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stomach issues, what happen?

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  • stomach issues, what happen?

    ok...this is very hard for me right now but please READ ALL OF IT.
    This is difficult because i already know the answer and please please understand i know where I need to go but am in a financial crunch and lets just say bills are paid fridge is stocked and thats it, have gas enough to get to work after that we broke. And because of some stupid bs with insurance - currently sorting out - i don't know if i am on hubs insurance and don't know if it will cover me for this.

    Earlier this week had an issue and what I ate came back up with blood. To make it short and spare gross-ness there is no doubt it was blood regardless of what I ate.

    Whatever I did/ate it didn't hurt save for the nausea and a bit afterwords. but now i can maybe keep ramen or bread down. and no i am not expecting nor dehydrated. anything with the slightest seasoning even a bit of salt kills me but no blood. do i have an ulcer? and if so what can i do to help without making it worse until i can go have it looked at or even go to the local clinic?

    if there is more needed to know please pm me, still struggling with this and go ahead and gripe me out if you must

  • #2
    I understand being broke, but as someone who nearly died ignoring a stomach problem, all I can say for sure is that you need to find a way to be seen ASAP. Most hospitals will work with you if you don't have a lot of money. Mine has a program that will pay off a huge chunk (or all of) your bill if you qualify.

    I started ignoring my stomach pain immediately, dismissing it as indigestion. 12 hours later, I was being prepped for emergency surgery, and if I had waited much longer, my body would have gone toxic and I would have died. It sucked, but it was better than being dead.
    Last edited by Kara; 04-15-2011, 05:59 AM.
    "You are loved" - Plaidman.


    • #3
      Quoth Kara View Post
      I understand being broke, but as someone who nearly died ignoring a stomach problem, all I can say for sure is that you need to find a way to be seen ASAP.
      QFT. It could be something minor, or it could be life-threatening. Blood coming from unexpected areas isn't a good thing and can be very, very bad.


      • #4
        the amount of blood was about enough to fill a very small sauce cup. the kind that mcdonalds used to give for their ketchup. it would have maybe filled it halfway.

        there was no actual pain during or after but if i eat anything that has the slightest bit of spice - spicey - or pepper to it, it comes back.
        I figure an ulcer...there is a place i can go but the thing is...i'd be there all day just going over freaking paperwork and MAYBE be seen before closing time...
        this place is notorious for that

        maybe it is an ulcer that if i eat enough to raise the acid level in my stomach it irritates it or any spice. so far ramen and bread as snacks help. of course ramen without the flavor packet


        • #5
          Hematemesis is not a minor symptom; you may only have puked up a small amount of blood, but you don't know what's going in the other direction. Has your stool been dark and tarry? You need to see a doctor.


          • #6
            nope. checked for that too since it happened just shades of brown and green. hubs is making me go to free clinic tomorrow when they open


            • #7
              i hope you have made it to the dr since your last post. And i hope everything is all right. Please let us know either way. The very least we could do is keep you in our warm happy thoughts and pray to our choice of deity.
              I can only please one person a day, today isn't your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

              When someone asks you a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.


              • #8
                I'll urge you to go to a doctor today too, if you haven't already.

                Quoth Lois McMaster Bujold
                I didn't think you could die of ulcers either, but the surgeon says holes in your body with blood pouring out are the same whether they're on the inside or the outside, so I guess you can.
                It could be other serious things too. A bit over a year ago I had the black tarry stools theSHADOW talk about. three weeks after I went to the doctor I was getting an operation for colon cancer.
                I really hope I scared you .


                • #9
                  My bf ignored a nasty pain in his side, and his parents got him to the ER just in time to operate before his appendix would have exploded.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Yea, I tend to look at it in two ways.

                    1. It's no big deal and you wasted money. Sucks.

                    2. It's a huge deal and you do nothing...well, yea.

                    #2 is kinda worse.
                    "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                    • #11
                      managed to get in this morning. all will say is that i am ok. no more mouth wash, continue to lay off the spices and watch it. so...ramen, noodles (pasta) and bread ad lay off spices for a while. i can have sandwhich sliced meat maybe for protein.

                      for now just...yeah. feel dumb, but was more scared than anything

                      also the stress from the past few weeks did not help


                      • #12
                        Glad you're at least okay..still sending you good thoughts.


                        • #13
                          It's better to know it was nothing serious. Trust me
                          "You are loved" - Plaidman.


                          • #14
                            Quoth LexiaFira View Post
                            there was no actual pain during or after but if i eat anything that has the slightest bit of spice - spicey - or pepper to it, it comes back.
                            A little late to the party and glad to hear you're ok. However, the above quote makes me think gallbladder problems. Definitely keep an eye on any further symptoms. Start a food journal if you start feeling yucky again so you and your doc can spot any patterns.

                            Hopefully you won't have to, though.
                            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                            • #15
                              been keeping an eye on it. will start a food journal from the day it happen to the best of my memory to current as if anything happens from one end or the other will at least have some clue.

                              thank you for the well wishes.

