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Why can't family be supportive (rant, long, language)

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  • Why can't family be supportive (rant, long, language)

    After dealing with my sister and SIL and their snide comments on facebook, and one nasty comment on my wall from my sister, I sent my sister a message in private. I'm tired of being treaded like a verbal punching bag and told her so. I'm going to post the private convo here, with names changed for protection but I do want ya'll's opinion. Some of it talks about a specific lifestyle I lead, which some people know and some don't. It is not a mainstream lifestyle, but I'm not going to put details in here. Help?

    RHPG May 25 at 11:46pm
    You want to talk about people being disrespectful? Have you read the crap that you and SIL have been writing on my wall? You think that hasn't affected me at all? I don't look at it as FUN. But you wouldn't think of that. You wouldn't think that what you're saying is HURTFUL or DISRESPECTFUL. I posted for EVERYONE to not call unless it's an emergency because if I have no money to put on my phone, no one will be able to get ahold of me if there IS an emergency. I have to get a different plan because I couldn't afford mine. You think everything's about smoking but it isn't. Why should I want to talk to you or SIL when ya'll have been nothing but rude, hateful and disrespectful for the past two days?

    SISTER May 26 at 8:48am
    we have not been any of those things. but when you stop to consider the way you have been for the last two weeks you would deserve it if i was. i try to call and talk to you and you rip my head off. there was never any hurtful or disrespectful comment made TO YOU...if you think there was please show me. oh except for the one on the book thing, but then you were trying to go out of your way to make us look stupid. so you get what you deserve on that one. i am so fed up with the level of self pity you have sunken too lately. ever time i have talked to you in months you are whining about no money, no job, etc.....

    your stupid irresponsible choices have given you the life you have. nothing against the people you are living with, but eeewww! to the lifestyle. you wont go out and try to find a job and instead of living in the REAL world you cant get past that 2nd life and larp BULLSHIT! its not real. why cant you face reality? what are you scared of, seeing what you really have become?

    you tell me about all the dreams you have....or had. well if you ever want to see any of that come true you are going to have to change. you are completely to blame for your "situation".

    I am just tired of listening to you whine about it. You have cost yourself your husband, son, family, friends, jobs, and well pretty much everything. You have diminished yourself to level that i have no respect for you, and im not afraid to tell you that. I however have never deserved to be attacked by you or the "friends" you hand out with.

    You need to grow up and face reality. Get a REAL job and get a REAL life, not a second life. How far into this pit of dispair before you wake up? Get over yourself RHPG, You are your own worst enemy!

    RHPG May 26 at 2:44pm
    You tried to call me at 2am when I'd slept for MAYBE 2 hours a night thanks to insomnia and was finally sleeping, but I'm wrong for wanting to sleep. You say I cost myself my husband? You mean the one who hit me, tried to strangle me when I was pregnant with my son, and was out fucking whores and doing coke? The one who i'm LUCKY i didn't get an STD from since he NEVER used protection. But I cost myself my husband. Well good fucking riddance.

    And as for the rest, wow. You say you're open minded and non judge mental. I guess that's the biggest lie you've ever told. Just because my lifestyle isn't yours, you think it's "eww" whatever. You'd probably say the same thing if I told you I was a lesbian apparently. Do your research. Poly households aren't that uncommon anymore. But this is the reason I don't tell you anything. You claim to not be judgmental, but you are. You think everyone has to be like you to be "normal". Well I don't WANT to be "normal" I don't want to be "perfect". I want to be ME, not who everyone wants me to be.

    If you want to be my sister, be my sister and stand by me. If you can't handle the life I choose to live, and let me live it without judging me, well... I can't do it anymore. You want to know my dreams? I want to be able to stay home and design web sites. I want to do a job I ENJOY doing. You may not think that's possible because you're stuck in a job you hate, but I actually have people who are SUPPORTIVE of me going after my dreams. I thought my family would be supportive of that too, but I was obviously wrong there.

    As for me being bitchy, I'd love to see you quit smoking without a patch and without gum. I've been smoke free now for 2 weeks without anything but sugar free candy and gum. Let me see you do that, and NOT be bitchy.

    I've tried to be there for you when you need a shoulder. I really have, but I can't be there for someone who's just going to turn around and be a bitch about every single thing I say. You came onto MY post on MY facebook and tried to make ME look stupid. I just defended myself. People ask why I don't stick up for myself to you and SIL, did you know that? Know what I had to tell them? Because it only makes it worse. And you proved that. And I didn't have my FRIEND attack you. He posted without me talking to him, but you obviously think everyone's out to get you. Stop thinking everything's about YOU Sister and start thinking that there are other people in the world who live differently from you. Understand that nobody is "normal" or "perfect" and if they were the world would be a very boring place indeed. Maybe when you open your mind and your heart to other ways of thinking and living and loving, you'll understand that you're not right about everything and that people do see the world from different perspectives. I don't see the world the same way you do, and I never will. Maybe one day you'll see I don't have to.
    ETA: I've seriously been feeling like I'm losing my whole family, either to death or closed mindedness. I can't stand it when people say "I don't mean to judge" and are actually being judgmental.
    Last edited by SengaKitty; 05-26-2010, 07:48 PM.

  • #2
    Maybe I advocate this too much, but it's obvious she's not going to be supportive of who you are and it sounds like SIL is going that way, too. If they don't try to support your life, do they need to BE in your life? I say no.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


    • #3

      I also vote for kicking them out of your life, or at least off of your facebook.


      • #4
        I've pretty much decided that that's the last message I'm sending unless I get an apology. As for the SIL, she's never been much of an SIL, never really cared about me etc. It's the sister that bugs me most

        ETA: Just blocked my sister. She responded with more hatefulness and lies etc. The last quote "Please get some pills before your paranoia kills you" was the straw
        Last edited by SengaKitty; 05-26-2010, 08:12 PM.


        • #5
          Whoa, Red, I'd give up men for good if my hubby did that too.


          Well, you know we all love and care for you. You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family and sometimes there is just nothing to do but resign to life and cut ties with certain family members.
          Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

          Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

          Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


          • #6
            Quoth Evil Queen View Post
            . You can pick your friends but you can't pick your family and sometimes there is just nothing to do but resign to life and cut ties with certain family members.

            I actually do believe you can pick your family. the people I live with, and some of my friends are more family to me than most of my actual family.

            As for the crap with my ex, in one of her last messages my sister tried to say if was funny that that only came out after I left my husband. My dad knew that my husband hit me, and people knew I went to Virginia while I was pregnant because my husband tried to strangle me, and that one of the reasons i left was he was cheating. Hell SHE knew these things. But she apparently conveniently forgot about all of that and all of our conversations about it... Talk about selective memory?


            • #7
              i wouldn't talk to her any more if she wants to walk to she can use good old snail mail.
              Heck i would change my phone number.

              she sees like she wants to hurt for the safe of hurting you.


              • #8
                I'm actually having to get a new phone within the week anyway, and don't plan on passing on the number to her until she can grow up.. Oh and I'm the younger sister... Go figure


                • #9
                  Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
                  Oh and I'm the younger sister... Go figure
                  My little sister is a lot more mature, calm, confident and grounded than I was at her age, so I find that very easy to believe.

                  Just ignore her, it's not worth the pain and effort of trying to explain. Maybe direct her towards Laurell K. Hamilton books if you are ever on speaking terms again.
                  Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

                  Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


                  • #10
                    This is all so sad. But I do agree about cutting her and your SIL out of, at least, your FB life. Do your best not to react to them anymore. Easier said than done, I know. Don't answer their phone calls, or read any of their emails.

                    Take a break and cool off for awhile. I hope this all works out for the best for you.
                    Dull women have immaculate homes.


                    • #11
                      Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
                      I actually do believe you can pick your family. the people I live with, and some of my friends are more family to me than most of my actual family.
                      I've always been fond of the saying "Friends are the family you can choose."

                      Your sister sounds like a bitch, and I'm glad that you blocked her on FB.
                      The High Priest is an Illusion!


                      • #12
                        Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
                        I actually do believe you can pick your family. the people I live with, and some of my friends are more family to me than most of my actual family.

                        Hi sister, how's the latest website going?
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          LOL Actually going to be workin on one for our plumber sometime this week/next week. Doing the actual site for free since he did our plumbing for 1/4 of the normal cost, and giving him the discounted monthly webmaster fee.

                          I did finally get the Web Master monthly subscription button up.. let's hope it helps my current client who is rather paypal NON savvy..

                          And yea, Smiley, you're more a sibling to me than most of my siblings lately


                          • #14
                            I shall phrase my comment in two simple words.

                            Fuck 'em.

                            I'd have given up after your second reply, she's stuck in her mentality, and (i'm guessing) her mind set is "I'm right. So there. Facts? Who cares about facts?"

                            So yeah.

                            Fuck 'em.
                            "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
                            Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


                            • #15
                              I second what Apollo said. No one says you have to claim all the people you're related to. I burned any bridges to my mother's side of the family and adopted people to be on that side of the family instead. If they can't love you the way you are, or at least hold their tongue when they disagree with your lifestyle, then you don't need them.

