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I really, really hate doctors.

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  • I really, really hate doctors.

    So as if all the crap I've had to deal with already wasn't enough, I got the joyous news this week (after I called and asked where the hell my test results were, two weeks after they were taken) that they fucked up my pap smear and they need to do it again.

    I hate having this exam done. What woman doesn't dislike it? I'm pretty modest most of the time and don't like people seeing me in shorts, let alone naked, plus I cramp up pretty bad during this exam. And now they're telling me I need to get it done again.

    I had an appointment with a different dr. (she was a physician's assistant, actually) today, at a different clinic, who insisted that it needed to be done before she'd ever discuss birth control with me. Not only the pap smear, but the entire physical (blood work, breast and pelvic exam) because it's the first time she's seen me.

    I can't tell you guys how fucking upset I am over this.

  • #2
    God I hated that test...slowly walked out of the office and headed to the mall to wander around for a good several hours stopping at the ice cream stand more then once.


    • #3
      I don't mind pap smears so much, but this is the year my IUD comes out. If it's as bad as it was going in.....

      .... okay, it only *hurt* for a moment, and was only really feeling funny for half a day. But still.
      Seshat's self-help guide:
      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


      • #4
        Pap smears are icky sometimes. Depends if the professional is using a stainless steel or ceramic doohickey. If they're using stainless, request a warmed one.

        And, I actually agree w/ the doc that wants bloodwork all done up. Unless you had that done in the last 3 or 4 mos @ other doctor, it's worth it. Just look @ the ceiling when they poke you.

        I find that I'm one of few people that don't mind pokes, prods, openings.....hell, I've even been an example a few times to a body of students...LIVE.

        I wish I could give that attitude to friend C hates needles..and he needs that ^^. You do too

        Hugs, and practice relaxing those muscles.
        In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
        She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


        • #5
          Needles don't bother me too much, it's blood that squicks me out, and the fear that they're going to jab me multiple times because they f up the first time (I've had some bad experiences in the past that make me leery of doctors and hospitals, can you tell?)

          The last doc had a steel speculum and she wouldn't warm it up. I requested it and she said she had no way to do so except to run it under hot water for several minutes, which would take too long.

          I'm bad at relaxing when having paps done. I try and I just can't, so it's even more uncomfortable.


          • #6
            Wow, Maggie, my docs have *always* warmed up the speculum first. I am glad that you're going to get a different doc now...silver lining?
            "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

            Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
            Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


            • #7
              Yeah, I hope the new one is better. I had a good first impression of her, she seemed pretty nice. We'll see how her bedside manner is. Making me wait 15+ minutes after telling me to put the gown on, doing the exam with freezing cold hands, and sticking an icy piece of metal inside me weren't really my cup of tea.


              • #8
                Several minutes? It doesn't take several minutes to warm up metal. That's kinda the beauty of metal in certain conducts heat.

                I don't mind needles, though I always lie back when I get blood drawn; I faint relatively easily and I don't like to take chances on that. Not sure what kind of doohickey my doc uses (I think steel) but they always have to use the small one for me cuz it hurts too much.
                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  My doctor uses plastic ones which are nice. I used to not like it, but after having a baby it all just kinda became meh.


                  • #10
                    Ugh, I feel that. I hated that annual appointment more than anything; it always hurt. Luckily I have always had wonderful doctors who understood I just wanted to get it over with, not too much chit-chat.

                    But since the baby it's not bothered me much or hurt, even though I had a c-section and he didn't come out that way.


                    • #11
                      My doc uses plastic speculums for Paps.......I really don't care about those anymore, I don't really feel much. It's when she jams several fingers inside and presses on my belly to feel my organs that really irks me.

                      I hope you don't get double charged for that, it's not your fault they can't do their job right.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        My doc has to use pediatric instruments...I still hate every visit.
                        "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
                        "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
                        Amayis is my wifey


                        • #13
                          What I hate more than anything are colposcopies (make sure you read that right, NOT colonoscopies). Anyone who isn't familiar, if you have an abnormal Pap smear, you make an appointment with a gyno and they use a colposcope, which is much more magnified than a regular scope and can see the cervix much better. The doctor will apply idione and a couple of other solvents that will make the abnormal cells on the cervix appear. Once the doc can see where they need to pull samples from, they will pluck however many samples they need (if you have multiple areas, this will be painful and they will have to do this a few times).

                          If the cells are very mildly abnormal (like mine have been in recent years), the doctor can see that quite easily, but will still send them in to the lab to be examined, and determined to be either level 1, 2, or 3. Level 1 is mild and usually there is no action taken other than follow up Pap smears every 6 months until 2 years of "normal" results, 2 is chryosurgery which is the freezing of the abnormal areas, and 3 is when they perform a Leep (laser removal) on those areas.

                          After the colposcopy, for at least a few days, the cervix will leak out all that iodine and other stuff, and it's really gross and uncomfortable, also there is usually cramping like a period.

                          Sorry for the threadjack, I just gave myself the heebie jeebies.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            I'm no fan of the pap exams. Especially when they have to insert the speculum inside me. I feel a touch crampy (no bleeding) after the exam.
                            I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                            Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                            Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                            • #15
                              Urg. I'm so glad I don't have to get the Lady-Exam (not active like that! ... ?)... I'll have to soon, 'cuz I'm almost a quarter-century old!
                              "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                              "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."

