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Greetings All.

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  • Greetings All.

    Hello Everyone,

    I've been an occasional reader, thanks in part to my wife, of these forums. It seems as though there are a lot of like-minded people out there who have suffered at the hands of sucky customers. I myself have about seven years of various experiences in the food industry. I am no longer working such jobs, and have no intention of going back, yet I seem to be haunted by them from time to time.

    The first four years of my work in the food industry didn't seem to phase me. I worked at a banquette hall before and during my years at college. Yet once I graduated, I took a couple of jobs that changed me forever. Now when I see people walking down the street, I don't think things like "man," "woman," "skater," "business," etc. I think "jerk," "douche," "asshat," etc. I am afraid my experiences have changed me, for the worse, forever. My wife suggested I sign up for this forum because it might be therapeutic. I hope that getting some of my stories out will help me let go of the past and clear my vision of others.

  • #2

    Relax... you're normal. Have a drink, and grab a bottle of brain-bleach. You'll need it around here.
    Make a list of important things to do today.
    At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
    Now, you'll get at least one thing done today

