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And she wonders why I don't like to talk about important things

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  • And she wonders why I don't like to talk about important things

    Excerpt from a conversation I had with my mom today.

    ME:......and I realized that since I'm out of work anyway, I have time to volunteer for something, which will give me something to do and look great on my resume.
    MOM: That's great Mand, just remember to leave time to look for a job.
    ME: I know Mom, I'm not stupid!
    MOM: Just once I'd like to have a conversation without you getting all defensive.
    ME: You don't need to tell me to leave time for a job.
    MOM: Well, actually, I d-
    ME: No. You don't. I'm not stupid.

    This shit happens every time we talk about work or anything serious. She insists I act like an adult, but continues to treat me like a child. Last year she sent me an irate email about how I need to stand on my own and support myself, which she cc'd to my dad and the aunt who I live with, which was fucking humiliating, but then she flies into town, takes me out to $200 dinners and offers to buy me a bunch of new clothes, like I'm gonna say no to that?!

    My BF hates her, because the first time they met she threatened to make me move out of Philly and to Florida with her.

    When I talked about getting my DL and a car so that I could look for jobs in places that aren't easily accessible by public transit she was like "Oh, yea, I'll help with that, after all I cosigned a loan for your sister." When I mentioned it again, she was all "Well, if you get a job, and if after a six months you can show me a budget that and can pay for the upkeep and insurance, I'll consider lending you some money." When I mentioned it again she said she never said that.

    It's not that I felt entitled to her help with the car in the first place, it's that she not only changed her mind, she completely denied she offered in the first place, and that's not the first time she offered to help me, or buy me something, or whatever, and then completely ignored what she said.

    All my life I've struggled with writing papers. I've never, literally never, been able to write a paper for school without substantial help. Mom offered to pay for an educational therapist to help me figure out what's wrong. When I realized that I was depressed, again (I've a history of depression and was on anti-depressants,and seeing a counselor through most of middle and high school), I asked if instead she would help me pay for a counselor, because that would help me a lot more right now. She got all offended, and sent the email I mentioned before.

    Wow, I didn't realize this would turn into such a rant. I hope any of that made sense.
    The High Priest is an Illusion!

  • #2
    So sorry that you have the bad luck of a mother like mine

    Wait, my brain just clicked... she's been cloned! The end is nigh!!! *hides under bed*
    Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

    Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


    • #3
      You're 23, why even talk to her? I thought you were like 16
      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


      • #4
        Quoth Whiskey View Post
        You're 23, why even talk to her? I thought you were like 16
        Because, despite all that, I love the woman. I just really hate her sometimes.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #5
          then why talk to her about things you know are going to set her off? From that excerpt up there, you sound like a teenager and she's treating you like one.
          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


          • #6
            Quoth Whiskey View Post
            then why talk to her about things you know are going to set her off? From that excerpt up there, you sound like a teenager and she's treating you like one.
            It's hard not to talk about stuff like this when you're used to doing so, even when you KNOW she's going to give you shit about it. It's just...instinct. I, personally, want to be able to talk to my family about issues when I have them...I've just had to learn which issues to tell which family members.

            I had this problem with my mother for years. Sometimes I still do, but I've learned not to tell her certain things that I know would make her fly off the handle. My brother (who still opens his mouth more than he should even though he's older than me) and I have talked about this issue many times, and we've often said that we should tattoo a "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" or similar phrase on our foreheads to remind us not to tell our mother certain things.


            • #7
              Quoth Whiskey View Post
              From that excerpt up there, you sound like a teenager and she's treating you like one.
              Yeah, I know, she makes me feel like I'm 16 again.

              I guess I somehow keep hoping that she'll figure out I'm a grown up now. I should be able to talk to my mom about my life, not just what I thought of the latest movies. She used to be my best friend, I could tell her anything, I'm finding it hard to adjust to the fact that I can't.

              I keep trying to write to her about the way she's treating me, 'cause I know I can't say it to her, but I can't get more than a sentence or two in without crying or swearing at her, and that's just not productive.

              I'm going to try again in a little while, and if it doesn't work this time I'm going to get my BF to hold my hand while I do it this weekend. I don't want to need him to hold my hand in order for me to stand up for myself, but it's time I admitted I may be too tied up in knots inside to do it without a shoulder to cry on.
              The High Priest is an Illusion!


              • #8
                Well, hm.

                AC, can you write down, or type, or somehow list What You Can Talk About and What You Cannot Talk About?

                And here are some stock phrases:

                When someone says "I know how to do that, Here, this way" or "I'm going to tell you how to do it" or the situation of "I think you should" use this: Thanks, I've got it covered. Thanks for the input. Mmmhmm.

                When you hear something like "OMGWTFBBQ You're stupid/dumb/fat/ugly/something mean" you just say, "EXCUSE ME?" and give them stink eye. Then if they repeat it, you say, "Sorry, I have to do something. (insert lame excuse aka change baby, do dishes, wash hair, knit sweaters for cockroaches...) " and sign off.

                Next time someone pulls that, you say "I do not appreciate your comment(s). Have you read about the big oil spill in the Gulf?" Change subject.

                If you find yourself worked up and angry, go and invent an excuse to bail. Hell, have a code phrase with your BF like "Sammy Called" or "Movie at 10?" so you can get out with some excuse and not make everyone mad. Then just go home and rant at how get it.

                AC, I think you have something like I do. I wanted a family. Like a mom, a dad, a nice sister, and we all were fluffy happy chirpy people. Turns out my family is messed up, and I'm still pouting internally that "my dream family" never happened. Are you pissed that your mom /daughter roles have changed? Or that your "dream family" didn't work?

                And is this different behavior of hers? Is this new? She might need a checkup. Or a skillet to the head.

                In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                • #9
                  Try to talk to your mother like she was a friend of the family.

                  To a mother (of which I am one), anything that sounds remotely like complaining and whining gets moms on the defensive, and in the 'I will fix this' mode. Even if you know that you aren't really complaining, just trying to share details can come across as whining. It isn't even in the tone of voice you use, it's the words that you choose.

                  I'd share less personal stuff with alot less details with your mom, and let her give you exactly what she's willing to give you. Don't look for more, don't ask for more... when mom asks, say 'this is what I'm doing'. Talk confidently when talking with mom, "I am.. I will.. I can.. I have... etc."
                  Make a list of important things to do today.
                  At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
                  Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


                  • #10
                    I agree it's instinct. I'm 23, there are things I should damn well know better than to say or bring up in front of mum, but I do it anyway and she goes Mt. St Helen on me. She can be such a loose cannon when she wants to be. And yet, if I ever over-react or start flying off the handle for little or no reason, she goes into super scream mode about how "NOOOO YOU CALM DOWN!!!!"

                    I'll forever be happy I moved out at 19, but I still kick myself for not moving out even sooner than that. The yelling and screaming, I don't know how I dealt with it for all those years.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Coulda sworn you were talking about my mom for a minute there.

                      My mom is one of those people that thinks everything she does is the right thing. So she's blamed pretty much everything on me. She's also somewhat well known (at least among my friends) as somewhat of a con artist. For example, something will happen and she'll provide the appropriate stock response, then when she's needed to actually *do* something, she backtracks.

                      Some examples:
                      I got engaged and she started working with me to plan my wedding. 3 weeks later, I got kicked out of the house without a word. I paid $10 and got married downtown.

                      I told her I was pregnant, she decided to host a baby shower. Then when I was 7 months pregnant, she backed out, so I set up everything myself.

                      And over and over in this fashion. Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to move away without warning, we're business partners. So I try my best to think of her as a business partner and not my mother. Kinda hard around the holidays, but that's a whole nother problem right there.


                      • #12
                        Y'all are responding like I came from a pod or something and don't have a mother. Guess why I don't get talked to and don't have to go "but moooooom goddddddd"? Because I set boundaries and stuck to them. Its the same advice I give everyone. Act like an adult, set boundaries, enforce them, provide consequences. Its hard, life is hard, it won't change otherwise.
                        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                        • #13
                          Quoth r2cagle
                          Nah, but advice and opinions are like a heinie. Everyone has one, and 'sides you know... different strokes and all.
                          Wait, are you offering to stroke my heinie?

                          \/ it was a joke.
                          Last edited by Whiskey; 08-05-2010, 10:12 PM.
                          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                          • #14
                            Gawd... sorry Whisky... I deleted my post... I was thinking, it didn't read the way it sounded in my head... so I was going to try again.

                            If you need a heinie stroke... I can find you some one... lol.

                            Edit: No... it sounded too serious and maternal... when I was trying to be silly. Ah well.. it's now 6:50 PM CST and I'm having a drink..
                            Last edited by r2cagle; 08-05-2010, 11:50 PM.
                            Make a list of important things to do today.
                            At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
                            Now, you'll get at least one thing done today

