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Hi from NJ!

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  • Hi from NJ!

    I've looked around on this site a few times, and I finally decided to join tonight after having some really sucky customers. I work as a checker at a grocery store, and customers with a lot of coupons really irritate me. They hold up my line and often don't even have the items they're trying to use the coupons for.

    I was supposed to get out of work tonight at 9:30pm, but of course at 9:20 this woman and her husband came to my line with two carts filled with stuff. As if that wasn't bad enough, they each had a stack of coupons (likely a coupon for every item). By the time I finished both of their orders, it was 9:30 on the dot, and I still had to sort all their coupons (because my job also sucks, and they make us put all our coupons in numerical order). By the time I was finished sorting them all and cleaning my register, it was 9:45. Another cashier was telling me after they left that they're very sneaky and will give coupons for items they don't have. Apparently there are some coupons that will scan even if they don't have the item, so it's hard to tell if they have them or not unless you can remember every item they by. As they were leaving, they were laughing; likely because they just paid $50 for two carts full of groceries.

    I look forward to sharing and reading stories of misery with you all.

  • #2
    Love your username!
    But yeah, many of us feel you on some of those couponers. Can't wait to hear your stories.
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


    • #3
      Couponers are the worst! The absolute worst. At least, that is what I hear the cashiers say.

      Welcome to the forums.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        Great to have another grocery employee on board. Welcome to CS, MiserableCashier.
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        • #5
          Couponers really are the worst; I hate how some of them get so nasty if you can't take a coupon and then make you void off the stuff the coupon was on.

          Thank you for the welcomes!

