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Welcome to this kitten....

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  • Welcome to this kitten....

    Me:34 and a half years(nearly half my allotted span on this planet eep!)

    Likes:Harry Potter,Formula 1,Simpsons,LARPing,drama,travelling,collecting cool souvenirs,Gibraltar,anything unusual or different,being a quiz fiend,getting cool penfriends,New York(I wanna go,I wanna go!),amazing places in the world,lamingtons,Anzac biscuits

    Hates:Being single,idiotic customers,baked beans,the metric system,the EU,reality TV shows,that I didn't get to do a cool American high school prom thing...

    I think my English report summed me up impeccably.It just said I am 'an individual fruit pie'
    The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.

  • #2
    Welcome aboard Kit.

    I don't think the 'three-score and ten' thing holds anymore -you're more likely a third done than a half.

    Gibraltar? Just like big rocks or what? I actually know what lamingtons are, thanks to Natalie Tran . Have yet to make any though.

    Sorry, metric is the only way to go, imperial stinks, but I'm right there with ya on the baked beans.


    • #3
      Gibraltar is Britain with the Med next door and happens to be where my darling ex lived.

      My like/dislike list keeps growing!!

      Likes:blondes,Machair,Mornington Crescent,stamp collecting,flying,cats,Scrabble,My Little Pony,runny cheese,Blackmore's Night,my gorge pixie boots,my owl pendant,my goddaughter, chocolate,chocolate cake,chocolate anything,The Big Bang Theory,The Beautiful South,Hot Chocolate,Ripley's and being ecchi!

      Dislikes:hot weather,getting up in the morning,Twitter,personal injury lawyers,those damn people who share their music with the whole of the bus,ginger,pepper,that people don't always get my Aspie's and that my crush is already taken by somebody else
      The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.

