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What to do, what to do? *loooong*

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  • What to do, what to do? *loooong*

    So, maybe someone can clue me in on what I should have done, but im putting this is brain burps b/c i was thoroughly confused...

    Me and the hubster were on our way to my Aunts house for an impromptu BBQ and we needed to pick up some sauce. We stopped at the store about a block away from our destination. We go to pull into the parking space and hear a loud pop/explosion and I turn to my right just in time to see a f*ckin TIDAL WAVE of Coke just wash over the car next to me (I'm in the passengers seat).

    Im like WTF!! Hubby runs into the store to get the sauce and i open the passenger door to look. Theres a massacred can of Coca Cola and the entire back half, and i mean ENTIRE left back half (back seat door and back from there) of the car was covered in soda. It was all over little droplets glistening in the sun.

    So, i closed the door and tried to figure out what i was to do.

    1) I didnt have anything to wipe the car off with, so that wasnt an option...unless i used my TShirt...twasnt happening.
    2) I was in terror that the person who owned the car was going to come out of the store and be all pissed off when they saw their soda drenched car.
    3)We could wait to tell the person, but if they thought it wasnt a big deal then i would feel like an asshole for making a big deal out of it.

    What the hell was I to do?! What would you have done? Anything?

    In the end, Hubby came out quickly since we just needed one thing, so telling the owner that it wasnt a malicious act didnt happen. As we backed out of the parking spot, i look over and see not ONE, not TWO, BUT THREE WHOLE cans of Coke sitting IN THE F*CKIN SPOT. We had run over about 2 of them and thats what caused the explosion. As we were backing up, an employee who came to get carts saw the box (they were still in the fracking BOX..i was going to jump out and toss it in the trash once he had pulled all the way out) and was making his way over to retrieve them. BUt WTF! Who leaves approximately a 6 pack of coke SITTING in a parking lot?!

    Opinions or thought? How pissed would you have been to find a coke covered car?

  • #2
    In all honesty, probably pretty pissed. I don't know if it is true that the stuff can damage the finish, but still we are talking about a sticky mess.

    Had you offered to spot me for one of those car washes you drive through, I would NOT have been pissed, though.

    I can certainly understand your panic, though, I would have freaked out had that happened to me. How mortifying!


    • #3
      Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post

      Had you offered to spot me for one of those car washes you drive through, I would NOT have been pissed, though.
      Ahhhhh....I didnt even THINK of that. I totally would have had no problem leaving $5 wrapped with a note or something. Ugh.. I was honestly panicking! My brain seriously shut down and went into self preservation mode i think....


      • #4
        We were at an art park once and my then two year old took one of those baby wipes and rubbed the freaking ink off a placard identifying a statue.

        Which begs the question what kind of piss poor print job was that, but I digress. I walked up and the husband, who has stood his ground with drunks, skinheads, and thieves, grabbed my hand and said "WEHAVETOGONOW!!!" and fled the scene dragging me and the kid along with him.

        So yeah, believe me, I understand the panic. I'm sitting here on my nice safe sofa coming up with the idea about the car wash, not sitting there looking at a coke drenched car.


        • #5
          Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
          I walked up and the husband, who has stood his ground with drunks, skinheads, and thieves, grabbed my hand and said "WEHAVETOGONOW!!!" and fled the scene dragging me and the kid along with him.
          LOL! Ive done stuff like that before. Its definitely an "IllExplainLaterNowRun!" situation... Lol.


          • #6
            On the other hand, it's not your fault. The cans shouldn't have been there.

            On the other other hand (I have three hands?), never run over a box if you can possibly help it. You don't know WHAT it's concealing. It might contain something that will wreck your tires. It might have kittens or puppies in it!
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #7
              Quoth Seshat View Post
              On the other other hand (I have three hands?)
              You mean "on the gripping hand" I think.


              • #8
                Quoth Mikkel View Post
                You mean "on the gripping hand" I think.
                Only if she orders them so that the most important one (which makes the others moot) is the last point.


                • #9
                  You can clean an engine with coke, so i'm assuming it can damage paint pretty easily.
                  Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                  • #10
                    Of course, if they didn't see the box in the first place, that point's kind of moot.

                    I suppose you could have gone inside and asked for a bucket of water to rinse off the car, or buy a big bottle if they didn't have a bucket or hose. At least it would have minimized any damage to the finish if it was rinsed off asap. And/or had the owner of the car paged and explain (of course then you have the problem of not knowing how someone will react to something that really wasn't either of your faults).

                    I once had someone come into Store1 asking to page the owner of a particular car because they saw someone hit it in the parking lot and drive off. Damage was minor but still. I also had someone asking to page a car owner because they went out to their car and discovered someone had parked so close they couldn't even get to the driver's side door, let alone open it and get into the car. We had to page the owner and ask them to move it.
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

