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been lurking for years....

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  • been lurking for years....

    hey all,

    i've been visiting this site on and off for almost 6 years now just to read some funny stories and whatnot, decided i would finally register in order to share some SC stories of my own from when I was a bartender whenever I can remember them.

    one that sticks out in my mind whenever I see someone carrying a to go bag out of a resturant is this lovely little piece of nasty:

    Me: duh
    SC: middle aged sarah palin lookalike

    Now the thing to remember about this story is that I have absolutely nothing against people with health issues. But seriously, if you're on medicine with severe reactions to alcohol, you probably shouldn't be drinking, and if you decide to drink and discover the adverse affects, I'll supersize with you. It happens, learn from it.

    However, its the level of familiarity this woman had with the side effects and her absolutely stunning lack of common human conditions such as shame or embarrassment that blew my everloving mind.....

    Me: welcome to casa, what can I get for you?

    SC: hello! *being very cheerful* Can I get a grande strawberry margarita, a water, and a to go bag?"

    Me: no problem, will you be ordering anything to go?

    SC: no, I just need the bag please...

    I go off to make her drink and get her water and bag, thinking she probably just wants it for the free chips and salsa (we got a lot of cheapskates who will ask for a bag and dump the chips in there, doesn't bother me at all, we would have thrown away the chips if they don't take them with them). I get back, hand her the drinks and bag and watch as she opens the bag and drapes it across the back of her chair by the handles like a purse.

    SC: this is in case I can't get to the bathroom in time


    I forget about it as we start getting busier, however the next time I serve her a drink she flushed down a handful of assorted pills with it. strange but nothing too unusual, we were a bar that generally catered to older people and a lot of them like to enhance their valium buzz with a drink or two. Not my problem.

    Until right as I got there with her fourth margarita. she politely gives me the "wait one second" finger, then RIPS the bag off the chair, and leans forward into it

    SC: HUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! !!!!!!! *gasps for air* hhhhhhhuuuuUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

    barfs her guts out into the bag, scattering the customers sitting around her like so many cockroaches....then takes a big gulp of water, swishes it around her mouth, and spits it in the bag with her vomit

    Me: Maam what the hell?
    SC: *straightens her glasses and smooths her hair* sorry its the medicine

    she then ties the bag up and places it on my bar, pays for her drinks and just sits there, bag of vomit next to her, until she is finished, then leaves. without the bag.

    I had no clue what I was supposed to do.

  • #2
    O.O i think i'm in shock...

    welcome to the forum, though!
    "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


    • #3

      You work at a Mexican restaurant don't you? I regularly visit Mexican restaurants around here so I know mexican when I hear it.

      Casa? By any chance would I know of the restaurant you work at?

      Hm, I'm craving some enchiladas now!

