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How could someone like him be interested in someone like me? (long)

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  • How could someone like him be interested in someone like me? (long)

    So, about a week ago, I went to a weekend long LARP (I posted about it with my costuming thread in OT).. Anyway, I met this guy, who my roommates know very well. This guy is sexy, sweet, a gentleman, funny, intelligent, successful, well traveled, and just about pretty freaking amazing in every way. We'll call him A (not his real initial, but the initial of his character). My roommates think it's great that I'm interested in him, and think it's the funniest thing in the world to watch me blush, and to make me stutter by using the nickname that A gave me in game (Jingles #9.. don't ask).

    Anywho, the whole weekend, A was very protective of me.. Smiley knows some of the details, but I won't go into them all here, just because they'll get me flustered again and well.. yeah. We'll just say he was SUPER protective of me both in and out of character. The only example I'll give is the out of character. I have VERY bad night vision, always have. More than half of our LARPing was done after dark though, in a field, or in the woods. A was alway there right by me to make sure that I didn't trip or whatever. He often caught me when I did look like I was going to.

    So when the weekend was over and we were home, one of the roommates told me that if I wanted to start a conversation with A, I should message him on facebook and ask the best way to make a boffer staff. For those who don't know, boffer weapons are weapons covered with foam so that LARPers can beat up on each other without REALLY hurting each other. My preferred weapon is a quarter staff, but I don't have one and wanted to make one. A is very good at making boffer weapons. So I followed roommate's advice and messaged him, asking him for input on how to make said staff. He responded asking what I wanted it to look like, how big etc. I told him I'd like it to look as "real" as possible, and preferably with an "oak-y" look, and that from my knowledge the general rule of thumb with a quarter staff is as tall as, if not a little taller than, the person wielding it. So he asks how tall I am and I tell him.

    After that I don't hear anything from him for three or four days. Now, I assume that he is A) not interested, or B) busy with his own upcoming LARP event (yeah, he has his own LARP), or C) Both. So yesterday, I post on his wall (along with a few of our mutual friends' walls) that I hope he has a good week and a good event this weekend. Last night I got a text from Facebook saying he'd responded to my wall post and went to look. It said "Thank ye! BTW, your staff should be done soon."

    Apparently, I asked for input on how best to make a staff, and he took it upon himself to make one for me. LARP weapons are not cheap or easy to make. They take time, especially when done with the quality level he makes them at. He's been busy preparing for his LARP. So why is he taking the time to make me a staff? How do I respond to this? People don't believe this, but I am VERY shy when it comes to someone I'm interested in. Several people have told me they are convinced he's interested in me, but I just don't see how someone like him could be interested in someone like me (yes I know, self consciousness kicking me in the ass, but still).

    Opinions? Help? What do I say? What do I do? I'm confused!

  • #2
    Oooooooo my goodness girl, sounds so far like you have a keeper.

    HE thinks you are worthy of his attentions so I say go for it. It would have been cool if you could have been invited to his LARP event but perhaps, ask if you could join in on the next. Your going to have to see him to get your new staff, but I don't know know how to go about that event. GAH sorry.

    Anyhoo it sounds like you have a winner my dear. Go get him.


    • #3
      Quoth Aethian View Post
      Anyhoo it sounds like you have a winner my dear. Go get him.
      A winner he is... The question is how do I "go get him"?! I swear I've opened facebook 80 times today to send him a message back, and every time I start writing and freeze and hit cancel. What do I do?


      • #4
        Easy way to get something started would be to ask him how you could repay him. No, not like that! I doubt he would really want money. Ask him if you can take him to dinner or something as a thank you and see where it goes.

        I hate giving relationship advice, since I like to give specific advice (do x and y to accomplish z) but I really think most relationships need to be given room to grow. All you can do is take a few steps and see where that takes you.

        Sounds like you found a keeper. If nothing else, find some self confidence. You can borrow some of mine if you want!


        • #5
          1: Congrats! You deserve it Your awesome and you know it. Ya got same intrests, so you got nothing to lose.

          2: I'm jealous. Wish it was that easy for me.

          3: This is STRICTLY my paranoid side, so keep no heed to it. It just my nature to be it. How MUCH was he protective of you? Like kinda growl at anyone coming near you, or anything like that? Sometimes thats a sign of a controlling person. Not always a good thing. Just... I don't know how he was. Just somethng you made pretty clear that he was very very protective of you, without giving many details. Just be careful please.
          Military Spouse Support.

          Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


          • #6
            Quoth Plaidman View Post
            Just somethng you made pretty clear that he was very very protective of you, without giving many details. Just be careful please.
            Oh mostly it was "in character" protective.... *blushes bright red* During one scene, my character (who can see things the others can't... no she's not crazy you'd have to know the game) was only half fighting the monsters that were attacking our party in the inn but mostly I was walking out of the inn into the darkness towards something they couldn't see. All they saw was me walking away. So A reaches out and grabs the back of my shirt and yanks me back against his chest, as though I were in real danger. His character then gets paralyzed WHILE holding my shirt (pretty hard too, it was kind of cutting in). So he leans in, presses his lips right against my ear and whispers "Tell me if -hisname- is holding you too hard" He specified his REAL name to make sure I knew he meant that he didn't want to hurt me. Then, when his character was unparalyzed and i felt his grip loosen on my shirt, i tried to go back out again, and this time he wrapped his arm around my throat and yanked me back against him again. Me being me, this almost had me dragging him into one of the "inn"'s rooms. Mind you, he got player permission to touch early in the game. This scene happened on the second night.


            • #7
              might i recommend the following reply:

              "Ready? But..but... awww That's really sweet of you.... *blush*"

              or something along those lines... it sounds like it'd be truer to your nature than any cheesy pick up line... and its a great way to start a conversation... you can then ask for his # or provide yours so that arrangements can be made for you to get said staff.

              good luck sweetie!
              I am well versed in the "gentle" art of verbal self-defense

              Once is an accident; Twice is coincidence; Thrice is a pattern.



              • #8
                RHPG, I do believe that I have some brotherly love I need to show you.

                Seriously, someone does not go to that time and effort if they aren't interested. You're smart, pretty, funny, and there is no reason for him NOT to be interested.

                In finishing my great advise and brotherly love, if you want my advice to you, go back a year, read all your emails to me, and you'll have it. Your advice worked for me, it should work for you too
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  Smiley, how did I know that this would be your response? But you know as well as I do it's NOT THAT EASY...

                  So ya'll know... I responded with "Done? You mean you're making it for me? =^_^="


                  • #10
                    Quoth RedHeadPhoneGirl View Post
                    Smiley, how did I know that this would be your response? But you know as well as I do it's NOT THAT EASY...
                    Because you already asked me and I already told you
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #11
                      He obviously likes the "you" that you have always been. Just continue being yourself! Good luck!
                      Dull women have immaculate homes.


                      • #12
                        Trailerparkmedic has a good idea, offering to make him dinner or something to say "thank you" is a good intermediate step, but the best advice I can offer is bite the bullet and say something.

                        It took three months of me liking a guy and trying to let him know without saying anything for him to ask me what was up. Three months where we could have been dating. If there was one thing I could change about the my past it would be to have gotten up the courage to ask him out right at the beginning.

                        I know how scary it can be, I was terrified that he wouldn't like me too, and that it would ruin our friendship.
                        The High Priest is an Illusion!


                        • #13
                          Go for it -- (I'm seem to be saying that a lot? )

                          The very worst thing he can say is 'not interested'? Nuh uh, no way... he has given you all the signals that it's more than a friendship he's interested in.

                          One of you is going to have to be brave enough to fess up. Make it a thank-you dinner to start with if you think you can handle it. Need to get over nerves? Pretend you're in a calming scenario... you are a LARPer... you can do this! Pretend to be a character you don't normally play.. someone bold and brassy enough to say the things you wish came naturally. I think you might surprise yourself.
                          Make a list of important things to do today.
                          At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
                          Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


                          • #14
                            I oughta slap you, girl.....never ever ever ever doubt your own worth!

                            Never question when a guy you'd be interested in shows interest in you.

                            As Martha always says, "It's a good thing!"
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              *blushes bright red* Okay okay ya'll. I DID respond to his message.... By the way, when I said A is interesting, I meant to say he's quite literally the MOST INTERESTING MAN I'VE EVER MET EVAR. Not only does he run his own LARP but he works on engines too. Now, working on engines may not seem interesting in and of itself, and it's not. HOWEVER... He works on engines... In ANTARCTICA. Yeah, I didn't believe him when he told me at first either. But I've seen photographic evidence... Just sayin.

