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The Autism Society & Sensory Friendly Films (I've already got a headache from this)

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  • #16
    Science Fiction/Fantasy?
    Don't wanna; not gonna.


    • #17
      Sexual Freedom Foundation
      I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
      Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
      Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


      • #18
        Looking for your update on the weekend, CalyCoRose. My stepson was diagnosed ADD as a child but in more recent years it's seeming more and more like he might actually have Asperger's. I remember him going to the movies with us when he was a kid and putting his fingers in his ears during some parts and pretty much putting his head between his knees. At the time I didn't know what to make of it, really, and he never freaked out or asked us not to take him to movies like that anymore. When he got older and sometimes drove my car, he used to say I kept the volume up too loud on the radio. It was probably because I was usually listening to talk radio and needed to have that louder than I would music, but still - he was bothered by it.
        "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


        • #19
          BeenThereDoneThat - it's not uncommon for those on the Autism Spectrum to be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD also. Clementine has ADHD. She's taking medication for it, and it seems to be working. (Not as many outbursts).

          I have taken her to 2 different movies that were not SFF. One was Tangled (actually, we saw that one 3 times in the movie theater - 1 time in 3D and 2 times in regular). With Tangled, she sat through the previews (all 3 times) and never once moved in her seat the entire time the movie was on. (Hubs came for the 3D offering - he was amazed at her just sitting there). The other was Twilight: Eclipse. She did want to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes. Afterward the 4th time, I said "No more potty. We have to watch the movie." She was good for the rest of the film. However, the big fight scene at the end agitated her (not sure if she was scared by all the werewolves and fighting or the sound was too much. I told her to close her eyes. What she did was get up, turn around and then close her eyes, but she didn't make much of a peep and no complained to me about her afterwards).
          And you're welcome (in regards to my avatar).


          • #20
            Looks like tomorrow is going to be a bust. As of 6:27 PM EST (east coast USA), Clementine is sick. She has a fever, sore throat, headache, and has vomitted twice 14 hours apart. She also hasn't eaten since this morning though she wants a wet wash cloth on her head and wants nothing to drink but ginger ale. I'm hoping hubs takes her to doc-in-a-box as they might have to do strep throat culture & I know I don't have the strength to hold her from trying to fight the nurse and/or doctor.

            I might send him with her to doc-in-a-box, and I go talk to manager at movie theater.
            And you're welcome (in regards to my avatar).


            • #21
              Poor Clementine. I hope she feels better very soon.
              "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


              • #22
                Clementine has strep throat. What's fun is she's throwing up. She also has a "slight" sinus infection. And the doctor caught a wheezing sound in her lungs. So she's on Amoxicillian, pain reducer (Tylenol), and a ventolin thingee with a spacer.

                So I ended up talking to the manager named Dennis, he said because the tickets were for a past event, it would take from 7-10 business days for the credit to my card. (I asked for a refund because I didn't know when I'd be able to take her). I also got 2 passes to use for whatever movie we wanted to watch.

                All in all, it was a headache for me, but the AMC Movie Theater was fantastic. And I'll let everyone know when I do take her to see it.
                And you're welcome (in regards to my avatar).


                • #23
                  What a bummer for Clemmentine. Hope she feels better soon and she can get to see her movie.

                  To answer your previous question: my brother has been to several NASCAR races. First one was actually in Martinsville - October 1993. The guy I was dating at the time (aka Onslow) had manged to get tickets for the race so we took my brother with us (we would not have been able to leave the house alive otherwise.)

                  He's also been with a big brother had had for a time (we had a program in our area back in the mid to late 1990's that was similar to big brother/big sister, except their clients were developmentally and/or mentally challenged teens and adults.) They went several times to either North Wilkesboro, Charlotte or Rockingham. But that ended a couple of years after when the big brother stopped coming around (he claimed due to family obligations - he and his wife had just had twins, his job relocated him out of town, etc) but it turned out he had failed to notify the program that he wouldn't be able to work with my brother anymore. By the time we'd found that out, the program was going through budget issues and didn't have anyone else to pair my brother with - so much for that.

                  My brother not only follows it on tv, but also online as well. He's got both a desktop PC and my old laptop and he'll have both of them on, listening to in car audio via Track Pass. Forget about getting him out of his room when there's a race on - it ain't happening.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #24
                    Tuesdays are an "early" day for Clementine. Meaning I take her out of school around 2:30/2:45 and take her to her speech & occupational therapies. So I decided to take her out earlier than usual (11:30 or so). I stopped by a Wendy's drive through (and it turned out to be the SLOWEST Wendy's drive through in the history of slow drive throughs). We ate our lunch on the way there. Then we found a parking space (at the mall, 5 days before Christmas - W00t!) and using the 2 free passes I got earlier this month, I got us in to see Twilight: Breaking Dawn.

                    She got a Kid's Pack (soda, popcorn, and fruit snacks), and I got a popcorn & sweet tea. First we went in the theater, and it wasn't even the previews yet. The commercials were pretty loud, and it upset her. So I took her to the potty. Fortunately, both of us had to go.

                    By the time we got back, the previews were playing. She got upset every time the green preview screen showed up. The previews were some I wouldn't have let her look at, but she closed her eyes.

                    She was excited about the wedding between Edward & Bella. After that was over, she was like, "Is the movie over Mommy?" The honeymoon scenes were boring to her. Then she got excited about Bella having a baby in her tummy. Then she reached over, patted my tummy and asked me if I had a baby in my tummy.

                    Overall, she was bored a lot with the movie. But she was good sitting there. She didn't wiggle that much, and not once did she ask to go potty.

                    The birthing scene was very ... psychedelic in the filming. Lots of fast movement, and flashing lights. Clementine squeaked, and grabbed my arm, and pressed her eyes against me. I didn't mind. I actually didn't watch the birthing scene either.

                    The werewolves fascinated her. But the fight scene made her nervous and again, she curled up next to me.

                    I liked how the imprinting was done in the movie. (I haven't read Breaking Dawn yet - I'm still on New Moon where they're in Italy talking to the Volturri). He just went down to one knee like a knight kneeling before their Queen. Which is amusing as I could have sworn he was going to sneak up on Rosalie and try to kill the baby.

                    Clementine cannot wait until November 2012 when Part 2 comes out. She is so excited about seeing it!

                    I'm glad we were able to see it.
                    And you're welcome (in regards to my avatar).


                    • #25
                      Thanks for the update CalyCoRose Glad she enjoyed it despite the iffy parts for her.
                      "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

