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  • *fweee!!!!*

    I am happy right now.

    For those who aren't aware, I used to be a member of the local chapter of Sweet Adelines International (go region 8)!!! I had to leave a few years ago and the only reason why I've not been back, despite having a much lighter load lately, is the fact that the woman who was directing the chorus (who is also one of my mom's co-workers at the surgery center and who I shall henceforth refer to as T) while I was there also left. At the time, there was a lot of backstabbing and gossip and just plain ol' BS going on. I mean, it was worse than the girls' bathroom at a middle school. Thus, she left because of it. Funnily enough, that was one of the reasons I left too.

    Well, I spoke briefly with her today, and apparently she's put in her resume to hopefully become the director of the chorus again. If this works out, and she does become the director again, I definitely will go back.

    Edit: I've spoken to my mom, asking her for more details. Apparently, several members of the chorus approached T and asked/begged her to come back. T sent in her credentials, so now it's just a wait to see if she'll have an interview and get the position again. I personally, unlike half of the chorus at the time, loved T as a director. Sure, she was strict sometimes, but that amount of discipline was good. I learned more about singing from her than from anyone else. It thrills me to no end that she might be directing the chorus again. The guy who took over after she left was horrible. I mean, he was a wonderful singer and all, but opera and barbershop are two completely different worlds. It just did not work.
    Last edited by firecat88; 10-14-2010, 07:39 PM.
    "Things that fail to kill me make me level up." ~ NateWantsToBattle, Training Hard (Counting Stars parody)