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  • Kitty!

    My Mom and I went up to Smithfield, NC to go shop at the outlets yesterday. We ended up going to a nearby flea market. I was walking past some pet cages when something reached out and latched onto my sleeve. I jumped, thinking it was empty. There was a tiny black and white kitten in the cage.
    The cage was nasty. Litterbox full of droppings, no food, no water, and it was really, really hot in the building. The woman running the register at the flea market said the kitten was free so you can guess what happened.
    Mom wants me to find it a new home, or at least to make an attempt to. Though she seems to be warming up to it. She did tell me to call around to see how much various vets charge for a feline spay or neuter. I can't tell what it is though I think it might be a female. The lady said she didn't know anything about the age or gender of the kitten.

    Mom has been calling it Smudge... and she told me not to name it because I'd get attatched.

    After a bath:

    Smudge kind of looks like my cat, Mickey. Here he is the night I found him:

  • #2
    Cute kitten. If you're in the USA (edit: duh, you said NC) look up SpayUSA - they work with some vets and can get you a spay for not a lot of money. When we did rescue we did all of them though SpayUSA and most of them cost $25.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


    • #3

      It is a Smudge! He/she has one on his/her little nose. Keep it! Keep it!
      "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


      • #4
        Mom's second suggestion for the name was Squirts after an unfortunate incident on the way home that resulted in the loss of my shirt.


        • #5
          I vote for Smudge... and for keeping it!


          • #6
            Awwwwwwwwwww look at that cute widdle putty tat. *Pets*

            I vote yes for keeping it.
            Take this job and shove it. I ain't workin here no more.

            Proud Air Force Mom


            • #7
              OMG... Cuteness Meter has gone into overload and resulted in girly puddle. I want teh bebe! I wish I had a place (and we didn't already have 4 dogs, 4 cats and 3 guinea pigs)


              • #8
                Now Mom is going on about getting rid of all the animals. She is mad because Abby, one of the dogs, got loose and chewed up some paper (magazines and junk mail), while we were out. I cleaned up the mess and they were my magazines Mom had dumped under the side table after she finished reading them. Hopefully she'll cool off after a nap.
                Smudge was very proud of the fact that s/he was able to jump onto my bed- it is about waist high off the ground for me and I'm 5 feet 2 inches tall.


                • #9
                  aww they kept it in a cage with no food or water and it was very hot?

                  and then it had an accident on the way home?

                  i would seriously question how they looked after this poor cat and whether it would have survived had you not taken it.
                  Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"


                  • #10
                    I'm surprised the kitten isn't sick*.

                    *meaning not visibly/noticibly. It has clear eyes and nose, stool was loose but is now solid, no passing worms, and a healthy appetite.


                    • #11
                      Mom calmed down after a while and told me to bring Abby back inside. She had said to leave her in the back yard and 'never let that dog back inside this house ever again.'
                      Mom was watching tv and Smudge was walking around in the living room. Smudge jumped up onto Mom's lap, meowed a bit, curled up, and started purring. Mom started petting Smudge and was smiling. Then she turned to me and said I needed to find a new home for it.
                      She keeps going from insinuating we'd keep it to 'I don't want to keep it, find a new home for it.' She bought it a bag of kitten treats and a new bell ball even though we have more than enough cat toys.
                      Mom also gets mad at the oldest cat, Fiona. She'll get under her feet when she is in the kitchen or sitting in her chair eating food. She'll do the meow & reach up to tap Mom on the leg. Mom will shoo or push her out of the way and then give Fiona a bite of what she is having. She keeps saying I need to let Fiona outside because she is tired of her doing that and she's going to put her out if I don't. I told her she created that monster by giving her table scraps while she was eating. I've tried putting Fiona in my room while Mom is eating, but she has learned how to open the door.
                      I've put an ad out offering the kitten, but so has everyone else with an unplanned litter.

