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A Decision to Make...

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  • A Decision to Make...

    I am not sure what to do here.

    My gym membership is up later this month, and I am not sure whether or not I should renew.

    Here's the deal...I have really not made that much use of the gym in months, but I really SHOULD be. My biggest problem with them is their night time hours, which don't give me much time after work to get in a workout on a lot of days. Yes, I COULD get a workout in in the morning before work, but I am NOT a morning person in any way, and I sometimes struggle merely to get to work on 10 am. You really think I'm going to be in the gym at 7 or 8 am?

    The gym is offering me a pretty sweet deal....$370 for a year if I renew now. That's basically a dollar a day to have the use of some pretty decent facilities, though I don't know that they are the best facilities. Also, their staff is only okay...when I signed up initially, the membership was supposed to include an evaluation by one of their trainers. Which I asked for. Never got it, even after being given the main trainer's cell number and calling him.

    So while typing that last paragraph, I thought about checking out some other gyms in town, and seeing what they have to offer as far as facilities and prices, but assuming everything else is equal, I need arguments for and against plunking down 4 bills for the renewal.

    Whatchya got, CS?

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    I don't have a gym membership for precisely that reason. I would sit and think "hey, I'm paying for it, so I'll USE it" and then don't. And money is wasted. Plus the hours. Are you more likely to get exercise elsewhere? I know you've mentioned that you bike, would that be more workable with your work schedule?

    Also, given that you never got the trainer evaluation, maybe not THAT gym. I know some gyms are open all the time (24 hour fitness, I think they're called?). Also a lot of gyms that I checked out here offered really reduced "trial" prices, that you could try for say, a few weeks to a month, then a deal for a membership, price based on length of membership. I don't know if the same would apply in a different state though.

    So, long story short, if you want a gym membership, check your options before committing, find one that maybe fits you better, if you'll use it. If not, maybe other avenues for exercising?

    Sorry for babbling, just thinking out loud. Hope it helps.


    • #3
      Not worth it, especially if you have to get up early in the morning. (Also SO NOT a morning person here; the only time you'll catch me up at 7 in the morning is if I have to be at work or have spent the night on a good writing binge and don't want to stop)

      Look at it this way: that's extra money for beer now.
      ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


      • #4
        I have to second what Lupo said, shop around and see if you can find a gym with later hours that you're more likely to use...
        see if they have more reasonable rates - I used to go to Planet Fitness, they have several in FL but I am not sure if any are even close to Key West - that being said, they offer memberships as low as 10/mo with like a 30/yr renewal.... I canceled my membership simply b/c I wasn't going - I find that I do better if I exercise in the morning, but wasn't willing to get up at 530 am (esp when i go to bed between midnight and 2am)

        TL;Dr version - Shop around; compare not only prices but services, ask to talk to current members and get feed back (pro's and con's)
        I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

        Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.


        • #5
          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
          I know you've mentioned that you bike, would that be more workable with your work schedule?
          Well, yes and no. I have two bikes, the badass bike I call Amanda and the commuter bike that I call Betsy. (Yes, I name my vehicles. Sue me.) I am trying to ride Betsy to work more often, as that's three miles each way, plus I don't have to use any gas, plus parking is far simpler...right in front of the bar, rather than 2-5 blocks away...maybe.

          And I need to start riding Amanda more often, as she's for serious riding. Thing is, I won't do serious riding after dark, as the various routes I could use just aren't smart for biking at night. I don't have lights on Amanda, and while I could buy them and put them on, that doesn't change the fact that night riding here is just not smart. And while I do have lights on Betsy, she is not going to give me the exercise that Amanda will...and night riding here is, as I said, not the best. It's fine for commuting, but serious riding? No.

          Which is why I joined the gym in the first supplement my riding. I just don't know that it did that.

          But today, I have a couple of opportunities. I think I am going to check out this one new gym I've seen that is not that much further from home than my current gym is. Also, the way I'm going to get to it....I left my truck downtown last night, since last night was The Bar's Christmas party, and I was well lubricated, so since my friend Little Red is not answering my texts requesting a ride, I think I am going to walk all the way into town, checking out the gym along the way, and carrying my backpack with my laptop, so that once I get down there I can get a little work done on some projects. And of course the backpack with the laptop is more weight, thus adding to my three mile walk workout. What a bonus!

          Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to walking 3 miles. Where the hell is Red?

          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
          I know some gyms are open all the time (24 hour fitness, I think they're called?).
          Yes, some gyms are. But none in this town. We don't have a 24 Hour Fitness, we don't have a Planet Fitness, and we don't have any all-night gyms. Key West, as great as it is, at times reminds you that it is still a small town over 100 miles from the nearest major American city. (We're only 90 miles from a major city, but that city is Havana, and you can't really drive there...and I tend to doubt them having a 24 Hour Fitness.)

          Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
          Also a lot of gyms that I checked out here offered really reduced "trial" prices, that you could try for say, a few weeks to a month, then a deal for a membership, price based on length of membership.
          Yep, pretty much what my current gym did for me. I am sure that kind of thing is standard, as gyms want people signing up, and to only offer long memberships without any sort of trial deal is just not smart business.

          Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
          Look at it this way: that's extra money for beer now.
          While I love that particular logic, it doesn't really work towards my getting back in shape and getting ride of this emerging belly of mine.

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            You live in Key West. I'm certain the opportunities for exercise are all around you.

            Swimming in its various forms: stillwater, surf, snorkelling, scuba, play-swimming, speed-swimming...

            Shallow-water sports, eg water polo, in-water volleyball.

            Beach sports, eg beach volleyball, beach frisbee.

            Boating, ranging from casual canoeing and kayaking to competitive sailing.

            Non-sport exercise, such as hiking, rockpooling.

            If you have cliffs, abseiling or climbing.

            A month's membership in a kayaking club, including kayak rental and basic classes, is probably comparable to a trial month at a gym: a years' membership ditto. And if you would DO the kayaking, it's much more worth it.

            A pair of shoes suitable for rockpooling, a book on the flora and fauna of Key West and a long stick will cost even less.
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #7
              Are there any of the 24 hour gyms there yet? They are popping up everywhere over Tampa way. You get a keybard to buzz you in and can go anytime you want. They are somewhat limited in the equipment they have but they are relatively cheap and aren't requiring a contract for now.

              I think about going sometimes but the couch wins out which is the same thing I did when I had a regular gym membership.


              • #8
                Seshat, let me address your suggestions....

                I am a terrible swimmer (I often joke that I swim just well enough to NOT DROWN), and most of the beach activities are daytime type stuff. I work five days a week....during the day.

                Now, on the weekend, I DO have opportunities for some of these, and I appreciate the suggestions.

                Surf: due to the reef, there is no surfing here. Period. We have very little surf to speak of at all. There IS kiteboarding, but I think you need to own the equipment, and I have neither the money nor space for a kiteboard. Also, I have the feeling that I would fall flat on my face and/or drown if I attempted this wacky sport....though I would love to give it a try anyway.

                I have not the vaguest idea what play-swimming is.

                I also don't know what speed-swimming is, but considering my aquatic talents, I have no doubt I would be underqualified for it.

                There are places that they play water polo. Generally speaking, though, these are gay bars with clothing optional pools, and while I have nothing against that in theory, I don't really want to practice it in practice. As I tell many tourists....right island, WRONG dude. Water volleyball is MOSTLY the same, though a little more common outside of such places. But not in my complex's pool, and not currently anywhere I know of off the top of my head.

                Canoeing is not really done here. Kayaking and paddleboarding are, but generally it's only affordable if you own the equipment, and I have no place to put such things, nor the money to buy them. Rental prices are tourist prices, and I think you know what that means. Don't know about any kayaking clubs, but I will look into it. The on drawback to kayaking here is is that there's not much exercise to be had from it, due to the calmness of the water, as the reef keeps most of the surf away. Having kayaked in both the Atlantic here in Key West and in the Pacific in Long Beach, CA, I have learned the difference between relaxed kayaking (here) and a strenuous workout that may end in you battling for your life (there).

                Surprisingly, I have not seen much beach frisbee here. Volleyball, yes, but again, daytime activity....and this guy works days. Fine for the weekends, not so good for the weekdays.

       need your own boat. I don't have my own boat. And I am completely clueless when it comes to sailing. Hi, desert guy here.

                Hiking is better when you have off-road stuff or hills. We have no hills here, and off-road here is in the water.

                I haven't the vaguest idea what rockpooling is. Never even heard of it until I read it here.

                As for cliffs (abseiling or climbing), there are none in Key West. Don't let the mountain you say in "Fool's Gold" fool you...Key West is a flat freakin' island, with the only hill of significance, if you can call it that, is a man-made road bridge over a harbor. And even that is not that high. The closest real cliffs to Key West are in CUBA. And if you stick to the U.S., the closest real cliffs are....somewhere outside of Florida. And I am at the very bottom of Florida.

                And while I can get a long stick, the only thing I would use a book on the flora and fauna of Key West for would be as either a paperweight or for some lifting exercises, as such things completely bore me.

                I appreciate the suggestions, don't get me wrong....but most of them are either not appropriate to Key West or don't fit my work schedule or finances.

                Quoth Imprl59 View Post
                Are there any of the 24 hour gyms there yet?
                No. None.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #9
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  Seshat, let me address your suggestions....

                  I am a terrible swimmer (I often joke that I swim just well enough to NOT DROWN), and most of the beach activities are daytime type stuff. I work five days a week....during the day.
                  Uh .. yeah. Sorry about forgetting that bit.

                  Surf: due to the reef, there is no surfing here. Period. We have very little surf to speak of at all. There IS kiteboarding, but I think you need to own the equipment, and I have neither the money nor space for a kiteboard. Also, I have the feeling that I would fall flat on my face and/or drown if I attempted this wacky sport....though I would love to give it a try anyway.
                  Do so. Probably during the off-season, if such a thing exists in Key West.

                  I have not the vaguest idea what play-swimming is.

                  I also don't know what speed-swimming is, but considering my aquatic talents, I have no doubt I would be underqualified for it.
                  play-swimming: what I (prefer to) do. Get in the water and move around, however. I often do some dolphin-like swimming underwater, where I propel myself mostly with whole-body movement. I twist and twirl because I CAN. I see if I can make a small vortex. I just have fun with the freedom being in water grants me.

                  speed-swimming: what a lot of people do. Doing laps, doing formal swimming strokes, etc.

                  There are places that they play water polo. Generally speaking, though, these are gay bars with clothing optional pools, and while I have nothing against that in theory, I don't really want to practice it in practice. As I tell many tourists....right island, WRONG dude. Water volleyball is MOSTLY the same, though a little more common outside of such places. But not in my complex's pool, and not currently anywhere I know of off the top of my head.
                  Uh .... yeah. Gotcha.

                  Canoeing is not really done here. Kayaking and paddleboarding are, but generally it's only affordable if you own the equipment, and I have no place to put such things, nor the money to buy them. Rental prices are tourist prices, and I think you know what that means.
                  OH yeah, I know exactly what 'tourist prices' means.

                  And placid kayaking is still exercise: my brother and I took a pair of his kayak club's kayaks up and around a creek delta, looking at the wildlife there. It was tiring, though.

                  Surprisingly, I have not seen much beach frisbee here. Volleyball, yes, but again, daytime activity....and this guy works days. Fine for the weekends, not so good for the weekdays.

         need your own boat. I don't have my own boat. And I am completely clueless when it comes to sailing. Hi, desert guy here.

                  Hiking is better when you have off-road stuff or hills. We have no hills here, and off-road here is in the water.
                  Gotcha. Again.

                  I haven't the vaguest idea what rockpooling is. Never even heard of it until I read it here.
                  Get a pair of tough shoes, go find a rocky beach, carry a long stick, and go walking along the beach examining the flora and fauna that lives in the pools that form in among the rocks.

                  The long stick is so you can nudge things out of the way without necessarily touching anything directly. Being an Australian, that's just a wise precaution.

                  As for cliffs (abseiling or climbing), there are none in Key West. Don't let the mountain you say in "Fool's Gold" fool you...Key West is a flat freakin' island, with the only hill of significance, if you can call it that, is a man-made road bridge over a harbor. And even that is not that high. The closest real cliffs to Key West are in CUBA. And if you stick to the U.S., the closest real cliffs are....somewhere outside of Florida. And I am at the very bottom of Florida.
                  Bah! You're just saying that to disqualify those suggestions! </joke>
                  Seshat's self-help guide:
                  1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                  2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                  3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                  4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                  "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                  • #10
                    Seshat, not true. Hell, Florida is flatter than my evil ex-girlfriend! Don't believe me? Look it up! (I mean the Florida part....though knowing her, you can probably find some questionable pictures of my ex for comparison.)

                    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                    Still A Customer."


                    • #11
                      I was shocked when I took a trip to the interior central part of Florida, out towards Ocala or so, and actually saw REAL hills. I was! Of course it's pretty darn flat over here near the ocean, and I come from NJ where we had hills and mountains (not as tall as some, of course, but still).
                      "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"


                      • #12
                        This reminds me of my friend from Indiana coming to see her brother in Utah (I came down to see her and the Voltaire concert ), and how the entire time, she was in raptures over the mountains. I was just like...yeah...? Lived around the Rocky Mountains all my life?

                        High-fives for being a non-morning person, too! Yay!

                        Um...the only suggestion I can think of for...other exercise is jump-rope and I'm pretty sure you're not really gonna go for that one...
                        "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
                        "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
                        Amayis is my wifey


                        • #13
                          Quoth Eisa View Post
                          Um...the only suggestion I can think of for...other exercise is jump-rope and I'm pretty sure you're not really gonna go for that one...
                          Why would you automatically assume I wouldn't go for that? It's a good aerobic exercise, it's cheap (cost of the rope), and hell, if it's good enough for Rocky, it's good enough or me. It's actually an excellent suggestion.

                          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                          Still A Customer."


                          • #14
                            Man, I used to be awesome at jump rope. I used to be able to criss-cross and double jump (where you swing the rope through twice as you jump once). I need to go grocery shopping today; wonder if the Mart of Wal would have jump ropes this time of year. I used to be really good at hula hoops too.

                            Does your current gym offer any group classes you could get to? My current gym doesn't, but when I had a Y membership, I liked going to the Yoga classes. I'm more likely to stick with something there's a class I have to commit to.
                            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                            • #15
                              Can you use the 4 bills for a machine for your home, maybe a treadmill or something? That would give you the place to exercise (as well as getting you out of the excuse of having to go to the gym) and it's a one time cost...
                              Remember, stressed spelled backwards is desserts.

