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I think I'm having premonitions.

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  • I think I'm having premonitions.

    Anyone who knows me knows that I'm very sensitive to "place," and all that entails. Whether that comes from having a family that's been in one general area since the 1770's (possibly longer, but the dates on the tombstones older than that have worn off and we can't be sure), or what I don't know, but I do know that I belong to my city.

    Anyone who knows that city also knows that it has a very well-developed "genius loci" -- a spirit of place. Well-developed to the point that if it wished, it could walk up and have a chat with you, although which face it might wear is a mystery. There's a statue in the middle of town of a little girl drinking from a water fountain, and when most people try to picture the genius loci of Asheville, that's what they picture. A little girl.

    That all changed the moment July clicked over into August. I remember it because I'd been feeling a strange sensation that something big was coming for the last couple of weeks of July. I felt that something big would change in my private, personal life, and something big would change in my community. I was right about the personal life in that I gained a boyfriend and that my parents both ended up in the hospital.

    But what about the community? How is it supposed to change? I had wondered, but as time is passing, I get a stronger and stronger feeling that something is going to happen here that will cause it to grow explosively. The feeling I get is that in the immediate aftermath of whatever it is, Asheville will swell to four times its current size of about 80,000 people. In the longer term it will settle at about eight times that amount. I can see nations from around the world clamoring to establish consulates -- for some reason Thailand and France seem give me the strongest impression. I can see some of the roads -- particularly the ones that are currently given over to low-rise suburban commercial development -- becoming urban spines lined with skyscrapers. I can basically see us here getting much, much larger and much, much more diverse, and a city on the lips of everyone around the world.

    Why though? And what is this feeling? Why won't it go away? It's only getting stronger, in fact, and what's more -- I can't see that little girl anymore. No one can. Everyone I've asked, and everyone agrees that little girl was how they saw this city personified, now says they see what I see -- a warrior in red robes standing on a flaming wheel, a sword in each hand.

    I try not to think about it, because it freaks me out in the extreme. However, I've read some of the recent threads on here about ghosts in the workplace and whatnot, and I've known for a long time that this is an accepting community of people who have a lot of experience with the weird. Hell, I've got a lot of experience with the weird, but this is new.

    Any thoughts?
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2

    I dont have any thoughts on why or how.

    Check for a group of like minded people in your area and possibly discuss whats happening.

    I agree, its kinda freaky and Ive never even been there.

    Ill pray for your safety and those around you. Hang in there regardless of the results of your search or of the event coming to pass.

    As long as its not the zombie apocolypse due to the vortex opening, you should be ok,.


    • #3
      Oh boy.
      You have to ask-- where else has this sort of thing happened? What does it mean to establish consulates, what has to happen for a city to do this?
      Why France and Thailand? Is Vietnam going to change? Is China?
      A little girl to a warrior-- with some interesting imagery thrown in.
      Maybe it's a corporation like Microsoft or Mitsubishi or Mercedes-Benz moving in.
      Maybe it's Washington D.C. exploding.
      Maybe it's a catastrophe of some sort down south, like in Florida or Louisiana (yeah, like that hasn't happened-- maybe worse, like New Orleans falling into the drink, knock on wood).
      Or maybe it's just Asheville's turn.
      This is amazing. I can't get a bulk-negative feeling from this-- so it's probably some major start-up or corporation move. After all, governments and corporations have the most money/motive powers in the world today.
      I'm happy that you (and others) have now figured out what's going on-- I thought it might've been something like a mass murderer or gangs. : (
      I'm excited for you! How crazy is it to know ahead of time crazy shit's going down? Get yourself in a good position, make sure you have landrights firmly in hand, and whatever you need to do to make sure you and your kin are in the area for another two hundred and forty years!
      Best of luck, God bless hhnc!
      ( )
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        I guess it all depends on the general feeling you get from these thoughts. Is it a good feeling? (as in, oooh, something cool is gonna happen) Bad? (as in, oh shit, here come the zombies)

        Now I'm curious too...
        ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


        • #5
          hauntedheadnc I don't know what it means either. I have had a feeling something big is going to happen in my town soon. What that is I don't know.

          I do know that my beautiful town is getting the dregs of society moving in and trying to trash the place. I don't know if the feelings I am getting has anything to do with them, but I feel like I should be prepared for what is going happen even though I don't know what that is.

          Now, this dream might mean exactly nothing, but I did dream there was a terrorist attack on San Francisco.
          Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

          If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

          Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


          • #6
            Can you guys all just move into one big house so I can stay with ya'll? I promise to clean my corner and do the dishes on the night I dont cook.


            • #7
              Thanks for providing some input, everyone.

              When I try to get a bead on what sort of change would suddenly have the world racing to an obscure resort city in the mountains of North Carolina, I don't get a feeling that it's anything negative... although a respected psychic I asked agreed that big change is coming and that whatever it is that precipitates the change could end up being used for good or for something bad.

              I don't have a sense of what it is, but if I were to hazard a guess I would say perhaps some sort of new energy source? A scientific discovery?

              On the other hand, I have a friend who insists it will be because this will be the place that extraterrestrials, for whatever reason, not only make first contact with humanity but establish an embassy.

              In, the end I truly don't know.

              If you want to know what's really unnerving though, I've had more than a few people tell me that I helped to put things in motion to make all of this happen. A few years ago when I was living 20 miles to the south, I was visiting a friend who lived here. As I was leaving his apartment, a soft feminine voice with an accent I couldn't place followed me down the street to my parked car, entreating me to "come home." Once I moved into the city limits, a friend took me aside and told me that the genius loci was feeding on my energy and using it to counteract another spirit that was working as hard to tear the city down as the genius loci was working to build it up -- and that the two spirits would soon go to war. This friend also told me that my collection of necklaces -- one of silver, one of hematite, one with a hematoid quartz pendant, and one with a rose quartz pendant -- were to be used tactically in light of this knowledge. The silver necklace does nothing but let my natural power shine through. The hematite necklace grounds it and negates it -- good for going about incognito with my energy signature untraceable. The hematoid quartz (which looks like an ordinary quartz crystal that's been dipped in blood at its tip due to inclusions of iron) greatly magnifies my power. The rose quartz did the same as the hematoid quartz but was made for me by my friend in order to draw love to me.

              I wore the hematoid quartz pendant when I went on the zombie walk and to the visit to the vortex thingy on October 10th just to see what would happen. Nothing seemed to happen. However, I also wore it the night before when I took my boyfriend to the opera. The opera performs in a theater on the south side of Pack Square, which is located in the dead center of the city and is marked on its west end by a tall granite obelisk dedicated to a Civil War-era governor of North Carolina who was born in Asheville. During the opera for no reason that I could discern, all the hair on my arms and legs and neck would stand up and I could feel a warm, prickly feeling rushing up and down my body. The pendant seemed to be vibrating, too. That, and a phrase came into my head and wouldn't go away. That phrase was, "birth pangs."
              Last edited by Antisocial_Worker; 10-13-2010, 04:24 PM.
              Drive it like it's a county car.


              • #8
                holy cow. Keep us updated!
                "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."

