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College Computer Hogs

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  • College Computer Hogs

    UUUGGG. I'm so fed up with it.

    Our college has quite a few computers in the library... but not enough for every single student, obviously. There are 6 computers that are 15min time limits, for checking your e-mail, facebook etc. The rest are supposed to be used, from Library opening till 1:00Pm, for ONLY school related activities.

    I am getting really sick of trying to find a computer to print out/work on my assignments, and seeing 10 people dicking around on youtube or facebook. And they watch for the library people, so If you do go and complain about them taking up the computers, they switch to another screen before the library people get there.

    *sigh* I miss the good old days when the library actually had facebook, myspace and youtube banned on the computers till after 1.

    Just needed to rant a bit... I have no printer at home, so I have to print my papers at school... I was almost late turning one in today because I couldn't find a computer... I waited for almost an hour before someone got done with one.
    "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"

  • #2
    I have literally lost it with these people. I remember at least once standing over some kid's shoulder cussing at him, while he alternated between his programming assignment and his party poker, and occasionally looking over at the help desk and bitching them out for not kicking this slacker off the machine. I am not kidding, I seriously flipped out. The signs all said no gaming in the labs during busy hours, but the staff wouldn't enforce anything.


    • #3
      My library has two computers that are strictly for printing only and have no chairs, so noooo sitting. They are right at the center desk, so the librarians can keep a very close eye on them. I think by not having chairs, it lessens the person's idea of lingering at the computer and doing things other than printing. The librarians will allow a short amount of time for people to work on assignments at these kiosks, given that there are no lines behind them.

      They put these computers there after people complained of the fifteen-odd computers were being used by folks too interested in checking facebook than to work on assignments and so forth. As for me, if I need to work on an assignment at the school and in the library, I find the books I need, then travel to the very top floor and find an unused computer in the back (hardly anyone goes to the top floor for some reason) and do my work, with an occassional check of other things.


      • #4
        My school has a computer lab, so I hardly use the library computers, but I know the frusturation. Usually, the computers in the library are full, plus the library is one of the noisiest places in the school. Can't people just check facebook at home? Or maybe they should enforce time limits or something.


        • #5
          At least they aren't crashing the campus' network like someone here did.
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

