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Silly Friend....

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  • Silly Friend....

    I love my friends. I'd take a bullet for any of them. I know its a common word, but I would.

    Despite how much I scream of my hatred towards people, I'd likely take a bullet for alot of people, even a few customers. Nothing burns me more then injustice, and no-one deserves to be hurt. I will however, insult people alot. especally bullies and others.

    That being said, I love my friends. Today, one of my friends, T, (My other main friend, not J who is whiny!) came over a little early before game.

    I love T, and he likes me as a brother. I'm one of the very few people he knows, that will talk to him, agree/disagree about politics. I'm mostly democractic, he's a staunch republican. My family is democrat, the bulk of my friends are too. However, they will not listen to his views at all. Hell, my mom nearly kicked him out of the house when he brought up republicans. He now knows to not bring up politics around her period. We both respect each other enough that we will be friends through this, and won't beat or insult each other over politics. (He doesn't insult my eyes or inability of getting a girlfriend, I am however, gotten more dates since I tried that whole confidene crap. It hasn't pan out, but hey!) and i won't insult his politics.

    OK! Main point!

    I was watching a recording of Oprah from a few days ago because the last guest had NF, my same disease. She was talking about the operation that removed the 2 pound tumor that was on her face, and how much more confident she is. There is still a decent chance that tumor grows back, it's the nature of the disease, but she's finally getting to go outside and not have alot of people stare or scream insults. She still has a /disfigured/ face. Nothing can cure that really. But she's much happier.

    T, not knowing it was about NF was about to make a remark. Not likely anything demenaing, he isn't that kind to judge people based on what they look like, but I do know it would be likely on not doing it sooner or something bad.

    ME: "Tread very carefully with what your about to say. That is the same disease I have, and a very good chance my face will look like that as I get older..."

    TOM: "... oh... no wonder your trying to watch it...."

    ME: "Very good chance it'll grow back, and no cure for it"

    TOM: "Continue" *pointing to TV.

    He finally shut up, be cause he is a very major talker. So it was nice of him to not say a single word for rest of show, and even asked me a few questions. He knows I have it since I told him a few years ago after his curiousity about my eyes finally got to him.

    I love my friends. He was really just curious as to what I have, and my likely future. He may even go to a support meeting with me someday. That's nice of him.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    *hugs* Awesome friend.
    hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
    1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
    2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
    3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


    • #3
      Now, that's a real friend! Yay for you.
      Dull women have immaculate homes.

