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Trouble with the church's recycle bin

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  • Trouble with the church's recycle bin

    I go to a church about 10 blocks away from me. In the parking lot is a paper recycling bin, and next to it is an industrial size garbage container.

    Since I drive by that church a lot, I will stop and recycle my paper there.

    I see a lot of people dump stuff made of plastic, cloths, kitchen items not made of plastic, etc. Sometimes I pull these garbage items out of the paper recycle bin. One time I found an Easter basket (it was more stuffed toy than basket) and a purse. I would have taken them to the garbage bin but I was afraid someone would accuse me of dumping my garbage in the Church’s garbage bin. Guess what happened? A guy from the church (there are always people cleaning up or who work in the parish office that are around between 8-5 on weekdays) comes towards me while I was getting in my truck and was motioning toward that stuff, saying I can’t leave that there and I say, “that is garbage, not paper.”

    Now a lot of times I dump paper (mostly weekly circulars) so I see people dumping garbage into the garbage bins. One time I saw a broken flatscreen tv, bunch of tennis shoes and a metal planter. The planter looked nice so I took it. In fact, sometimes I would find a nice magazine, and I take it with me to read.

    Yesterday I park my car parallel to the recycle bin and try to dump paper in one end but it was full, so I go to the other end and put the paper there. I get in the car and notice a guy in a white truck drive up to me. I figured he was going to dump paper too but he gets too close to me-in fact, his truck blocks my car. I wave at him, trying to get him to get out of the way. He doesn’t move, so I back up and trying to exit but he move his truck in the way of the exit. The exit is close to the bins, so I thought he was just backing up, like some moron did before. I go to the entrance and looking back I see this guy u-turns and heads back toward the parish office. Now I’m a bit freaked out. Why was he hedging me in? The only thing I could figure out was he was monitoring the bins to see who dumps garbage. But I just dumped paper. If he wanted to talk to me he could have pulled up parallel to me and waved at me, not block me.

    I think about writing to the parish office.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    Is this a public collection location for recycling? It may be a private bin and the church may have to pay to have it picked up. If this is the case, they may be trying to contact people who recycle into the bins to let them know that it is not for public use.


    • #3
      It's a public recycling bin. Even if for some reason it became private but not mentioned in church or in the bulletin, it was odd how that guy came up to me, blocking my car if he wanted to tell me something.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        That is really weird then. It was the only thing that I could think of that might be the issue. Maybe a call to the office to ask what is going on with things might put your mind at rest.

