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The getting back in shape thread

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  • Done physio! I stopped doing the strength exercises on my own, when I discovered that the foot that "needed' them was stronger than the other. (The PT was ok with this when I told her). The balance ones are to be kept up for a while, but I don't need to go back. Crap, I suppose this means I lost my excuse for not swimming. I don't want to walk outside anymore than I need to though, there's frosh running around.


    • I fit in my skinny jeans.
      Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


      • Thirty minutes on the bike, 441 calories.



        • New to this thread () but...over the course of last semester, there was a lot of remodeling done on the gym. Thus, I was unable to do anything there, which actually made me kind of sad. Before the renovations began, I was there two or three days a week to run laps on the track (and, yes, I say 'run' because it flows better than 'did laps in my wheelchair'). Well, the renovations are done and the new rec center, where the track is, is fabulous!!!

          It is now twice as big as it used to be and, in fact, takes up about 1/3 of the building. The lower floor contains the treadmills and bikes, the weight set area, and basketball courts if you go through the door to where the *old* rec center used to be. My favorite part, though, is what's upstairs. They made the track twice as long, turned it into a figure-8 pattern, and added an uphill part of the course.

          Rounding up, there's 6 laps to the mile. Last week, because of Labor Day (I didn't have the day off, but my parents did, so I slept in), I only did 4 miles. This week, though, my goal is 6 (2 miles 3 times a week)
          "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)


          • 6.33 miles biking yesterday. At least five later today
            Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


            • Confession post: I haven't been swimming since they shut the gym down for repairs, my mom has my bathing suit (we went camping, we went to the beach on our way out, so it didn't get packed and stayed in her van when she went home). And I biked in to work today . But that's because I have a late night class and I save a bit of time biking home.


              • I've been somewhat slacking.....I haven't hit the gym as much as I should be. My leg is still a bit sore, and I need to keep it good for New Hampshire.

                But I have been walking around town, the pond, and playing I am not stationary.

                I was planning on going to the gym tonight, but it appears we are gonna be hit by some bad weather, so I may just stay home, play Wii, and watch the storm.

                Maybe I'll do a lunchwalk. And I'll be walking all over the Big E on Sat.
                "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                • I think that the fact that yesterday was juggling club somewhat makes up for biking to work. And I actually juggled for most of the time, did some high-speed stuff too.


                  • 10 min walk at work
                    30 mins Wii Step + 15 min lifting weights (while watching Red Bulls V Dallas....crazy game)

                    No exercise tomorrow....must rest for Big E!!!
                    "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                    "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                    • Until I get access to another workout center, here's what I've been doing...

                      Tuesdays and Thursdays my wife is at work, so I do chores every hour on the hour, usually just small stuff like a small load of dishes, put away a basket of laundry, etc. I throw in a quick set of jack knifes, in & outs, basic crunches, military push ups, diamond push ups, elevated push ups, mason twists, or whatever. I usually start at 10 AM and finish up at 6 PM, so 9 sets effectively.

                      Every other one of the days I walk to the Great Southern Plaza and do laps around the entire center. Last week I only did one to see how well I did. My feet hurt like a mofo, but not nearly as much as this week where I'm doing 2 per visit. I also do various errands after I'm done if necessary, so it's win-win. Next week I'll be doing 3 laps. The major problem here is driving to the center obviously costs gas, but other than that it's pretty simple, I'm out in the fresh air, and I'm enjoying myself.

                      Diet-wise, I'm doing what I've been doing: adding turmeric and garlic to things I eat, ensuring I get at least 100% of my daily fiber a day, taking multivitamins, and adding baby spinach to several things I eat. I also typically add an extra can of corn to soups I eat, but I'm unsure as to how good those soups are for me. I may need to switch to something slightly better.

                      Hopefully once the weather starts changing I can resume the P90X, or even better, actually get a membership somewhere, or better still, get a job that has a workout center. Time shall tell, I suppose.
                      You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                      • Thirty-five minutes, 606 calories, avg bpm 163, max 177. Pushed it.



                        • I guess all the stuff I do while I'm out of a gym membership is working out because I seem to have lost quite a bit of weight, or at least I look it. I'm not posting the picture, but Pedersen can vouch.

                          Go low carb and liftin heavy stuff!

                          edit: i dont weigh myself because i dont care what i weigh so I cant give numbers.

                          edit II: Doing the hundred pushups program to help with my upper body strength since I have non.

                          Week 1, Day 1 complete!
                          Week 1, Day 2 on Wednesday!

                          Now for an AM bike ride since I have nothing to do because Pedersen got on my butt about homework last night and I actually did it
                          Last edited by Whiskey; 09-27-2010, 12:43 PM.
                          Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                          • Haven't been doing much lately, but I danced about half the ceili on Saturday. Unfortunately it was mostly the boring dances, so not a lot of work. I did dance the centre for Fairy Reel though, and survived it. I was only starting to regret it by the end of the dance. One calf is still sore today, so I did actually dance hard enough (probably).


                            • This gets its own post I DONT CARE

                              Biked 3.25 miles in 17 minutes and 2 seconds this morning. I have another 5 1/2 miles to bike today, minimum. If I bike to school and back I'll end up with a grand total of 14.75 miles for the day.

                              As noted up there ^ I did week 1 day 1 of the 100 push ups program (17 push ups total! hell yeah!). Now to make this a morning routine before classes.

                              edit: oh thanks for posting before me magpie now I'm not double posting
                              Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                              • [QUOTE=Whiskey;801587I did week 1 day 1 of the 100 push ups program (17 push ups total! hell yeah!). Now to make this a morning routine before classes.[/QUOTE]

                                I started this at a bad time (moving twice in as many weeks), and since I lost my password for the site signup, I couldn't record my progress so I decided I just didn't care. I do plank exercises instead of pushups and sit-ups. I make the researchers happy by listening to them.

