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First post and a brain burp on my fault..

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  • First post and a brain burp on my fault..

    Of course my first post had to be a Brain burp...ugg.

    (BG as you regulars do)- I'm 17 male i wear glasses and i like video games, i have long hair and people used to think i was a girl (then the stash and beard came and all of that was gone yay!) , it's common among us teens... i guess) End of BG

    so anyway, it was around last November,(yeah it just came back to me.) i decided to get a Xbox 360, with my own money. (i clean and help out A LOT) so down to the local Walmart i went. now i had originally wanted a 20 gig. (a Perfect size just right it seemed) so i headed into the bowels of electronics and began my search. after being distracted by something shiny (new game or a picture frame either one.) i saw the Xboxs. i went over and for some stupid reason i was reading the Back of the box. it read (20 gig ,60 gig, 120 gig) i don't know why but i misread this as --one was a 20 gig the other a 60 and the next box being a 120... so i asked the electronics guy to come look. (i knew something was wrong but couldn't place it.) after he explained they were all the SAME one (all were 60 gigs) i felt extremely retarded. here's how it went and ended.

    Me (eddy)
    (ESP )Elect Sales person

    Me"yeah see this one is the 20 gig right?. why does it say these others"
    ESP"that's just shows what types they're are,see at the top it says 60 gig.
    Me"ooh....(thinking Crap crap i'm a SC! nooo.) i'll take the 60 then.
    ESp"okay one minute"

    he returned and i bought the 60 (the internet stores at the time were all out of 20s anyway. and actually i am glad i did this, turns out the games can kinda glitch a little from the cd-but not if you download them to the hard drive .

    all an all the guy was nice and i got a good deal. but still i have to be cautious i'm in my prime age to be a SC. i hope i don't fall prey to the evils of it.

  • #2
    I have to say, no suck on your part. In fact, the fact that you were even thinking about it shows definite non-SC tendencies.

    Oh, and:

    "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


    • #3
      You read the text on the box,
      You thought about what you read,
      You politely asked a salesperson that which you did not comprehend.

      Those are the three virtues of a customer. (thou did good)

      And Welcome !


      • #4
        Quoth KaySquirrel View Post
        You were confused, so you asked politely for help, and then you didn't try to argue with the salesperson when they gave you the answer. Absolutely no suck there at all! If everyone acted the way you did, this site would have no content.

        I have trouble with the type of packages where they list different serial/model numbers for the different types, but the same picture on all the boxes...

        aaaaand... Welcome to CS!
        Aaaaand good to be here.............but yeah it may have just seemed like SC thing to me at the time. but if we had no content Would we all be happy? or miss the Suck. hmmm.... thanks/eddy


        • #5
          no suck on my part? wooo i'm not going crazy.

          Quoth Megg View Post
          I have to say, no suck on your part. In fact, the fact that you were even thinking about it shows definite non-SC tendencies.

          Oh, and:

          perhaps worrying about being a Sc made me NOT become one. if only we can be sure and dump it's magic in our water supplies.

          heh welcomed huh? more like (step in the little buddy we gots lots.) still thanks.


          • #6

            Quoth Mister View Post
            You read the text on the box,
            You thought about what you read,
            You politely asked a salesperson that which you did not comprehend.

            Those are the three virtues of a customer. (thou did good)

            And Welcome !
            uh hi. Thou who is me. is uh pleased that i did good. yeah
            i dunno i'm tired, its late and i 've got classes tomorrow. I'M GONNA FREAK OUT I STILL HAVE 5 MORE DAYS OR SO. so yeah keep it hanging (Points fingers Eyyyyy)

