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Tired of being in the middle of this - epic and whiney

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  • Tired of being in the middle of this - epic and whiney

    So after about a year when I was constantly laid up with various injuries I have returned to juggling club. (I'm not dedicated enough to head out with a broken leg like the president did.) We, in theory, meet in the main gym, but campus rec tends to kick us out more often in the summer than the rest of the year (no one allowed in during convocation week, exams, any other time they want the area for something else). So we've been juggling in the campus centre lately. Well... me and the one other person who shows up. (The other person varies, but is rarely the president). While juggling in the Great Hall, I had someone come up to me and ask if we were with the juggling club.

    Long story short, I ended up being the contact person for everyone organising Orientation Week activities, because the president wasn't answering e-mails as quickly as he ought. Sure, I say, I can guarantee that at least two jugglers will show up to do some random juggling (not a show, just juggling) for the people waiting in line to get into the casino night.

    Go ahead, I don't mind if you pass my info on to someone else who wants to get the juggling club out. (We haven't been doing well lately, and Frosh is a great time to increase visibility). I hear that he wants a couple of two-hour teaching sessions. Fine, I'll bring it up with the club when I'm next there. Oh, so it turns out that the president has heard about these e-mails, he just hasn't answered them. And people are interested in teaching? Great, now that the president knows this he'll e-mail the people who want us to teach.

    Tuesday I get an e-mail from the guy who wants us to teach. He hasn't heard anything from the president. Now, I don't have a personal e-mail address for the club president. And if the e-mails to the club address aren't getting answered I see very little value in e-mailing it. So I ask Jackdaw to light a fire under the president when he goes to the meeting on Wednesday. (It's the pizza party, I don't show up for those now that I can't eat pizza).

    As of this morning the story is: the request changed from someone teaching to someone to do 5 ten-minute shows, on the hour, ever hour for 5 hours 4 hours and ten minutes. Given that we're a campus club I doubt that there'd be pay for this. (That and when it's juggling club that got approached it's not really appropriate to take money for performing, any money we got would go to the club.) For obvious reasons (shows are way harder than teaching, it's now 5 hours, with nothing to do for a lot of the time, etc) we can't do this. However, apparently the guy didn't get told this. Around midnight another e-mail was sent, telling me that they need to know by Friday, and they need to have full names of everyone juggling.

    It sounds like there might be a third group asking us to juggle - the casino night people, which is fine (unless they're the ones who wanted the five shows?), the teaching people AND the show people. I'd have tried to explain the mix-up, except that it's NOT MY JOB. And there is literally no way that I can have names by Friday. Even if we were committing the club to this it would be "x number of people from juggling club". It's the middle of Spring term. The people who will be on campus during frosh week are currently working. Only grad students and faculty stick around all year. (Well... and crazy people, and we do have a bunch of those in the club).

    Oh, and putting my name and Jackdaw's down doesn't work, because we're already committed to juggle for the casino night. I'm not putting my name down for being the back-up coverage for both events, because it's frosh week, we'll probably have to do it - there aren't a lot of grad students in the club right now.

    But this would be a lot easier if it wasn't going through three people. The club president, for obvious reasons, I'm not 100% inclined to assume is reliable. And Jackdaw is looking towards his looming comprehensive exam, meaning that he's working too hard, horribly stressed, and forgets details. Oh, and let's not forget that I have Asperger's, meaning that I'm not always good about communicating. Specifically I'm not good at knowing what someone else does and doesn't know. So if I explained it poorly in the first place, I got bad info back.