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Flatmate issues

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  • Flatmate issues

    So my flatmate and I have had minor issues, mainley that she seems to forget that we are renting and therefore there are rules (she smokes inside and doesn't understand why we are getting complaints about noise).

    Anyway I ahve delt with these but that last one I don't know how to cope. She is being investigated by CYFS and if they come to ask me I can't lie to them I do think that this is not the best place for a 2 year old to be living.

    So if I wasn't on the lease and my flatmate didn't still owe me $500 (I paid her share of the bond) I would just move out but that doesn't seem an option.

    Any suggestions on what to do?

  • #2
    While this is a difficult situation, it sees to me that you could solve a few of these problems at the same time.You need to ask her to sit with you at a quiet time and discuss what you will do if these people approach you and ask you questions.

    Say that you are not prepared to lie, but there are things that she can do that will make you able to answer them in a way which will help her.

    For example, if she stops smoking inside you can truthfully say that she makes an effort to keep a smke free environment for the child.If she stops making so much noise, you can honestly say that she makes an effort to keepo a calm environment where the child will feel safe and happy.

    And so on.
    Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"

