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Most Common Brain Burps Heard In Seafood

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  • Most Common Brain Burps Heard In Seafood

    1)"Do you work here?"
    No, sir. I'm just wearing this uniform and selling fish to confuse you.

    2)"Can you ring me up?"
    All the registers are the front of the store. Also, in my chef's coat, apron, and hairnet do I look like a cashier?

    3)"Oh, all your fish is so expensive."
    Really? If you'd like to save money, maybe you could learn to fish for yourself. You know, like I'd rather be doing right now.

    4)*as I'm closing for the night, with only a handful of fish left in the cooler* "Are you closing?"
    Nope. I just like to rearrange the fish every 12 hours for the hell of it.

    5)"How much is your -fill in the blank with a type of fish-?"
    Let me check the price tag for you. You know, the one in large print that's prominently displayed directly in your line of sight in front of the fish.

    6) *as I'm shoveling ice into the case* "Looks like you're practicing shoveling snow for the winter!"
    Whatever, pal. That joke stopped being funny after the first 40 times I heard it.

  • #2
    Adding some of the ones I've heard

    7) "Did you just catch those?"
    Yeah, there's a fish pond in the middle of the parking lot.

    8) That's the wrong price for random fish, it's supposed to be on sale! See it's right on your front page!
    *person shoves competitor flyer in my face while my company name and logo are quite literally EVERYWHERE!*
    Sir that's not us, that's them we're us.
    So I can't get it for them's price?
    No shit dumbass.

    9) Can I leave my kid(s) with you while I go get something?
    No ma'am, there's gonna be no one here I'm leaving on lunch.
    *cue pissy attitude and lemon face* Fine then!
    Watch your own damn kids!


    • #3
      Quoth Zellie Crescent View Post
      7) "Did you just catch those?"
      Yeah, there's a fish pond in the middle of the parking lot.
      My parents once ate at a restaurant that offered "fresh fish" (or something similar). They ordered it, and then waited... and waited... and waited. After [insert crazy long time here], they asked what the delay was. Turns out the fresh fish was caught to order from the stream (or whatever) behind the restaurant, and that day, they weren't biting.

      Quoth Zellie Crescent View Post
      9) Can I leave my kid(s) with you while I go get something?
      Only if you want them boned and gutted.
      Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you speak with the Fraud department. -- CrazedClerkthe2nd
      OW! Rolled my eyes too hard, saw my brain. -- Seanette
      she seems to top me in crazy, and I'm enough crazy for my family. -- Cooper
      Yes, I am evil. What's your point? -- Jester


      • #4
        Deserted, was the restaurant licensed to catch fish for commercial purposes? If not, was the menu honest enough to say "Fresh fish - poached"?
        Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


        • #5
          well, at least you were getting the freshest possible fish.

