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Roommate Dilemma

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  • #16

    So for no particular reason, I picked #4, the girl.

    I called her and told her that, as long as she made sure she got to me the move in money and the application that the apartment complex requires. She said the money wasn't a problem, but she was out of town unexpectedly, but she could have her brother fax her the application. I could tell she was upset about something (one generally doesn't leave town unexpectedly for good reasons), but left it alone by simply telling her not to worry about it right then, that she could get me the application when she got back to town.

    A little bit later she called back, clearly more upset, saying that she had had a family emergency, a death in the family, and that she might actually be out of town for up to a month, and for me to give the room to someone else. I told her no worries, for her to take care of things, etc. She said she was sorry, because "you seemed like an awesome person." She was right, of course. But in any case, shortly after I got off the phone with her, I banged my head against the wall (the fucking Roommate Triangle interfering again), but sent her an encouraging text message. Who knows? I might see her again, even if she is out of the loop for the room.

    So I called Three, and left a message for him to call me. That was this evening. I have yet to hear from him. So naturally I am assuming the worst, that he got a place. Fuck.

    I also called Two, asking him to call me, which he also has not done. Two was the guy who had not yet provided me those personal references. This might be a red flag....after all, what kind of idiot can't find three friends that will sing his praises?

    One I had already called and told him I had gone with someone else, but I don't mind that, as One was the tool.

    Also, Five called me tonight, and I am showing her the place tomorrow, but she seems like another tool. Meh. I hate this shit....and the end of the month is almost here!


    Quoth KiaKat View Post
    I'm personally a very low-drama female.
    Want to live in Key West? I know of a room for rent.....

    Quoth Treasure View Post
    Umm.... Red is currently Princess's roommate right? And Princess is (unwisely) moving in with the 42 yr old boyfriend right? then solution:
    Have cute chik #3 move in w/ Red, and have guy #4 (whom you think would be great for Red) move in with you - then you don't risk dating your roommate AND you save Red this same problem in a few weeks when Princess moves out!

    With Guy # 4 as a roommie, you have a easy excuse to introduce him and Red (she's your friend, and hangs out)

    Oh look - simple and actually diffuses any possibility of future drama

    You are welcome.
    Great idea. May or may not work.

    Problem 1: Red lived alone for a while, and wasn't even sure she wanted a roommate, but knew Princess, and the situation was right for them. And they clicked very well. Also, Red is not sure she wants another roommate after Princess moves out.

    Problem 2: Still waiting for Three (you got them confused, methinks) to get back to me.

    Quoth poofy_puff View Post
    Better yet, why not have Red move in with Jester.

    Ding Ding Ding I think we have a winner.

    Actually a loser, for a few reasons.

    1. Red and I get along great, but don't think we would get along great as roommates.

    2. Red has a dog, who I get along with very well, but Mr. Anti-Social has made it clear that pets are not going to be part of the program.

    3. Red doesn't want to move.

    4. Red has far too much shit than could fit in the space available here.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #17
      Yeah, in my experience, friends should never become roommates LOL

      I've lost too many friends that way!
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #18
        Well, fuck.

        Heard back from Three. Very odd. He at first asked me, "What's the good news?" implying that he was looking forward to moving in, and then told me he had to go back to the mainland for a few weeks for work, so he wouldn't really need the place for another month....but if at that time, it was still available, he'd be interested.

        Listen, bucko, I am doing everything possible to rent this place by the 1st, so as cool as you seemed to me, you are not so cool that I am going to hold the place for your royal ass to get back to the island. Thank you, buh bye!

        Five came by to look at the place. Nice enough lady, but there is no way that Mr. Anti-Social and I could co-exist with her, for so many reasons. I think she felt that too.

        Still haven't heard from Two.

        And One is still a tool.

        So naturally I reposted my ad, and sent a text to many KW friends saying that if they knew anyone that was reliable and looking for a room to rent, to have them call me.

        Fuck. I hate this shit. Someone please give me a cinder block for me to slam my head into repeatedly.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          Quoth tollbaby View Post
          Yeah, in my experience, friends should never become roommates LOL

          I've lost too many friends that way!
          Mostly true, though it seems to be working well with the current roommate (perhaps because he is close with J but not so much with me and I'm the one who likes to have rules).

