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Sir, You Have To Pay For Those!

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  • Sir, You Have To Pay For Those!

    I worked another lovely night shift last night, and from it came this 'I-knew-it-was-going-to-happen-eventually' sort of tale. On our front counter, by the registers, we have MDA donation things. Basically, they pay a dollar (or five if they want to buy the $5 cards), get the coupon for buy 1 get 1 free 7-Up attached to it to take home, and the card gets their name put on it and gets put on the wall so that everyone can see that "so-and-so" helped send a kid to MDA Summer Camp. Money for a good cause (Jerry's Kids, yay!) and the customer gets something out of it as well, besides a warm feeling inside from doing a good deed.
    So, last night, I waited on an elderly gent, who was a bit not with it, but a nice guy, and a regular customer. He stepped back once he'd made his purchases, and someone else pointed out the MDA cards, so he walked over to look at them. I had a line of customers this entire time, but I was watching him, because I'd seen him pick two or three of the cards up, and I just KNEW what was coming. He walked over to his wife, showed her the cards, the two talked, and they started toward the door, cards in hand. I looked at him, shocked and yet not shocked, and said "Excuse me, Sir, you have to pay for those!" He immediately apologized, said he didn't realize that, and donated $2 to the MDA once he came back to the line. So, it ended well, but definitely a brain burp of sorts. I knew it would happen eventually though, as most customers just see the coupon and think 'ooh! money saving! must have!', and I've had to explain how it works to others. Thankfully the promotion should be over soon, but hey, it's been fun!
    "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare