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I'm going to hit this bitch (or stories about shitty students)

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  • I'm going to hit this bitch (or stories about shitty students)



    This fucking girl in my class is getting on my last god damn nerve. She added me on facebook because I facebooked her the homework one day (i lost her number). She comes into class today, coughing and shit (sparsely) and says shes thinking about skipping class and all she has to do is email the teacher shes sick and it'll be excused. This is true. However, she didn't do that. She sat in class and BITCHED the whole time.

    The prof passed back our exams and she got a C. She lost her fucking mind. She actually said she was going to "take it out" on the professor because shes sick and didnt deserve to lose points and its all the teachers fault.

    It is not the teachers fucking fault you did a problem wrong, you dumb bitch.

    -1^2 is a completely different thing from (-1)^2 and I'm sorry that it hurts your sensibilities, BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP. She actually ARGUED THIS with the teacher IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS

    Her: Prof you marked this wrong and ITS NOT (imagine the snottiest 13-year-old tone ever.
    Teacher: Well.. it is wrong because [explanation]
    Her: Well then all my teachers in the FOUR YEARS i took math in HIGH SCHOOL must have been wrong.
    Teacher: Yeah.
    Her: They never marked me off for it! The taught me wrong apparently! (said in the "no you're wrong" tone)
    Teacher: Yeah, sorry about that. (in a "sucks for you" tone) Anyone else?

    Guess what you stupid bitch? THIS IS COLLEGE. High school prepares you to work in fast food.* College prepares you for LIFE and a CAREER. I don't care you only have to take one more math class to complete the AA requirement so you don't NEED to know the foundations of math, however, I NEED TO GO TO STATISTICS (4 more math classes) TO TRANSFER OUT OF THIS HOLE SO SHUT THE FUCK UP SO I CAN LEARN. If you don't like getting C's how about PAYING ATTENTION OR POSSIBLY STUDYING?

    Then theres her whole attitude about having to attend class. She already has 2 unexcused absences. If you get 3 (without talking to the prof about whats going on, she hasn't) you get dropped from the class regardless of how far we are into the semester**. She knows this! She got her second absence because she "HAD TO LEAVE." To do what? Hang out with a friend according to her facebook. Today she tells me if she fails/gets dropped from this class she'd lose her financial aid. Sounds like a damn fine reason to SHOW THE FUCK UP TO CLASS GOD DAMN. She actually sounds like no one would let this happen. The professor gives ZERO SHIT if you lose your financial aid and will tell you as much. You probably should have BEEN IN CLASS. I've missed like 4 classes so far, but 3 are excused because I ACTUALLY HAD LEGITIMATE REASONS TO MISS CLASS. Welcome to college, bitch, no one gives a fuck if you fail out.

    Then she tries to blame her little outbursts on ADHD. I think I popped her balloon at this point. (we're both considered disability students, for reference)

    Her: I don't even have to be in class tomorrow for the exam *smug face*
    Me: I know, me either.
    Her: (not listening) Yeah I can even take it early cause I get to go do it in the disability office. I even get extra time *smug*
    Me: *finally looks up* ME. TOO. You saw me there last time.
    Her: :| oh. right.


    Me: You need to chill, she can boot you from class if she wants.
    Her: I CANT CHILL OKAY IT MUST BE MY ADHD (she seriously said this..)

    Motherfucker I'm mentally ill with ADHD and anger issues and you don't see me losing my shit in class. Get it together for an hour OR LEAVE.


    generalized statement, not all people who don't go to college will end up in fast food. This bitch, however, will. Don't lose your shit over that statement.
    **Most profs drop this policy after the drop date, but apparently this one will actually drop you anytime during the semester.

    So, uh, ahem, post your rants about students in your classes who piss you off. Or professors, too, I guess. I like my prof though
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.

  • #2
    Hey! I didn't see any creative suggestions where to put a french press! I demand my money back and two free rants of my choice!

    Seriously, about the worst student I can think of offhand was this one girl who I had in several classes in junior high and high school. Chick would literally cry if she got a B in anything.

    Very book-smart, but about the least street-smart person I've ever known. And she was in a bunch of my classes. And I worked with her at the swamp for a few years. And people tried setting me up with her. And her mom used to seek me out to shoot the shit if she ran into me while I was working. Oh God, I need to stop now.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      College is filled with more assholes than I had ever thought imaginable. Thank God I'm almost done.

      A few weeks ago, we were working out a problem in my business math class, and this was one of the few times that I was actually participating in class. So, I began to stumble a bit and some wanker on the other side of the class kept saying, "No" and "He's wrong" after every step I was explaining. I damn near called him something he never heard of before.

      Turns out he has the highest grade in the class and he did some similar shit like your soon-to-be punching bag, Whiskey, he started calling out the teacher on how he grades his exams. Apparently, this guy never learned to show all of your work in math classes. You can't just put down the magic number without showing your steps.

      As well, I hate group assignments, because what I always fear is happening right now. We have a group of six and our project is due in two weeks. It's a huge project so it requires some effort, research, and alcohol. Today was the day where we were supposed to meet in class and put together our poster regarding the state and national elections (this is my Poly Sci class). Well, wouldn't you know it, I was the only one to show up with any research done and a paper and poster of my candidate. Couldn't get much progress done, now could we? So, they agreed on meeting up some time after class on a certain day and put together the rest of the poster. I'm not liking this....
      In the slot machine of life, I am the WILD symbol.


      • #4
        Quoth TonyF View Post
        I'm not liking this....
        No one ever does, or will, like group assignments. The best (and partially condesending way) I've ever heard a prof break down why group assignments exist is something like this

        "Guess what? There's going to be people leeching off you all your life. Money, time, rides, credit, people will always leech off the more productive members. That is life. Welcome to college and life. It sucks, get over it and move on."

        I had one prof reassign groups based on anonymous "participant" surveys. Every member of the group reviewed each other anonymously and turned it in. All the slackers got put in one group, that was pretty nice.
        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


        • #5
          Quoth Whiskey View Post
          I had one prof reassign groups based on anonymous "participant" surveys. Every member of the group reviewed each other anonymously and turned it in. All the slackers got put in one group, that was pretty nice.
          I love those anonymous surveys. I get to speak my mind on paper without having to worry about their crying.

          I tend to be VERY honest.

          "Brian doesn't deserve much credit as he practially did nothing up until the final presentation, to which I gave him half of my paper so he had something to say."

          "Sally deserves nothing. She was always late to class, and when she did show up, she was very unproductive. The rest of the group had to hold her hand during the final week and even then, she sat back while we did her work for her."

          Fake names of course. I know the surveys actually work, because I recieved a text after the semester from 'Sally' asking what I recieved on my final, to which I responded, "A!" She ranted about how she recieved a "D." I couldn't imagine why.
          In the slot machine of life, I am the WILD symbol.


          • #6
            I'm not a huge fan of group assignments but I haven't had any horrible experiences with them. I had a friend who did though, She worked out what grade she would have to get so as not to lower her overall grade in class and then did enough of the group assignment and turned it in separately so she didn't have to present it with the rest of the group (who actually had NOTHING, they were all riding on her coat tails). She skipped class that day when they called to present and they looked like idiots with nothing.

            The community college I went to was commonly called highschool with ash trays. I had a math class for elementary teachers, fairly easy stuff, had a WHOLE bunch of people complaining about all the work. I'm pretty sure I set the grading curve in there. And I was Pregnant and almost hospitalized during the quarter and I took the final and got 100% 10 days before I gave birth...

            I did have a terrible math teacher. She knew what she was teaching just had a horrible presentation. She had a REALLY thick indian accent and would talk really fast, while facing the white board. Dropped that class quick.
            It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. -Office space


            • #7
              I hate group projects. 9 times out of 10, I'm the one who has to do everything. The one exception was actually kind of startling, as my partner decided that HE would do everything himself. He took ALL the data we were supposed to use and did everything...and only then shared it with me. I mean, hey, it's kind of nice not to have to do shit, I guess, but I would REALLY prefer to do it together. I'm not a flaky student. You can depend on me.

              There was a group project in Experimental Psych I hated. This girl, M. was a flake. She had a baby at home, so was understandably frazzled. But she kept missing lab! Sometimes with NO explanation, so me and the other girl pretty much had to sit and twiddle our thumbs because she took the surveys home. We had like...less than 20 finished surveys...she had the rest. We actually finished the entire fucking paper and presentation before she came back and was like, "Oh, I did all the stats for these surveys!" What are we supposed to do, fucking applaud you? Thank Gawd our prof said that for the other two members [we talked to her like good children because M kept not showing up], we could either use the data for the 20 or so surveys or do the new data. It wasn't all that much different, so I didn't change my paper. But...yeah. It pisses me off that she sometimes didn't even TELL us when she was going to be absent [she had our emails, it's not like we were unreachable], and then acted like she had granted us the favor of the gods by doing the rest of the shit she was supposed to do. Way to go.

              This isn't necessarily a shitty student, but it's kind of amusing me. One of my roommates, S., is in the honors program, as am I. It's not really DIFFICULT per se, but you have to pull your shit together and get it done. It's not like high school. So what does Sam do? She pulled an all-nighter writing a 5-page paper about a book she didn't even read. I mean, by 9:30 p.m., she hadn't even finished the outline. So I was, that must have sucked. Guess she learned her lesson.

              Wrong. Just last week, she pulled another all-nighter writing a six-page paper. I swear, she is going to get kicked out of the honors program or something. It's kind of amusing and sad at the same time. up, or you are going to feel REALLY sad when you look at your grades at the end of the semester.

              This is also the first semester I've ever heard the maxim: "C's get degrees." Fuck that. Why would you put in the minimum effort required to get your degree? And I know that sometimes you can work your ass off and still get a C, I don't mean that...I mean when you COULD work and put effort in, you don't, and are still perfectly ok with it because you got a C and that means you passed. Yeah, great work ethic, guys.
              "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
              "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
              Amayis is my wifey


              • #8
                This post went up just in time! I just want to rant about one of my literature courses and the people in it!

                Okay, so my Black Literature in America class goes MWF. We had Friday off due to a furlough day. Wednesday, the professor put on the board the reading for next class. The syllabus was behind because she was sick one class. I distinctly remember her putting the reading assignment "Book Title page x-page y" I wrote this down in my planner and did the reading on Sunday.

                I was the only one who did the reading in the class. We still had to partner off and do a discussion sheet and just do a few questions. They told her that she never put the assignment up and she never talked about having to do it. Bullshit! So because of these assholes, I had to go back and re-read with my group. It felt like high school all over again, when I was the only one in my group who did any work!

                The kicker is that this is a Junior level course and everyone besides me is a Junior, Senior, or Super Senior. I am the youngest as a Sophomore and the prof wanted me to drop the course because it may be too difficult for me as a Junior course. Bitch please. I fulfilled the pre-requisites for this course and my adviser would not have let me take this course if I did not and if he felt I would not be able to handle it. Hell, I could have handled this course in middle school or younger. SO STFU.
                "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

                I belly dance with tall Goblins!


                • #9
                  I'm stuck in the middle of a randomly-assigned group project right now. And... my school has a really high population of native Korean speakers. So the other three people in my group speak various levels of okay to fluent English, but refuse to speak it to me. I have no idea what is going on in these meetings as they're only speaking Korean... which would be fine if they actually told me what was going on afterwards, but they are refusing to answer any questions I ask.

                  I'm just going to email them and tell them what part of the project I'm doing, I think. *sigh*

                  Someone in my Product Design class the other day got mad that we had to draw them and not just tell the teacher what we were thinking of making. At an art school. Wtf. The teacher told her that if she wanted her sketches to not exist, fine, but then neither would her grade.


                  • #10
                    :: shudder ::

                    Group projects......

                    In college, the computer classes were built around a group presentation. You picked a group in the first class, and since everyone was in the same classes, you kept that group in your other classes that semester. My sophomore year, I was dubbed as "she who does all the work". After that first semester, the slackers in class would jump to my banner as soon as I put my name on a project. I really didn't mind, as I'm rather OCD, and I want everything right. Then came spring semester of my senior year. I had severely overtaxed myself. Heavy courseload, work study, real job, boyfriend. I had pulled the weight of these... slackers for 5 semesters. It was time for PAYBACK.

                    During our first out of class meeting, I announced that basically, I've grown a set, and by all things holy, I wasn't going to do all the work this semester.

                    WOW. There were FIREWORKS.

                    I learned a few Ghanaian curse words that day.
                    SC: “Yeah, Bob’s Company. I'm Bob. It's my company.” - GK
                    SuperHotelWorker made my Avi!!


                    • #11
                      Quoth Whiskey View Post
                      Then she tries to blame her little outbursts on ADHD.


                      Motherfucker I'm mentally ill with ADHD and anger issues and you don't see me losing my shit in class.
                      I'll help you punch her. I have ADD/ADHD too and PISSY LITTLE ASSHOLES LIKE THIS MAKE ME WANT TO GO STABBITY because they make it that much harder for those of us who have genuine issues to be taken seriously and LIKE MAYBE FUCKING GET THE HELP THAT WE FUCKING NEED to get on with our lives.
                      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                      • #12
                        I'm a senior in High School now. One of these days I'm going to do a crazy-long thread about all of the stupid I've witnessed over the last four years.
                        There is no problem we cannot ignore, confront, plot against, drown in chocolate sauce, or run over with the car- Christopher Elliot


                        • #13
                          Quoth Whiskey View Post
                          -1^2 is a completely different thing from (-1)^2
                          I was just about to ask about that line, and it just dawned on me. The first is the negative of 1^2, so -1, and the second is -1^2, or just 1.


                          Been a while since I have had to do any math outside of the 4 basics.

                          But yeah, I went to a so-called technical school (I guess it could technically be called a school, that is), and I still got to see my share of morons arguing with the teachers. Interestingly, I think it was usually in the classes involving math there too.
                          Something kind of sad about the way that things have come to be.
                          Desensitized to everything, what became of subtlety?


                          • #14
                            Quoth terakhan View Post
                            I was just about to ask about that line, and it just dawned on me. The first is the negative of 1^2, so -1, and the second is -1^2, or just 1.
                            That's right.
                            The High Priest is an Illusion!


                            • #15
                              In Pharmacology, we were going over basics of diabetes so we could understand how the drugs work. Professor mentioned several times that the majority of people with type 2 diabetes are obese. He wasn't being mean or anything, just pointing out that obesity is a cause (or at least a very strong risk factor). One (bigger) girl got her feelings hurt and told the professor he was sterotyping against obese people by saying they were more likely to get diabetes.

                              Edit: Another classmate said "It's not obesity but an excess of body fat that increases insulin resistance, causing type 2 diabetes." Ok, so technically someone with tons of muscle can be obese, but we're talking about/studying people who access the medical system in modern America. The VAST majority of those people are obese because they are fat, not because they have too much muscle, so thanks for pointing out the obvious.
                              Last edited by trailerparkmedic; 10-21-2010, 02:26 PM. Reason: added more brilliance

