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Prayers needed

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  • Prayers needed

    Hey y'all! Mr. Rum just got off the phone with his mom. Turns out her older brother Uncle BNotaRum has just been diagnosed with Lyme Disease of the brain. Uncle B's wife had just told them a few hours ago, Mr. Rum was one of the first (and few) that MIL has called and told the news to. (MIL has only told her twin brother, Uncle DNotaRum and Mr. Rum - BIL#1 and BIL#2 have not been told and I don't think they're going to be told for a while as Uncle B is very wealthy and connected and both SILs only want to associate with him because of that).

    Right now, he's on some heavy rounds of antibiotics. This will be going on for months. Not sure how long it will last. Doctors don't even know.

    I like Uncle B. He's completely awesome and totally unlike MIL. He's my favorite person out of Mr. Rum's family.

    Please say some prayers for him. Hopefully the next time I see him, he'll be all healed.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Lyme Disease: bad.
    Lyme Disease of the brain? badder.
    how does that even happen?! You have my good thoughts.
    "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
    "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


    • #3
      Prayers on their way. *hugs* too.
      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
      ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


      • #4

        I did a little googling, and found that if you have untreated Lyme disease, it can travel to the brain. Not sure what caused him to go to the doctors, but I bet it wasn't pretty.

        Thank you for the prayers and thoughts.


        • #5
          ****good thoughts your way****
          "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
          "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


          • #6
            Good thoughts to you.
            Great YouTube channel check it out!


            • #7
              Apparently, the most disheartening thing about the disease is the lack of sympathy from family/work/etc.!
              from meyah:
              Not that you'd do that... I mean, you actually care about UncleB. Tell him that strange people from the Internet are pulling for him!
              EDIT: antibiotics? make sure you get probiotics/prebiotic stuff in ya. I can give more info if wanted, I've been studying up on it lately...
              "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
              "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


              • #8
                Uncle B lives in New York, but I can give the information to MIL. I don't know if she'll pass it on to him, but it's the though that counts. Thank you teh_blumchenkinder for any information you're willing/able to give me.

                Out of MIL's 3 DILs, I'm the only one Uncle B likes. He's told it to MIL and MIL seemed surprised when she told me.

                I told Mr. Rum we'll have to go visit soon.


                • #9
                  Oh, Rummy . . . that's horrible news.

                  And me and the kitties (and the dog) are sending get well wishes and plenty of prayers.

                  Do keep us updated. A visit to him soon sounds like a good idea IMO.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    People of this board always have my positive thoughts, which is why I don't often post in threads asking for such. I hope things get better for you.
                    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                    • #11

                      MIL called and left message on answering machine for Mr. Rum to call her. So he does. Come to find out Uncle BNotaRum is doing "better". Not sure what that means, but I'm hoping it means that the antibiotics are working. Will update if there's anything else happening with him.


                      • #12
                        Quoth idrinkarum View Post
                        Uncle B lives in New York, but I can give the information to MIL. I don't know if she'll pass it on to him, but it's the though that counts. Thank you teh_blumchenkinder for any information you're willing/able to give me.

                        Out of MIL's 3 DILs, I'm the only one Uncle B likes. He's told it to MIL and MIL seemed surprised when she told me.

                        I told Mr. Rum we'll have to go visit soon.
                        Probiotics are the microoganisms that live in you, more specifically your intestines/guts. These help break down food. The gallbladder, pancreas, liver, and kidneys, also help. You might want to look in on these as well.... Fiber is a prebiotic source, it helps the little bacteria in your guts work-- it's their food. That's why
                        fiber is so important! It also helps with stools of 'an undesirable sort,' to put it politely. There are more prebiotic foods than just fiber, however. And, importantly, research on the human gut is still relatively new-- so they don't have many definitive answers, just really good guesses, so please be aware of that. Besides, eating more fruits and veggies is good for you anyway!
                        These links are to wikipedia and official/government sites, mostly.
                        EDIT: I chose these because of clarity, neutrality, density, and thoroughness. I've poked at many other sites, have no fear.
                        EDIT: Yay! Glad he's doing better!
                        Last edited by teh_blumchenkinder; 07-25-2011, 12:54 AM.
                        "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
                        "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."

