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Ugh....i think im dying...

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  • Ugh....i think im dying...

    Im fairly certain I have food poisoning....Ive been throwing up since 3 this morning along with diarrhea (oo, fun!). Everytime I hit the bed, id have to get right back up and head back to the bathroom.

    My hubby and I had some sausage sandwiches with sausage that we werent entirely sure were still good. I know, i a dummy. After eating it, my tummy started to hurt a little. And of course around 2 am I started with nauseaous feeling and at three I was hunched over the toilet. Hubby didnt get sick though, so while I think it was food poisoning, I dont understand why he didnt get it too.

    I was finally able to crawl outta bed @ 4pm and stiffly make my way downstairs. Im holding down the gingerale and toast so I hope its all over.

    At least my abs got a workout.......

  • #2
    have you been staying hydrated? not just water...maybe some gatoraid or somethin with electrolytes (smart water's good too)? they'll help make sure you don't get sicker.

    get well soon!
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      Quoth Amina516 View Post
      Hubby didnt get sick though, so while I think it was food poisoning, I dont understand why he didnt get it too.
      bacteria/toxin counts can vary greatly in a processed product- at the lab we've had samples read both positive and negative for the same sample just from different areas-as in bacteria are in one part but not the other-and with sausage you have mixing going on-but possibly not enough to contaminate the entire package.
      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


      • #4
        That sucks. Hope you feel better soon.

        I got food poisoning once a couple years ago (pretty sure it was the chicken strips I had for lunch in the cafeteria at work). Around dinner time I started feeling just a tad nauseated, and by a little after 10 I was throwing up. About 4 in the morning I got on my computer and emailed my boss to tell him I wasn't going to be in...hoping by the time I could actually call him I would finally be able to sleep. When I got up in the (late) morning, I dragged myself across the street to 7-11 for Gatorade and saltines. My mom came over later and made me some soup...I managed about 2 spoonfuls and then tossed it right back up. Fun times.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Also, some people's digestive systems are better at fighting the baddies than are others. In my experience, men seem to be able to tolerate foods that often have women in misery.
          Don't wanna; not gonna.


          • #6
            Interesting tiddly bits: i just found out that there are 2 other people (my cousin, and a pregnant friend) who are sick now, as I was earlier.

            I dont know if this is food poisoning anymore like i originally though...They were both @ my house this past friday for my hubbys bday party. I really hope I didnt somehow give/pass this nasty thing to anyone.

            My cousin just went to the ER b/c she cant handle it i guess.


            • #7
              Fun fact: Most cases of restaurant-related food poisoning actually aren't.

              It's actually pretty common for cases where an outbreak of reports of food poisoning are actually tied to another diner having been sick (often including vomiting while at the site) and passing their illness on to the rest of the clientele.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                So, Im going with *NOT* food poisoning but a stomach bug since my 10 yr old is now in the bathroom puking his guts out. My house is officially on quarantine....

