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Bear The Dog Needs Good Thoughts!

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  • Bear The Dog Needs Good Thoughts!

    Fortunately, this isn't anything to get too worked up about, it's just unfortunate and embarrassing for the poor dog.

    I'm a little upset at my parents for lying to me....or rather, leaving out details for me.

    Bear, our 10 year old lab retriever, had been having a weird ear for a while. It was really swollen right by where the ear connects to her head, and it was sticking upwards.

    My parents told me Monday that Tuesday she was going to see the vet and they were going to fix it, it was a very simple procedure and nothing to worry about.

    I get to their place yesterday morning and Bear has a bandage around her entire head, totally covering the one ear, only exposing her eyes and nose. She obviously has been under surgery because she is panting like crazy, breathing really deep, almost grunt like noises, and can barely maneuver around.

    I instantly panicked. Then I found out what really happened. Supposedly, this happens a lot with retrievers, something irritates their ears, so they will violently shake their head and ears to relieve it. Enough of it, and they will rupture blood vessels in an ear, or sometimes even both. It creates somewhat of a clot, just a big pool of blood and makes the ear all swollen and makes the end of the ear stick upwards.

    She had to be put under (one of her legs has a shaved spot for an IV) and they had to cut into her ear and get rid of the pool, then stitch it back up. She has to take pills twice a day until the bottle runs out (kind of like antibiotics) and she has to have ear drops in other other ear twice a day.

    The poor dog just appears humiliated. She won't even really look at any of us....I know a lot of it is the drugs they used to put her under and they take a day or so to wear off, and she is slowly coming back.....but you can tell she is really depressed over it. I'm sure the poor dog thinks she has to wear that stupid bandage forever.

    The bandage can come off on Saturday. Thankfully, we have a good vet who even went out of their way to call and ask how she was doing.

    Good thoughts, please, if you can offer them. My poor doggy is just miserable.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Poor Bear and poor you. Hope she recovers quickly.
    "The pepper spray was cruel but to hit them with Barry Manilow was just plain vicious,"


    • #3
      Poor Bear.

      Sending healing thoughts for a quick and full recovery!



      • #4
        The same thing happend to my old lab and he was really not happy about it, thankfully labs have a rather impressive ability to move forward so as soon as that bandage comes off they spring back to their energetic, happy self.


        • #5
          When our dog broke his leg he went through a brief period of that before just dealing with it. Dogs are incredibly resilient. Just be glad he doesn't have to wear the "cone of shame."
          "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

          Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
          Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


          • #6
            Last summer we had our friends' dogs over for about a week. Poor Ziggy was depressed for several days after they went home.

            Sending happy thoughts and doggie biscuits Bear's way.
            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


            • #7
              Poor Bear.

              If it makes you feel better, when we adopted a lab, we took her home as soon as she was awake after she was spayed. It was probably a combination of "where am I?" and the anesthesia, but she hid in a corner the whole night. By the next afternoon she had ventured into the kitchen and figured out how to steal food off the counter, which ended up being her normal behavior.

