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Working Late and Losing Weight

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  • Working Late and Losing Weight

    I work late nights as a general reservations rep for a chain of hotels but I've been struggling to lose weight but also stave off the late night munchies (i'm currently 5' 5 1/2" and 203lbs). I've tried chewing gum but sometimes that makes me want more munchies. I tried water or tea with fruit. Didn't work. Aside from that I was doing really good with my exercise routine but fell off that when my schedule changed from 2nd to 3rd shift. What can I do to lose the weight and keep off the late night munchies?
    I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
    Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
    Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

  • #2
    One thing I've notice is that sometimes when I get the munchies, it's because I'm bored. Can you bring something to do in your downtime? I switch between knitting, drawing, and sharpening knives as a fidget. (Though I sincerely doubt your workplace would be happy with that last one.)

    Pack your own, healthy, snacks. Popcorn is a good one, very low in calories so you can eat a lot of it. I like the single serving microwave packs. Fruit is also good, I like grapes especially, and apples and clementines in their respective seasons.

    If you work from you can still bring your snacks into the room with you, and not let yourself go into the kitchen.

    As for the exercise, why have you let it fall off? Is it just because you were tired, or does it not fit in at the same point in your routine? If it's just tiredness, try putting it back in the same place relative to the rest of your schedule. If it's because the gym is closed (or it's too dark to go for a run, etc.) physically lay out your schedule, and try to find a place for it. Keep in mind that you may be able to adjust other things to make room. (Ex. Most people sleep-go to work-non work time, repeat. But you might be able to sleep-non work time-work, repeat, or even sleep-some non work time-work-more non work time, repeat.)
    The High Priest is an Illusion!


    • #3
      You should try the Hypnoboob.

      As you are working third shift, what is your eating schedule? I would suggest that you shift your meals to match your day. Also, rather than three large meals, you may want to try more, small meals. Of course, that is also dependent on how long your breaks are.

      Good luck.
      Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
      Save the Ales!
      Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


      • #4
        indeed, having normal food at work can be a big part of keeping off extra weight.

        night-shifts are notorious for bad options. Because so many places are closed at night, often the only things available are vending machine snacks which usually mean candy, chips, and soda.

        The best remedy for this is to bring your own food in whenever possible. That way you can control what you have available to snack on, or even bring in complete meals if you have time to eat them. That way, instead of having to constantly fight off hunger, you can get something substantial that will tide you over until your shift is over.


        • #5
          Careful with the gum..chewing on it produces extra stomach acid..and can cause acid reflux. Occasional is ok, but not a lot.
          Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


          • #6
            Quoth Mytical View Post
            Careful with the gum..chewing on it produces extra stomach acid..and can cause acid reflux. Occasional is ok, but not a lot.
            That is interesting. I recently saw an article that suggested that you chew more gum. Generates saliva and aids in the digestive process. Reducing the risk of acid reflux.

            Need to go look for that.
            Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
            Save the Ales!
            Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


            • #7
              I agree with boredom - when I'm sitting at my computer *hello* I mindlessly chomp on what's next to me. And I'm the one putting it there in the first place. I think it's part habit to reach for X when you've got brain pauses when you're doing Y. (god I'm so technical)
              So yes, having healthier munchies is important. But what about changing the routine? I guess it depends on the influx of guests, your closing task list. But in between, don't you do a dusting run or a garbage run, etc? by now they're mindless tasks.

              One thing I did notice about myself when I really stopped drinking sodas in general and went to 95% water - the FRUIT sugars were wonderful, and eating/drinking a soda tasted so different.
              Would you have space for a cutting board and a decent knife? The reason I'm asking is that sometimes when I start prepping food, my brain says "oh hey, we DO have food coming, settle everyone! *stop work whistle*" And when I eat that, it's satisfying. Like slice up an apple or slice a bell pepper. Today I put some rice and chicken together. Started warming that up, and plucked some veggies from my garden. Added that, and when I saw that dinner - wow that's a lot there. Ate the veggies first too I'm proud of them.
              Go find online some portable munchies that are decently healthy. I bought a huge ass bag of almonds from the bulk section. And I sat down and divvied them up into bags of munchies. (the super short, 1" tall bags). So now when I eat that, it looks like a lot, and it's good.
              More thoughts later.
              In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
              She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


              • #8
                OK, I did a google search for "gum chewing acid reflux". Every link on the first page said that gum chewing increases saliva output which reduces acid reflux.

                Was that from personal experience or something you read/were told? I am wondering if you reacted to something else related to the gum chewing and all your conditions?

                Please remember, just because it was on the internet, does not make it true. Consult your doctor.
                Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
                Save the Ales!
                Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


                • #9
                  Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                  One thing I've notice is that sometimes when I get the munchies, it's because I'm bored. Can you bring something to do in your downtime? I switch between knitting, drawing, and sharpening knives as a fidget. (Though I sincerely doubt your workplace would be happy with that last one.)

                  If you work from you can still bring your snacks into the room with you, and not let yourself go into the kitchen.

                  As for the exercise, why have you let it fall off? Is it just because you were tired, or does it not fit in at the same point in your routine? If it's just tiredness, try putting it back in the same place relative to the rest of your schedule.
                  It's tiredness. I get off work (my schedule rotates) anywhere from 1am-3am and since SO works during the week with a banker's schedule (his job is close to the house) his alarm wakes me up along with our mixed (large) breed dog to be walked. So during the day I start to get sleepy and take a nap. I'll admit I did also start to get a little bored with the workout. I just need to find a good workout regimen that I'll stick to and that won't bore me.

                  I work from home and I think you may be right about the boredom thing. I started noticing that I tend to eat more when I'm working than on my days off. After midnight it is DEAD. Even though as of late I've been crocheting at my desk to pass time and keep me up sometimes I still get a pang for the munchies.

                  Csquared, the 6 meals thing sounds like a good idea. I get two 15 minute breaks and 1 hour lunch for my job. I'lll have to figure how I do the meals and stave off the munchies.
                  Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 07-13-2012, 05:06 AM.
                  I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                  Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                  Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                  • #10
                    I can always be wrong, and health theories change more often then anything I know. Here is my source.


                    To quote :
                    Your body was designed to activate your digestive process through chewing. This is a good thing as your body needs the enzymes and acid to digest your food. However chewing without eating food can be counterproductive.

                    When you chew gum, you send your body physical signals that food is about to enter your body. The enzymes and acids that are activated when you chew gum can cause bloating and overproduction of stomach acid. Besides this, chewing gum can cause jaw muscle imbalance (if you chew on one side more than the other) and even TMJ in your jaw, which can be a painful chronic condition.

                    The bottom line is you shouldn't chew gum or if you do use gum, use if very rarely or right before a meal where the acid and enzyme stimulation may actually be beneficial ...
                    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


                    • #11
                      If you aren't sleeping enough you body will say eat eat eat. I go to a Dietition for my celiacs and she is working with me on getting back in shape. One key is write down everything you eat or drink. If it is too trivial to write down then it isn't worth eating. The sleep and drinking enough fluids are key.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mytical View Post
                        I can always be wrong, and health theories change more often then anything I know. Here is my source.

                        That's a wonderfully written article but it cites no sources, and contains that most dread phrase "in my opinion". I'm not saying it's wrong, but it has nothing to back it up as being right. I'd definitely seek a second opinion to back it up before basing dietary habits on it.

                        And that's as much as I think I should discuss my thoughts on this, as otherwise I'm going to steer a course straight into Fratching.
                        This was one of those times where my mouth says "have a nice day" but my brain says "go step on a Lego". - RegisterAce
                        I can't make something magically appear to fulfill all your hopes and dreams. Believe me, if I could I'd be the first person I'd help. - Trixie


                        • #13
                          Rice cakes and a thin smearing of peanut butter - not massive on calories (if it is just a smearing) and it does help curb hunger.



                          • #14
                            Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                            I just need to find a good workout regimen that I'll stick to and that won't bore me.
                            Then you need to change it up on a regular basis. It doesn't have to be huge changes, but something to keep it interesting. For example, a few months ago I took up running. And recently it's been harder to get myself out the door, and harder for me to push myself when I'm out there. So last time I went I changed the music I was listening to. Despite the fact that I'd had to skip my previous two runs due to the heat, I ran both longer and faster than I had in weeks, without any conscious effort on my part.

                            Also, if you do the same exact thing for long enough, you'll plateau and stop making any progress. You need to change up the weight, or the number of reps, or even the particular exercise entirely. Me again: I'm trying the couch to 5k running program. Right now, I'm way too unfit to do the first week, but I keep pushing myself for that goal. Once I've successfully done the first week, there are built in upticks in the program. And once I've done a 5k, I'll start training for a 10k.
                            The High Priest is an Illusion!


                            • #15
                              Come up with healthy munchies, if you must. A handful of nuts can be an excellent quick snack. Another good option is popcorn, although go easy on any salt or butter! Remember that preservatives can actually trigger hunger (hence the "Can't Eat Just One" problem with potato chips, which are full of preservatives.) Try oven roasted garbanzos as another idea, you can make them in advance at home. Simply get some canned chickpeas, drain them, rinse them and dry them, then toss them with some olive oil and your favorite seasoning (cumin, salt, pepper, herbs, whatever you like.) Roast them in a cookie sheet for about 20 min at 400 degrees, then stir them and roast for another 15 minutes or until the garbanzos crisp up. Use veggie sticks (go easy on the dressing!). There are healthier options to munch on.

