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When people don't e·nun·ci·ate

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  • When people don't e·nun·ci·ate

    Which title is by Kimberla Lawson Roby?
    A) Lovin' life
    B) Love and life
    C) love and Lies

    The answer on the bottom and in the story.

    A woman calls. She isn't rude, but it would be helpful if she could pronounce words so that you know what letters are in the words.

    Woman: I nedd Lovin' Life by Kimberla Lawson Roby.
    Me: Is "Loving" with a g at the end.
    Woman: no, it's love, l-o-v-e
    Me: one moment.
    note: I know some people don't pronounce "s", and not because they are french, or their "s" sounds like "f" but it definately sounds like she said "life".

    I look ihn teh catalog. No title by that name by Roby. I don't know how to spell Roby's name (I was spelling it "Robby") so I go to google and it gives me the correct spelling. I look in the catalog by author and find Love and Lies. I get back on the phone.

    Me: Is it love and l-i-f-e or l-i-e-s?
    Woman: l-i-e-s.

    I place her on hold. No looking at the author's listing of books (for any author) the books are in alphabetical order by title, but I notice that this title is last in the list, after A taste of reality : a novel and Too much of a good thing.

    I get back to the phone:
    Me: ok, we have the book, do you want...
    Woman: one thing, is it the cd or book
    Me: book (thinking, why didn't you say you wanted the cd?)
    Woman: I called before and the guy said you only have the cd.
    Me: Oh, he problably thought you said Love and life
    (in retrospect, that doesn't make sense if she told me we had the cd)
    Woman: no, we went through the same thing, and he said you had only the cd.
    Me: The books are suppose to be in alphabetical order but for some reason Love and Lies came at the end. Would you like to put the book on hold or do you want to pick it up somewhere else?
    Woman: Do you have Sin No More?
    Me: yes we do.
    Woman: that's all I need.
    Me: ok, let's place these on hold...ok, let me go and get the books off the shelf.

    Which led me for about 6 min. looking on the shelf, not finding them, then going to the sorting room to find the two books, finally finding only 1.

    Me: ma'm we only found one book, Love and Lies. We can place a hold on the other.
    Woman: which book came first; I have to look.
    Me: (looking at the catalog) "love and lies"
    Woman: which one do you have?
    Me: Love and Lies (can't you remember what I told you we have?)

    So let's see, the woman talked to someone before about the same book and had the same problems I did understanding the title she gave. So she didn't think about saying "it's love, l-o-v-e and l-i-e-s?" I also hate she called back to ask the same question, but it's understandable how missing teh book happened, so it wasn't sucky. She wasn't bitchy, which was good.

    Answer, love and lies.
    Last edited by depechemodefan; 11-12-2008, 06:54 PM. Reason: adding
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    That would be about half the customers I encounter in a typical day at the Litter Box. . .

    "Excuse me, but I'm looking for butter and eggs."

    "They're in the dairy case."


    "I'm sorry . . . I distinctly heard butter and eggs."

    While on the inside, I am screaming get HOOKED ON PHONICS, DUDE.
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


    • #3
      The other thing was she worked 2 blocks away. Granted, I'm lazy and wished she just walked over and looked on the shelf for the books. But it was good she didn't walk over, for one book wasn't anywhere in the building and the other book was in the sorting room.

      But sometimes I wish people would just walk in, esp. when it's criticisms on popular books; we have tons of those.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.

