there used to be one in my granparents basement, and I had the distict feeling it did NOT like me, I always felt watched when down there with other people, but down there alone I felt downright violently unwelcome.

                      Only other encounter I have is rather comforting, I still get visits from time to time. I was very attached to our first dog, a bordercollie australian blue heeler. Smart dog, sweet dog to, he unfortunatly passed after getting hit by a car. Anyways, when I find I'm feeling down, to the point where I can't see anything positive I'll get a visit from him, I can feel him sleeping on the end of the bed, head on my knee.
                      I know its him, even all this time later.

                      Thats about it for me for spirits, aside from the fact that graveyards fill me with an unbeleable feeling of peace and wonder.


                      • #12
                        Kinda long... sorry

                        I see shadow people... or shadow things... all the time. I always have, ever since I was little. I used to always try and chalk it up to my eyes playing tricks on me. But for the most part... I don't think it is.
                        Not so much the vague quick passing shadows you see out of the corner of your eyes. It's There is a person standing over there looking at me, and when I try and focus on them they step to the side.... that kind of things.
                        Strangely though, I love cemeteries... I never feel scared of the shadows there... its all very peaceful... i guess they are supposed to be though.

                        My most recent 'spook' I'd like to think is my little Ludo who passed in April. Every once in a while I will see what looks like something scurry across the carpet , and sometimes I swear I wake up petting something warm and fuzzy. But that all COULD be my brain coping.

                        Our old apartment had some 'other' residents... they were quiet mostly. Every now and then I would turn around to see something in a door way or peeking out behind the bathroom door. Once I woke up cause I thought the Beau was coming to bed and there was a shadow at the end of the bed All it took was me saying "It's not nice to scare people you know! I'm going to sleep now, and you had better not still be spying on me when I wake up again!" They never gave me much trouble after that. ^_^
                        We also have a white 'will-o-wisp' as Beau calls it. That came with us from our old apartment. ^_^ Neither of us really talked to the other about it till we moved in here, we thought it was just some trick of the light. Then one night The Beau was on the couch and he said "Huh, I guess you followed us here..." out loud and I responded with "Is it the little white shade?" And we both just kind of looked at each other and laughed.

                        ....But my real story... Scares the crap out of me, I was about 17. I was at a friends house one night... we stayed up late talking. and around the end of my visit I just felt uncomfortable... When I left to go home I kept glancing into my back seat... I could swear someone was sitting there watching me. I got home and went to bed...feeling uneasy. So I opened my blinds at about 2am, it was a big beautiful full moon that night...I remember thinking how cool it was. Now at about 1-4 am the moon would always shine right into my bedroom window and light up my whole room. I got back into bed looking at the moon...and realized the light from outside stopped at my window sill. Everything in my window was bright and happy... but my bedroom was PITCH black.. I could barely see the foot of my bed.

                        I shook it off. And tried to fall back asleep, but the room kept getting darker and darker. It was that oppressive dark, my skin was crawling and I felt like something was sitting on my chest. I hid under my covers like a little kid... and I swear something sat on my bed... I felt it indent by my knees...... I ended up sleeping in my moms room that night.

                        Two days later... after a horrible day at school that left me angry at the world... it happened again... it is amazing though what you can over come when you are pissed. I was sound asleep and I woke up staring at the moon again...I began feeling scared and oppressed again... and my room was once again entirely dark, I waited for a while to see if it was just my eyes... it wasn't. I sat straight up in bed and said very loudly "I am so NOT in the mood for this shit. If you know what's good for you leave me the FUCK alone!"

                        ....oddly enough with in one minutes time I could see everything as clear as day. And it still comes back once in a while.... but seems like IT is afraid of ME now... which makes me happy.

                        ^_^ Long post... sorry... But It's fun for me to talk about my experiences to a captive audience.. ^_^ i enjoyed reading everyone's so much I had to add
                        "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


                        • #13
                          I've had a few experiences like old apartment I shared with my roommate just after I got my furchild I'd see out of the corner of my eye I'd see a black streak run past me. First few times I thought it was my furchild, then I'd find him sound asleep on my bed...the completely oppisite direction of where that black streak was heading.

                          Another is I was just starting to fall asleep in said apartment, and just turned out the light, when I felt someone watching me...I open my eyes to a woman...roughly my age dressed in old fashioned clothes standing near my dresser. I blinked and she was gone but it still freaked me out.

                          In my new house I just bought I have an older gentleman ghost living in my attic...I know this even if I haven't seen him because he likes to PACE over my closet. First I thought it was my tenant but the one time I was convinced otherwise, was when I KNEW no one was in that half of the house.
                          It is by snark alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of the coffee bean that thoughts acquire 'tude, the lips acquire mouthiness, the glares become a warning.


                          • #14
                            i have had a number of experiences like this.

                            As I live in central Tokyo, I often use the subways - sometimes the stations can get very empty particularly in the early morning - I have seen more than one shadow of a person jump in front of a train.

                            I have had shadow people go past my office/lab door in the late evening when all the students have gone home.

                            But one of the most surreal experiences was many years ago in Australia when a friend of mine and I were followed by a shadow man - so we both stopped and turned around and for a brief moment we saw the shadowy outline of a person before it faded away. Could have sworn I heard someone whisper (in a voice far deeper than my friends or my voices are) 'keep walking'. We kept walking but it never returned.

                            One of the nicest encounters was when I was at a Buddhist temple just outside Tokyo - my Grandmother back in Australia had just past away and I was feeling very low (I was very close to that wonderful woman). I was just sitting there in the temple meditating and trying to keep calm. It ws then I saw 2 shadow people walk towards me but then vanish before they reached me - but I felt a comforting hand on both of my shoulders, and before I new it, I was calm.

                            The event above was also a case of 'lost time' - I can't recall about an hour and a half of my time in the temple.

                            I have had a lot of experiences, including full aparitions, evp etc - some friends and relatives say that I am a'sensitive' borne out of a very traumatic sequence of experiences during my teens - I am still trying to understand this.


                            • #15
                              seen or felt shadow people all my life but didn't know what it was until I hit my 20's
                              I just knew that i could sense them or see them out of the corner of my eye thinking well i have a lazy eye issue thats part of it. it wasn't until i moved into my first haunted apartment that i understood no, those are shadow things.

                              it became more intense when I moved with my family into a haunted house, not bad spirits just mischievous and in an area that had been renovated to make homes and was some battleground ages ago and our house was the flocking grounds. I know because they liked to bother me and mom on a daily basis.

                              my first cat passed away in that house and i know the difference between the shadow people and spirits as he follows me around sometimes. he comes to check on me now and then but being as he was a black cat with yellow eyes the one time i saw him full on creeped me out. had to say yes i'm ok but please don't do that again its creepy.
                              living where i am now there was a grandparent and cousin living in the laundry room. they left after I burned some sage as the little boy liked to aggravate me on my bad days.

                              at worst the grandpa would mess with the tv when he thought i was watching it long enough and shut if off.
                              since moving here, i have recently learned that alot of pets came and went over the years in this house (as in generations beforehand) and thus they hang around to make sure the kids, grandkids and so on are ok. My cat stops by now and then to play with the current fluffy ones and play with the animals still here.

