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wondering if I could ignore the MIL indefinetely

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  • wondering if I could ignore the MIL indefinetely


    Will figure out if this needs to be moved until then meh. I apologize for the language

    Ok, this has been a long time rant coming and from gathering the facts and making sure before I actually go off on this woman I have to "practice rant here" or at least get this off my chest so that when I do discuss it, its not in blind anger.

    I understand MIL has three kids of whom she loves, two having grand kids. I understand you have worked raising three kids and basically worked your arse off most of your life and had many bad things happen to you some traumatic some that still cause anger so that what money you have now is yours to spend. Congrats that you and your spouse have a good hobby with your new pontoon boat (hope i have that right, its a boat with a motor but has those metal air filled things under it and just railing around it this thing only its used and no shade thing that i saw. Good for you that you got the motor fixed however if you don't want repercussions or back talk or even negative response about it when you brag then WHY are you bragging about it or the $6 thou. you casually mention.

    Ok if you don't want to hear about what we have to say about it then why mention it or brag about it. DUH. thing is this, KNOWING that if any of your kids EVER ask you for help we ALWAYS pay it back and when we ask its NOT for us but stuff for the grand kids or stuff that we NEED. IE your youngest while busting her behind applying every day in nice clothing in the blistering heat to get a job when not many people are hiring or no better than part time and doing some of the stuff that your lazy ass needs to be doing WHY is it suddenly such a big deal for her to ask without hesitation in adding that her first paycheck will be to pay you back for some help paying her car insurance for the month? ( i have the right to call them lazy their house is an absolute mess! and has been for months. thats another rant i will answer questions on later)
    Or better yet why is it any of your damn business if after talking with you she comes to our dad for help instead since all you do is throw excuses or flake anyways.
    Why should it matter which parent she goes to, as she is going to pay them back!
    And the biggest issue, when hubby and myself come to you for a little help with getting a new car. And we specified new car to us, but used car period. And when we ask for help either a little money or at least have you seen any used cars for sale or point us in the right direction. SPECIFICS!
    So yeah, I feel I have the right to b***h about this because any time we have gone to you for help you throw excuses out such as let me get back to you or ask the step dad or deal with him or give me a week and never get back to us so we end up either asking dad for help or breaking into our savings. Trust me i worked hard to save up for a new car and its VERY frustrating when I have to use that to repair a van that should have been sold or left behind ages ago.

    Its a big deal to me about the van because of the fact there is no a/c, and its in the middle of summer heat wise here and very unsafe for baby, the car seat has to be strapped down with rope as the car is too old to have it properly secured however the sheriff's office has approved how we have Lisa's car seat done and that she is safe when we drive with her. I could care less if i sweat to soaking however I will not endanger my daughter any more. Yet because of these things alone its difficult to go out for long period even with the windows cracked!

    and my last point, I hear one more time "oh but the van has a new engine in it!" I will scream well its been two years that's now the equivalent of a new coat of paint on a rusted holey wagon! almost useless!

    Oh trust me, I don't ask much of hubby, I let him come home and vent and relax and do as much work as I can at home while trying to apply for a part time job and make sure someone can watch daughter so I can try and rebuild our lost savings for the car. yeah...and then MIL wonders why we favor dad so much. Maybe because he bends over backwards for us to make sure we have what we need while comment. So this fathers day i'm bending over backwards for dad, sucking it up and going to church and dragging hubby with me.

    UPDATE: 6/16/10
    after going over most of my posts and sitting up for a few hours one night I've come to the conclusion that I feel every time I open my mouth not just at but in general at home its to either put my foot in it or start something thats going to blow up in my face.
    I either make it too complicated or just worse so I've decided I'm going to just lurk and figure things out on my own. Its always some complicated over dramatic internal struggle with me and every time I have a point to prove or argument with someone in life its got to be me wrong. Its not about wrong or right anymore its just me wanting to say stop dumping on me people if you don't want me to fix it. (And I don't take someone venting to me in real life as i must fix it, they say help me fix it and then it goes bad)
    Its not about me wanting to prove anything anymore its just me saying stop treating me badly and leave me and my kid alone. So again. I'm sorry for sounding like a whiney b*tch or what have you. I'll just keep my mouth shut. And no its nothing personal with anyone here, I've just had it.
    Last edited by Midnight12; 06-16-2010, 07:43 PM.

  • #2
    Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but if her kids are going to her for financial assistance after they've grown up and moved out.... take your lumps.

    My parents are the LAST people I'd ever ask for financial assistance, because I know what kind of baggage would go with it. But that's just me...
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


    • #3
      I can sympathise. I asked my mum if we could borrow some money to get our car fixed so we could put it through it's MOT and we'd pay her back the following month when hubby got his work bonus and she refused. Found out that a week later she lent my sister more than we'd asked for and my sister didn't have to give it back.
      "The pepper spray was cruel but to hit them with Barry Manilow was just plain vicious,"


      • #4
        On the one hand there comes a time when you need to stand on your own two feet so I can see why a parent would stop offering financial assistance. On the other hand in this economic climate there are a lot of people who were in good financial shape that are now busting their asses to try and make ends meet, if that is the case then I suggest trying to sit down with her (or have your hubby do it) and have an honest talk about finances. She may not really know what is going on (it may seem obvious to you but I know that I thought my mom knew my financial situation as I was always mentioning how tight money was and how stressed I was about finding a job, hell the woman has access to my savings account, but she had no idea how bad things were last fall/winter until I told her that I wasn't sure I could afford to go up for Christmas) and she may not know that the money you are asking for is something that you need and not something that you want.


        • #5
          I don't really understand your financial situation but I can tell you this: DO NOT 'go off' on your MIL. You have to live with this woman for the rest of your life. If you have an aggressive confrontation with her, you will ruin not only your own relationship with her, but you husband's and daughter's relationships as well.

          If you have to talk to her, sit down and explain calmly why you feel that she doesn't understand you.

          However, it's better to get on the same page with your husband and let him do the talking. Parents take stuff like this better from their own children. Make him your partner in this and it will go much better.

          Out of curiosity, why would someone 'back talk' someone else because they said they bought a new boat? They're proud of it; nod and smile and say, "That's nice!" and keep the peace.


          • #6
            I'm going to be another one that says do not vent on MIL. Unless you don't care about maintaining a semi-decent relationship. Let her be the one that comes to you and hubby to talk.

            Sounds like your sister in law already knows how to play her mother and as much as it's not fair, she's the favorite of mom.

            *edit* But vent here all you want.. We can take it!
            Last edited by r2cagle; 06-15-2010, 01:56 PM.
            Make a list of important things to do today.
            At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
            Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


            • #7
              I don,t think you should go off on MIL. I understand how frustrating it is to be living hand to mouth...believe me I have been there. Especially when you feel like she could loan you some money. You do have a point.

              But you have to remember its her money and she does not owe you anything. It is not up to her to float you. It would be nice, yeah, but you can,t ask people for money, even as a loan, and then get angry when they decline. So chewing her out about what she does with her own money would be very bad form.

              Personally, in my experience, if a person is so bad off they have to borrow funds now, they really won't be much better off later. And then they will be in debt on top of it. (Been there, too. Repeatedly.)

              You have a right to be annoyed. Just don't bring it up to your MIL.


              • #8
                I assure you, not going to go off, going to have a nice calm discussion and clear the air. I know better than to confront as it will affect all. And no matter what I do afterwords after that confrontation I will be the bad guy. I won't deny her her grandkid, but I just...don't want to deal with her right now.

                To clarify:
                the youngest lives with her by choice. i think for me its more that yes i am wrong...but it doesn't mean i have to put up with her laziness, hypocrisy. I was just using the major issues instead of going down the long list of issues...upset with myself because i feel i'm being hypocritical as well by feeling this way... but i'm tired of this treatment to not just to me but the rest of the family.

                she really is a good person...but lets her laziness, her husband and guilt trips do the talking...tired of trying to resolve this and being made to lose or just be wrong. its not about the money anymore its about making her youngest her slave instead of a daughter

                I did have a realization though. When the youngest of her kids does move out I don't think she or her husband will know what to do. I mean they would know, it would just mean getting off her butt to do it.
                Last edited by Midnight12; 06-15-2010, 11:15 PM.


                • #9
                  Well, if the youngest lives her by choice, then how she is treated by your MIL is between her the MIL.

                  And if her house is messy, so what? That is her problem. If she is too lazy to clean it, well, it's her house and her problem. Maybe it isn't a problem for her.

                  How she treats the rest of the family really isn't your problem, either. It's their problem.

                  I'm not unsympathetic to your frustration here, don't misunderstand me. As I have said, you have a right to feel any way you feel. However, maybe you should step back and try to figure out objectively why you are so wound up about it. From what you have said, most of your grievances do not seem (at least to me) to be really something for you to get involved with.

                  I mean, I'm just saying how would you feel if a family member (or anyone else) sat you down and said, "I have a problem with your poor housekeeping skills and your house is not up to my standards. Also, I have a problem with the fact that you spent your money on yourself instead of keeping it available if I needed a loan." You'd tell that person to get stuffed, and rightly so.


                  • #10
                    point taken. i suppose its an issue when she makes plans for us to visit then cancels with the excuse of said dirty house. or when the grandkids visit and its dangerous to them. i give up. still not going to talk to her because it becomes a long discussion if i say anything to her nice or not. and i have been nice since the day i met her. eff it


                    • #11
                      after going over most of my posts and sitting up for a few hours one night I've come to the conclusion that I feel every time I open my mouth not just at but in general at home its to either put my foot in it or start something thats going to blow up in my face.
                      I either make it too complicated or just worse so I've decided I'm going to just lurk and figure things out on my own. Its always some complicated over dramatic internal struggle with me and every time I have a point to prove or argument with someone in life its got to be me wrong. Its not about wrong or right anymore its just me wanting to say stop dumping on me people if you don't want me to fix it. (And I don't take someone venting to me in real life as i must fix it, they say help me fix it and then it goes bad)
                      Its not about me wanting to prove anything anymore its just me saying stop treating me badly and leave me and my kid alone. So again. I'm sorry for sounding like a whiney b*tch or what have you. I'll just keep my mouth shut. And no its nothing personal with anyone here, I've just had it.

