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A Funny Story I Hope You'll All Enjoy

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  • A Funny Story I Hope You'll All Enjoy

    I went out to dinner with my mother and father about a week ago, and I was told of an embarrassing incident in my father's life, so I thought I'd repeat it here for your enjoyment.

    My father used to be a delivery driver, and every week for about a year, he would deliver stuff to this warehouse, and the work experience boy would help him unload everything. During their unloading, my dad would tell very crass and rude jokes, and on occasion would actually FART at this work experience boy. I must ask you to note that at the time the work experience boy would laugh and do it straight back, so he was not offending the boy in any way.

    Anyway, after about a year of delivering there, my father went to the warehouse and this boy had got a PERM. (this was back when perms on men were fashionable) Well, my dad took the absolute mick, saying this boy looked like a woman, and things like that. The following then took place:

    Boy: You don't know my name do you?

    Dad: No, what is it?

    Boy: It's Sue

    Dad: How do you do? (A joke from the song A Boy Named Sue)

    Wait for it now....

    Boy: I'm a WOMAN!

    My father, who has the utmost respect for women and therefore would never swear or fart in their presence, had spent the best part of a YEAR farting in this poor woman's face in the mistaken belief that she was a man! He said his face had never been so red, and he couldn't look her in the face again.

    Hope you all enjoyed that story lol.