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  • heyo

    My name's Tim, Im a 6'4" 23yr old, 24 on 1st July and Ive got green eyes which I inherited off my granddad and can do a wide range of British accents: posh, queen's english, scottish, irish, geordie, somerset (somersetian?) and Yorkshire.
    Ive got a BSc. degree in computer science and mathematics (weird having letters after my name) and I haven't had much luck in jobs. 3 pubs, 1 video analyst job, 1 call center and now basing data for all I'm worth. Still, could be worse.
    I play a few musical instruments (tuba and saxophone) and bloody love snowboarding. I'd post more but I just had a flashback from the old video analysing days I think you might like. Or at least at.

    Oh, I also tend to overuse brackets.
    The customer is always right! Which is a shame, as my gun pulls to the left

  • #2
    Quoth Plank View Post
    My name's Tim, Im a 6'4" 23yr old, 24 on 1st July and Ive got green eyes which I inherited off my granddad and can do a wide range of British accents: posh, queen's english, scottish, irish, geordie, somerset (somersetian?) and Yorkshire.
    Ive got a BSc. degree in computer science and mathematics (weird having letters after my name) and I haven't had much luck in jobs. 3 pubs, 1 video analyst job, 1 call center and now basing data for all I'm worth. Still, could be worse.
    I play a few musical instruments (tuba and saxophone) and bloody love snowboarding. I'd post more but I just had a flashback from the old video analysing days I think you might like. Or at least at.

    Oh, I also tend to overuse brackets.
    hi there, and

    Brain bleach to the left, cookies to the right, and sympathetic ears and shoulders are all over the place, should you need to vent about dealing with customers! (or coworkers. Or management. get the idea...)


    • #3
      Cheers lupo Unfortunately for the bleach I don't think anything short of a lobotomy will remove some of those hard-to-reach stains, but the cookies are appreciated
      Last edited by Plank; 06-29-2009, 10:48 PM. Reason: mmm.... cookies
      The customer is always right! Which is a shame, as my gun pulls to the left


      • #4

        You're quite the talented person aren't you?

        And gosh darn it your 1 inch taller than me!


        • #5
          You think I'm bad? My brother's 6'7" and he's got an MSc. in computer science though he only plays tuba and Im a better snowboarder, but he's off backpacking around new zealand while Im stuck in ye olde blighty
          The customer is always right! Which is a shame, as my gun pulls to the left


          • #6
            Quoth Plank View Post
            My name's Tim, ... can do a wide range of British accents: posh, queen's english, scottish, irish, geordie, somerset (somersetian?) and Yorkshire.
            Mmmm... accents. What fun.

            I've got a character who naturally has a posh accent, but affects the most atrocious chavvish accent he can manage, and makes up his own slang on the fly.

            I'm not actually big on posh, but if the speaker's intelligent, it makes a huge difference. And look, you've even got a bit of alphabet soup to your name that proves you've got a brain.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              North Yorkshire? I'm in West Yorkshire. Small world, eh?



              • #8
                Bloody tiny! But take this for instance: in a room of 23 people find out what day in the year people's birthday is (out of the 365, not including year). odds are exactly 50% the 2 people will share a birthday (I'm reminded of this particularly today for some reason ) and Andara: my natural voice is (Im told) a quite low Yorkshire baritone, but just sounds monotone to me

                Nice to meet you lot
                The customer is always right! Which is a shame, as my gun pulls to the left


                • #9
                  Quoth Plank View Post
                  Andara: my natural voice is (Im told) a quite low Yorkshire baritone, but just sounds monotone to me

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

