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some strange cleaning gene

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  • some strange cleaning gene

    that women have and men does not? (rant here nothing against anyone) in that I can tell my hubby all day don't toss or touch that and he does anyways.

    he cleaned. and i appreciated the gesture until I can't find half of my all. and these are things I use daily. why can't he clean as in dust a bit or sweep the floor once in a while instead of rearrange the whole room....thats my job to rearrange and keep clutter at bay dammit (edited to clear confusion)
    this is an issue because this is the fourth time this discussion has ensued. Don't do certain things please I need that. OR please put your things away so I don't trip over them especially when carrying our daughter!!

    and no i cannot argue with him i have to wait until he wakes up to get ready for work. grrrrr

    end rant. thank you
    Last edited by Midnight12; 05-19-2010, 12:18 AM. Reason: edited to clarify

  • #2
    Somehow my husband can walk past a sinkful of dirty dishes, and it never occurs to him that they need to be washed. If I ask him to do something he does it right away and without complaining, so I know he's not just ignoring it- it really never occurs to him to do anything on his own. Weird, but at least he'll do things when I ask.


    • #3
      edited and changed for clarification.

      realized i had jobs mixed up
      i don't mind telling him to do stuff daily but that he throws his stuff around and its every morning i have to move his stuff out of the way so that when i take daughter wherever in the house i'm not tripping over his things or finding his things where they don't belong. we've had this discussion numerous times.....I had the issue with dropping daughter and am even more terrified of doing so again as he STILL leaves his stuff everywhere there is no real clear path sometimes.

      i left a note, i find it out of place he can find it in the trash can. i feel i am done discussing.


      • #4
        My Dad cleans. He's the one who taught me how to cook, clean, organize, and change the oil in my car. Dad is SUCH a mother.
        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • #5
          The MOTH™ only chooses to clean after 11 pm. Sucks to be him, since we live in an apartment building with thin walls and an echoing hallway.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid

