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just a rant

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  • just a rant

    Telemarketers and door-to-door- salespeople.. - I know they are doing their job etc etc etc - but as soon as they contact me or approach me they have made a no-sale.
    I once had one of them say that they were a 'top award winning sales person' - I could not care less if they were the reptilian pontiff of some gas giant planet - No. Sale. Ever.

    Your sales quotas are not my problem - if you disturb my peace, you lose the sale. Period. But I will be polite and say 'no thanks and take me off your call list' - 2nd time, the gloves are off.

    Election campaigners - this happens alot in Japan before an election and a bit, I recall, back in Oz... going around with the humping-the-leg-type-false-excitement campaign has not done any favours for you or your party, handing me a leaflet when i say 'no' (and I always will say "no thanks") will result in me screwing it up and throwing it in the bin in front of you (and a complaint against to your party to the elctoral commission).

    Why can't I just be left alone??!?!? - when I say 'no, thanks' - there is not a force in the damned multiverse that will change that decision.


  • #2
    Are you on a no call list? That may keep it down some, except for the campaign stuff.
    Dull women have immaculate homes.


    • #3
      I have an unlisted number here in Japan (don't know who or how to get on a list here).

      One instance was a telemarketer who noted that I was a gaijin (foreigner), he spoke very good English - he was trying to sell me a contract plan for online movies. As I am moving countries in a couple of months time, I told him no and asked him not to call me again - he started screaming about his sales quotas etc - i basically told him that now, I could not care less about him or his quotas and hung up.

      The campaigners go around in small trucks with loudhailers repeating the same messages all friggin day

