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Where do we live?

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  • Where do we live?

    Not sure if this is the right place for this, so please move if needed. I'm putting it here simply because she wasn't sucky at all, just a bit dur-like.

    The following conversation happened ten minutes ago. Lady called in asking about rooms.

    Me: Well, um, me of course.
    DLW: Dur-Like Woman

    DLW: So, do we need to make a reservation?
    Me: No ma'am, you don't have to. We have plenty open for that night.
    DLW: So, we can't make one?
    Me: *did I say that?* Well, your more than welcome to, I was just saying you don't have to.
    DLW: Yeah, let me make one.
    Me: Okay, what's the name on the reservation?
    DLW: Mr. Dur-Like.
    Me: And the address?
    DLW: *talking to someone with her* What's our address? *back to me* It's street, city, state, zip code.
    Me: Okay and what's the phone number?
    DLW: *talking to someone with her* What's our phone number? *back to me* 123-456-7890
    Me: Okay and what type of credit card would you like to hold the room with?
    DLW: Uh, credit card?
    Me: Yes ma'am, we have to have a valid credit card number to hold a room.
    DLW: Well, there is no credit card.
    Me: Then I'm afraid there is no reservation. As I said, I have to have a valid credit card number to hold a room.

    I had thought that needing a vaild credit card number is a very basic concept as most hotels have to have one. But it happens so much that I can understand that part. The woman sounded at least my age if not older, how can you not know something as basic as your address and phone number?
    Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. ~ Robert Heinlein

  • #2
    well the only thing i can think of is that they were staying at a friends instead of their own house or calling from a place not their own but yeah...still kind of duhr


    • #3
      Or they had just moved. The last time we moved, it took me a couple of weeks to learn the new phone number, so I sounded like an idiot for some time.
      Enjoy my latest stupid quest for immortality.


      • #4
        Quoth Carina16 View Post can you not know something as basic as your address and phone number?
        You do know what board this is, right? Home of GK and his 867's, who routinely don't even know who they are, let alone where they are calling from.

        "...four of his five wits went halting off, and now is the whole man governed with one..." W. Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing Act I, Sc I

        Do you like Shakespeare? Join us The Globe Theater!


        • #5
          I would say she was one of those who just moved and really...didn't know the new address. I've had people ask me before what their address was...while they were standing on their porch...holding their mail...with the address on it.

          As for not having a credit card, perhaps shes one of those who doesn't believe in them and doesn't have a credit/debit card from her local bank?


          • #6
            It is. I often wonder why people don't have it ready to go. They either don't have one or take forever trying to find one.
            When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---

