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Random pet peeves.

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  • Random pet peeves.

    Just felt like venting about some dumb and/or annoying shit I see and/or deal with in my personal and/or professional lives.

    --People who use "and/or" excessively.

    --Women who are attractive, interesting, intelligent, seem vaguely interested in you....and then utter those two most vile of words: "my boyfriend." HATE that.

    --People at a restaurant who say they are ready to order....then ummm and uhhhh over the menu for several minutes while the server (me) is trapped there, suffering. Bonus hatred to people who do this when it's busy, so they're not just wasting my time, but also interfering with my ability to serve other customers.

    --People who cross a street with oncoming traffic, without really looking, at a nice, leisurely pace, pretty much daring one of the vehicles to hit them. One day, they are going to lose this bet. I only hope I'm there to see it....and I'm not the one hitting them. I would hate to have to clean blood off my pretty blue Blazer.

    --Friends who don't answer their phones, forcing me to leave a voice mail message, then call back later to find out what I wanted, without bothering to check the message. Generally, these seem to be the same friends that call when they see you called but hung up, and ask why you didn't leave a message.

    --Friends who are early morning people who can't get it through their heads that not all of us are, and insist on calling us at times that they know are completely annoying for us. (Luckily, I am getting my revenge on the worst culprit of this. Muahahahaha....)

    --Attractive and intelligent women who date utter douchebags. I can accept the fact that not every girl I like is going to be single. It's easier to accept when their boyfriends are decent fellows. When they're douchebags, you want to smack the girl with a clue by four.

    --People who see no problem with walking down Duval Street, the main drag in Key West, with their grade-school-aged children in tow, at midnight or later. This is an adult place for adults at an adult time. Get a babysitter or stay in your fucking hotel. This is R-rated and X-rated stuff, and Johnny and Suzie really shouldn't be seeing it. Not to mention, what the fuck are they still doing up at this hour? Don't you morons know what a "bedtime" is?

    --The people from the above peeve that see stuff that offends them and complains to the City about it, causing the City to attempt to curtail some of the stuff that makes Duval Street fun for those of us that realize it's for fucking adults. You want a family-friendly environment? Go to fucking Disney World. Some of us are adults and would like to be able to enjoy adult fun. Not everything has to be appropriate for children. Think of the children? My ass. In the words of my hero, George Carlin, FUCK the children. And fuck you for attempting to impose your brand of "what's right" on my town after your one week visit. Go the fuck home and stay there. (Sorry...this one really irritates me.)

    --Tourists who ask the bartender where to score drugs. No, I am not going to get fired and/or arrested so you can go find your preferred party favors. Especially since I've known you all of fifteen minutes.

    --Women who wear provocative clothing and get all bent out of shape when guys actually look at them. If you don't want us looking, don't wear stuff that is designed to make people look. Enough with this hypocrisy.

    --This latest Burger King ad campaign. Do you REALLY think making the figurehead of your franchise as creepy as possible is a good marketing ploy?

    --Drivers who park their precious car in two spaces to keep the unwashed masses away from their vehicle. If you don't want it scratched, don't drive it. By the way, a douchebag maneuver like that is going to make it more likely for someone to intentionally fuck with your shiny new sled.

    --Customers who answer the question, "What would you like to drink?" with a generic answer like, "Beer." Care to clue me on which flavor, Ringo?

    --Procrastination. It is kind of a weird thing when you hate something you are so damn good at!

    Feel free to chime in with your own random peeves. Release your troubles, exorcise your demons, right here, right now!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    My pet peeves?

    Tardiness Seriously. I've been here 9 hours working my ass off waiting for you to crawl out of bed and saunter in so I can go home and spend time with the wife before I pass out from exhaustion.

    Utah drivers Aut, dalesys and SmileyEagle (anyone else I missed?) can vouch for this I'm sure. On the freeway especially, drivers have this horrid tendency to change lanes without looking. I drive a red 1970s muscle car. It's not a Smart car. It's a battleship on wheels, and bright red at that. Look before you fucking leap.

    Deer In The Headlights Syndrome I don't expect everyone to be a techie, or even be a geek, even if that's what you claim to be. If you ask for help, then demand I not "talk down to you" and "I know tech stuff, too!", don't get the deer in the headlights look when I do just that. Just because you have a smartphone and claim to understand why the cake is a lie doesn't make you a geek. I'll explain everything in easy to understand terminology if you so desire. If you want me to talk to you like I do an admin coworker, I'll do that too, just don't demand I do the latter, then stare at me like I grew another nose. that it? It's always irked me that people ask what I do, when I explain I'm a sysadmin, get all excited like I'm saving the world. When I further explain what I ACTUALLY do, they get this " that all?" reaction. While I realize my job doesn't make the newspapers, my job is very important. If not, you couldn't satisfy that porn addiction that has made you a regular of my services. At least, not as easily.

    Which brings me to my last one:

    Even untrained monkeys... could figure it out that you don't click on every moving thing you see after the first few times your computer went tits up. Keep this up and you'll have a full Frequent Flier card from me. No. This doesn't mean you get a free virus cleaning. This means I take away your computer and give you an abacus. Once you have learned how to manage that, I may let you have a graphing calculator again. May.
    Coworker: Distro of choice?
    Me: Gentoo.
    Coworker: Ahh. A Masochist. I thought so.


    • #3
      Pedestrians on campus. GAH! Hurry up and cross the damn street!! Don't hover at the edge of the sidewalk wondering, "should I cross, should I not?" Don't saunter across chatting with your gaggle. Don't text or fiddle with your MP3 player. Cross. The. Road. You are annoying me and making me late for class.

      Also, the street running across campus is not a drop-off/pick-up zone. You can walk to a driveway or parking lot.
      "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

      Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
      Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


      • #4
        Able-bodied people who take up two-three seats on the buses, ether because they lay across the seats or put their big bags on it, and refuse ot move, even for disabled/elderly people. I got up and stood, risking falling down on a fast moving MAX train so that a lady could sit because the three other people couldn't move their tiny handbags, or their legs. Ironically we got off at same stop, she saw my limp and asked what was wrong. When I told her, she was shocked that I would still move. I at least had a reason to sit, not the other brats. I just mentioned I was raise by mom and sister XD.

        People Writing on Chalkboards. I have no idea why. Its just... GAH. No. Its not the sound. Its not the look. It just bugs me to no end.

        People who are generally shocked, and refuse to belive that I do not smoke weed/drink. While. Shocking...

        People that spit nonstop and seem to aim near you. Gawd I hate that. I mean seriously, its every thirty seconds, and the stops are riddled with spit that I can't take one step without stepping in that shit.

        I know I have more, but tired...
        Military Spouse Support.
        Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


        • #5
          - Hypocrites. 'Nuff said.

          - People who whine and cry over trivial things. Whining because your internet disconnected for ten minutes? Whining because you weren't the top scored on the game? Whining because it's hot in the summer? Do me a favor and just go away.

          - People who chew with their mouths open. Drives me nuts. Have some damn manners, cretin.

          - Jealous boyfriends/girlfriends. You should all be shot. It's not your choice as to who your spouse can and can't hang out with, it's theirs. Right now at my job, there's a girl there who has one of these scumbags. Once while she was talking to him on the phone, I asked her a question (she was on her break), he heard me, got mad and asked "Who the hell is that?" People just need to grow up sometimes.

          - People who hate my city/state. I get it. Sacramento can be boring and quiet. Fine, understandable. What do you do next? You get the f*** out. You do not have to keep expressing your hatred for this place every five seconds. I'm tired of having front row seats to this idiotic Bitch-o-rama.

          - Shallow women. I'm too tall? Bite me.

          - This whole damn litigious society where we think that we can sue anyone for anything. Too many bullshit lawsuits and you know that there are always some sleazebag lawyers willing to do it.

          - People who lie, cheat, and steal their way to the top.
          In the slot machine of life, I am the WILD symbol.


          • #6
            - People who don't pronounce names right, and don't bother to try

            - Follows on from above, people who don't correct the people pronouncing their name wrong

            - People who spell other peoples names wrong, and don't even check if there are known mutliple spellings of the name (such as Sara/Sarah, Toni/Tony, Darren/Darryn, Keren/Kerren/Keiran, Kerry/Kerri, Ok, I see you get the picture)

            - Clicking pens unless it is me clicking it (I can be evil )

            - Sitting on a couch (or linked seating) and jiggling your leg just because you can, it MOVES the whole darn seating!

            Oh and there will be more, just not in an irritable mood right now
            Began work Aug as casual '08
            Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
            Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
            Why do I still work there again?


            • #7
              - People who answer questions like "what kind of room would you like?" with "One with a bed" DIAF!

              - Assholes who tell me, AFTER they've checked in, that they have a pet with them. Sorry; no pets. Period.

              - Assholes that bitch there's nothing to do in town. I'm sorry guys, but you are here for BOMB TRAINING. We're not interested in girlie bars and "gentleman's" clubs and stop leering at me please. Oh, and for another matter, stop getting so hammered the local COPS wind up ARRESTING your asses! You guys are police officers or firemen. YOU KNOW BETTER.

              - Coworkers who don't show up for their shift. Which I'm waiting to get off of so I can go home and pass the hell out. Oh, you're not showing up for your shift? Huzzah. Guess who's stuck staying up to do it! ME! DIAF!
              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


              • #8

                .... I cant figure that out...
                Military Spouse Support.
                Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                • #9
                  DIAF v. Die In A Fire, the preferred solution to interpersonal problems, esp. work-related.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Plaidman View Post
                    Able-bodied people who take up two-three seats on the buses, ether because they lay across the seats or put their big bags on it, and refuse ot move, even for disabled/elderly people.
                    My mother has a good way round that. She'll casually lean over to the person & ask in a very loud voice... "Excuse me, does your bag have a valid ticket? Only there are people standing here who did buy one!"

                    She's had a few people go red & shuffle over doing that

                    My pet peeves are:

                    you know, the type that are always claiming they have something major wrong with them just because they sneezed? I know someone who's very good at that.. lets call them X. I also have a friend who has been suffering for weeks with bad pain & dizziness who has said on occasion "Well, could be worse, I could have X's problems

                    People who think I'm stored in a cupboard & am automatically activated when they want me:
                    I don't work presently due to several things so it seems that people also think I have no life and am always on call if they want something or am always in if they just call round or phone. I have even had texts before now asking why I wasn't answering my land-line phone

                    People who think they know better than me about someone I live with 24/7:
                    That's those who appear every few months for 10-20 mins then try & tell me how I should be coping with looking after my problematic daughter. Just because so & so who has a child with ONE of the same problems as my daughter does things their way doesn't mean that this will work with my daughter who has multiple other problems as well. And another thing, so & so has 2 parents to look after them & was diagnosed a hell of a lot younger than my daughter & so has had more chance to get the help required in their formative years. I'm going it alone as a single parent of a person who wasn't diagnosed with her problems until she was 17 and if she had have been diagnosed earlier, maybe there may have been a chance of her not having quite so many problems now

                    Ummm sorry about that last rant, seems its been bugging me a while
                    Arp happens!

                    Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Cazzi View Post
                      People who think they know better than me about someone I live with 24/7:
                      Same with me. Some of my friends think they know my mom. I tell them not to do something. They do it. Then they see my mom's wrath. She doesn't hit or attack them, but they will not be allowed in the house.

                      Or they try to make me do an action I know isn't approved of by my mom (When I was alot younger by cousins).

                      Yeah. Don't act like you know my ma better then me after meeting her for four minutes...
                      Military Spouse Support.
                      Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


                      • #12
                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        --Women who wear provocative clothing and get all bent out of shape when guys actually look at them. If you don't want us looking, don't wear stuff that is designed to make people look. Enough with this hypocrisy.
                        This. This bugs me to know end.

                        Quoth Jester View Post
                        --This latest Burger King ad campaign. Do you REALLY think making the figurehead of your franchise as creepy as possible is a good marketing ploy?
                        He's so damn creepy! In fact I refuse to go to BK because of this campaign.

                        Quoth ottid View Post
                        - Sitting on a couch (or linked seating) and jiggling your leg just because you can, it MOVES the whole darn seating!
                        I am guilty of this. My leg shakes a lot when I'm sitting. But in my defense it does it on its own. I have no clue I'm doing it till someone tells me to stop. I can't help it.


                        • #13
                          Bugme stuff

                          My pet peeve lately?

                          People who think they're being helpful and try to help, but fuck it up twice as bad so you have to fix it! YARRGH!!! My BF does a great job with taking care of the baby - but he was a bonehead, stepped on a tube of A&D, got it all over the carpet - and the laundry basket. He thought he was being helpful by cleaning the carpet (good, yes) but didn't do the basket. I found out....with BLOBs of cream all over my hands.

                          He runs the sink for a baby bath. Great! Except he put the sink stopper in upside down. THERE IS NO GRIP on that side. I can't get it out except have to go to the tool box, open box, get pliers, use pliers...

                          Instead of using the laundry basket for it's job, laundry, he goes off and uses pillowcases to carry laundry. Great. Except he got those pillowcarrier cases dirty - and those were the last 2 clean ones.
                          In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                          She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                          • #14
                            Okay in no particular order.

                            People who say "Don't take this the wrong way but...." If you have to say that there's a good chance the person most likely will take it the wrong way.

                            People who insult you. When you confront them about it, they say "I was just kidding". Or "That's not what I meant". Bull Shit. You weren't just "kidding", and exactly what did you mean?

                            Being told to "Calm down" when I'm mad. Tell me that and I'll just get even more mad.

                            People who say "It don't matter to me" when deciding where to eat. Yet when you start naming off places, they say no to everyone.

                            I'll think of more later.....
                            Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

                            Proud Air Force Mom


                            • #15
                              Right now?

                              The phrase "needless to say...."

                              If it's "needless to say" then you don't need to say it!!

                              At the very least add a should "It should be needless to say..." At least then you're implying that while you think it's obvious, you are aware that not everyone thinks like you do.
                              The High Priest is an Illusion!

